Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме "Экология" 6 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Байбородина Людмила

Подробный конспект урока, проводимого в 6 классе. Цель - обобщение и систематезация знаний по теме.


Файл 1_moy_otkrytyy_urok.docx22.76 КБ
Office presentation icon ekologiya2003.ppt2.9 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по теме: Environmental  protection 6 класс.

Цель: Обобщение и систематизация ЗУН по теме «защита окружающей среды».


  • Образовательные: обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по  теме Environmental  protection, выражение согласия
  • Развивающие: развитие произносительных навыков, навыков аудирования, развитие умений и навыков учащихся вести беседу, высказывать свое мнение и обобщать изученный материал по теме
  • Воспитательные: привитие школьникам любви и уважительного отношения к природе


  • Технические средства обучения: компьютер, ММ-проэктор, материалы на эл. носителях
  • Нетехнические средства обучения:  наглядность, тетради, письменные принадлежности, раздаточный материал

Структура урока:

  1. Организационный момент (1 минута)
  2.  Работа по теме урока ( 41 минута)

2.1 Сообщение темы урока, речевая разминка (2 минуты)

2.2 Работа с цитатами по теме.( 6 минут)

2.3 Проверка домашнего задания (10 минут)

2.4 Составление диалогов по теме. ( 6 минут)

2.5 Развитие грамматических навыков. Выражение согласия. (6 минут)

2.6 Развитие произносительных навыков, навыков аудирования. (10 минут)

  1. Организационный конец. Рефлексия.(2 минуты)
  2.  Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок.( 2 минуты)

Подробный план урока.

1. Организационный момент. (1 минута)

Good morning boys and girls!

Glad to see you! Greet our guests please!

Please sit down!

Who is on duty today?

2. Работа по теме урока ( 41  минута)

2.1 Сообщение темы урока, речевая разминка (2 минуты)

Please look at the blackboard. Here we can see a few cards with words. Let`s read these words aloud one by one. And now read these words aloud one by one. And now, my dear, think and unriddle what topic this words refer to.

(They refer to the topic «Environmental protection»)

You are definitely right!

Today we are going to revise the topic «Environmental protection»

2.2 Работа с цитатами по теме.( 6 минут)

Many centuries ago people lived in harmony with nature because industry was not much developed. There was no ecological problem until people built lots of plants and factories which sent wastes into the air, water and land where they didn't disappear but lasted forever in one form or another.

Some famous people wrote quotations about our Earth in order to make people think more about environment.

Now, please take the cards. Work in pairs and match the parts to get quotations.

We never know the worth of water

to put out bad newspapers.

They kill good trees

is Earth Day. 

The human race will be

and she will take care of you. 

Take care of the earth

the cancer of the planet. 

Every day

till the well is dry.

Read  these quotations aloud.

2.3 Проверка домашнего задания (10 минут)

We have leant a lot about our environment. And our environment is in danger now. The students of our group have been working on their presentations on the topic «Environmental protection» and they are ready to present the most serious ecological problems as they see them. Group №1, you are welcome!

After presentations we will have questions, so that you should be an attentive listener.

Thank you very much!

You are creative, aren’t you?  


Your questions.  Questions from the group:

  • Say in what country and when a nuclear power station exploded. ( in the former Soviet union)
  • Name a radioactive element that is used in nuclear reactors ( plutonium)
  • Name an organization that is actively working to protect the nature from nuclear pollution

Where did you get this information from?


Questions from the group:

  • Name two main sources of air pollution (Natural, Man – made)
  • What do we need do to make our air clean again?

Nuclear pollution and air pollution are the most serious environmental problems.

What other ecological problems do you know?

2.4 Составление диалогов по теме. ( 6 минут)

Nowadays people begin to understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems. So that famous magazines and newspapers publish statistics and pieces of advice to show people how to be greener to nature.

Now I would like you to work in pairs.

Let`s imagine, that one of you is a reporter from a magazine, and another is a passer-by. The reporter wants to know how green a passer-by is. The reporter has to ask questions using ideas given on cards. Take the cards, please. Read the task and act the dialogs out

Is everything clear to you?  Let`s start now.

Your time is up now!

So reporters, what do you think about our students. Nick, what do you think about Masha? Is she green?

- In my opinion she is really green because…

- in my opinion she is not green because she doesn`t…

So how green is your partner? He is really green!

Your dialogs were really very good!

2.5 Развитие грамматических навыков. Выражение согласия. (6 минут)

Most of you are green. But I would like you to be more friendly to nature!

Please look at the screen.

Here is Mrs. Ecology.

She wants you to know what we must or mustn`t do to protect our environment.

Please, agree with everything she says.

-We should recycle newspapers and magazines

- So should I

2.6 Развитие произносительных навыков, навыков аудирования. (10 минут)

You know that forest and trees are of great importance nowadays. Why do we depend on them? (They produce oxygen)

There is a good song about rainforests. Look at the blackboard and find the right definition to the word «Rainforest»


Now are going to relax while listening to the song about the rainforest after it we will do some exercisers. Listen and say what rainforest gives to people and for animals?

 (place to live, air to breathe, medicines)

And now we will listen to the song again.

Please do the tasks on the cards, while you are listening. (распечатка)

 “The rainforest song” By J.P Taylor


Here’s our beautiful song about a place,

That’s threatened by the entirely human race.

Want to let you and me know

We want to let you know


Tropical PAIN/RAIN falls on tropical trees,

Tropical rainforest, won’t you PLEASE/ SEE,

Help us SAY/SAVE it now,

Help us save it NOW/KNOW.


Oooh!, it gives us ____________ to breathe.

Oooh!, the animals call it ________________.

Oooh!, its ______________help you and me.

Oooh!, ________ us save it before it’s gone.

Now let`s try to sing this song aloud!

3. Организационный конец. ( 1 минута)

Well, our lesson is coming to the end. What did we do today? (Watched presentations, made dialogs, sang the song about the rainforest)

Yes we spoke about environmental problems and now we can do lots of things on this topic. Take the cards please and tick the things you can do  in English.

Tick the things you can do  in English.

I can recognize and use words which refer to the topic “Environment”

I can read, understand, summarize information about “Environmental problems”

I can take part in a discussion on the topic “Environmental problems”

I can agree with everything people say

Did you like our lesson? – So did I

4. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок.( 2 минуты)

And now your homework.  Tomorrow we will repeat the topic “Reported speech”. So that I would like you to go to the site:

http://www.puzzle-english.com/video/translate/reported1  ,

watch the rule and translate sentences from Russian into English.

I would like to put some marks…

See you tomorrow!

Предварительный просмотр:

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