Открытый урок в 9 классе «What writers is Buryatia famous for?»
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ход урока в 9 классе «What writers is Buryatia famous for?»
- Способствовать развитию умений в монологической речи на уровне подготовленного высказывания по ситуации “My favourite writer”
- Способствовать развитию умений чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного.
- Способствовать развитию умений в говорении на уровне частично подготовленного монологического высказывания по ситуации «Famous writers of Buryatia»
Познавательная: Познакомить учащихся с биографией известных бурятских писателей и их творчеством
Развивающая: Способствовать развитию мышления в репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых действиях, умения обобщать полученные сведения.
Воспитательная: Воспитывать чувство патриотизма, любви к малой родине, к чтению.
- Организационный этап
Good afternoon! Nice to see you here! How are you today?
Today we continue speaking about reading in our life. We’ll learn more about famous Buryat writers and works which made them famous
But before look at the blackboard. What is the sound? What are the letters?
th - [ð]
the, father, mother, this, that, the mind, the body,
Repeat it after me
Let’s read Richard Steal’s saying about reading. Look here, read it and tell what is reading compared to?
“'Reading to the ˏmind is 'what 'exercise to the `body” (Richard Steel, an Irish writer and politician)
P1 – читает (диагностическое чтение)
Read it after me, pay attention to the intonation
T-Cl-T-P1-T-P2-P3 (фонтотработка)
P1-P2-P3 (контрольное чтение)
So tell me what Richard Steel meant by saying that? Do you agree with him? Why? What is reading for you?
- Развитие умений в монологической речи на уровне подготовленного высказывания
Some time ago we spoke about British famous writers. We know that these countries are birthplaces of many outstanding authors known all over the world. Let’s see how well you know them.
КЗ: Look at the photos, name the writer, and tell what they are famous for, what their language is like, what their famous works are. You may use these prompts and the words on p.15. (идет показ слайда с портретами британских писателей)
…is famous for… His/her language is … His/her famous works are … |
By the way, what do you know about Russian writers? What are they famous for?
(идет слайд с портретами российских писателей)
American literature is very rich and popular too. What do you think know about the following authors?
(слайды с изображениями американских писателей, дети опять говорят по опорам)
Thank you for your opinions!
I am sure; you all have your favorite writers. At home you were to write about them.
КЗ: Tell your classmates about your favourite writer. КЗ на слушание: All the others listen to your classmate and tell who his/her favorite writer is and why?
(один из учащихся проговаривает свой монолог – решение КЗ)
Now work in pairs and share the information about your favourite author. The same task: listen to your interlocutors and be ready to tell what you’ve learnt about his or her favourite writer.
(ученики работают в парах – затем говорят, что узнали от собеседника)
- Развитие умений в чтении
You know that Buryatia gave birth to many outstanding writers Tell me, what names come into your mind when you think of Buryat literature? (дети называют имена, слайд шоу: B.Abiduev, N. Nimbuev, D. Ulzituev)
Today we we’ll learn more about the founder of Buryat literature Khotsa Namsaraev.
КЗ: Read the following text, try to understand everything and answer the question: What is Khotsa Namsaraev famous for?
Before reading the text let’s read the new words that you may not know:
(снятие трудностей – ученик читает, отрабатываем в режиме T - CL)
(решение КЗ)
Now look through the text again and answer my questions
Проверка понимания: When was Namsaraev born? Where was he from? What education did he have? When did he start writing? What are his famous works? What did he describe in his stories?
- Развитие умений в говорении на уровне частично-подготовленного высказывания
КЗ: So now let’s sum up.
What have you learnt about Khotsa Namsaraev’s childhood?
(идут слайды с СФЕ, они говорят)
… was born…
He learnt …
He didn’t have…
KЗ: What have you learnt about the beginning of Khotsa Namsaraev’s literary career?
… started his litetrary career…
The tone of his poems is…
The most remarkable…
KЗ: What are his famous works?
Later …began writing…
His stories are based on…
The most famous stories are…
He mocked at…
KЗ: How do people honor KhotsaNamsaraev?
… died in…
He was honored …as…
…is named after…
Выход на частично подготовленное высказывание:
КЗ: What would you tell your foreign friend about Khotsa Namsaraev. (опора – ключевые слова). P2: Express your surprise. (How interesting! I didn’t know that! How unususal!)
Poor family, Talented, melodious and slow, life of ordinary people, greed and hypocrisy of rich people, remarkable playwright, poet and novelist.
Не успеем по времени!
КЗ: P1: would you tell your foreign friend about another famous Buryat writer Isay Kalashnikov.
Born: Sharalday, Mukhorshibirsky region, 1931
Education: secondary school
Occupation: a woodman, a carpenter, a reporter in a newspaper, a writer
Genres: short stories and novels
First publication: Novel ‘The last retreat’, 1959
Famous works: Cruel century, Through the swamps, Investigation
Language: descriptive, creative, imaginative
(1,2 ученика высказываются)
- Заключительный этап
So what have we learnt today? I hope this information was interesting for you. What is more interesting to read the novels of foreign writers or Buryat writers? Why? What can you learn from the works of Buryat writers? Should we read them more?
Please answer the questions:
Did you like the lesson?
What was the most interesting?
What was difficult?
T: отвечают письменно
Hometask: Divide in two groups, at home find more information about Buryat writers and make a literary map of Buryatia. Next lesson we shall compare them.
Namsaraev Khotsa Namsaraevich (1889-1969)
Khotsa Namsaraev is one of the founders of the Buryat literature. He was born in a small village Upper Kizhinga, Kizhinginsky district in 1889 in the family of a poor cattleman. The little boy was very talented. He learned to read and write Mongolian at an early age. In his childhood he read everything they had in the village. He did not have education, his practical school was life itself.
He started his literary career in 1919. Namsaraev began writing poems earlier than prose. The tone of his poems is slow and melodious. Over the years the poet developed his skills. The most remarkable poems are "Blessed Mother", "My mother," "Song of Chabanka", etc.
Later Namsaraev began writing satirical novels and short stories. His stories are based on the life of ordinary people. His famous short stories are "Norbu and Shagzhi", "Playful Baldan”, "Old Man Bodinsy". The images of ordinary people cause sympathy, admiration, laughter and sadness. Author mocks at meanness, greed, hypocrisy of rich people.
Namsaraev worked in a newspaper “Buryat Unen” first as a reporter and later as the head of the department. He was a member of Association of Russian writers. The great writer died in 1989. He was honored by his contemporaries as remarkable playwright, poet and novelist. His books are still popular today. The State Theatre of Buryat Drama is named after Khotsa Namsaraev.
Founder – основоположник
Mock at- насмехаться
Hypocrisy - лицемерие
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