Тест (повторение пройденного материала)
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
Тест (юнит 7) по техническому английскому.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Is the CABLE of a cable-stay bridge (like the Millau bridge)
- vertical
- horizontal
- diagonal
Is the DECK of a cable-stay bridge (like the Millau bridge)
- vertical
- horizontal
- diagonal
Is the PIER of a cable-stay bridge (like the Millau bridge)
- vertical
- horizontal
- diagonal
Is the PYLON of a cable-stay bridge (like the Millau bridge)
- vertical
- horizontal
- diagonal
Is the SPAN of a cable-stay bridge (like the Millau bridge)
- vertical
- horizontal
- diagonal
Match the word INNER with the same meaning
- storey
- internal
- area of the base
- lift
- external
Match the word OUTER with the same meaning
- storey
- internal
- area of the base
- lift
- external
Match the word FLOOR with the same meaning
- storey
- internal
- area of the base
- lift
- external
Match the word ELEVATOR with the same meaning
- storey
- internal
- area of the base
- lift
- external
Match the word FOOTPRINT with the same meaning
- storey
- internal
- area of the base
- lift
- external
Choose noun from these adjective HIGH.
- height
- highly
- highness
- hight
Choose noun from these adjective LONG.
- length
- longness
- longly
- longer
Choose noun from these adjective WIDE.
- width
- widely
- wideness
- widest
Choose noun from these adjective DEEP.
- depth
- deepness
- deeper
- deepest
Choose the correct answer in this sentence I would like some (nail/ nails) please.
- nail
- nails
Choose the correct answer in this sentence I need to buy some (cement/ cements), please.
- cement
- cements
Complete this question How _____ paint would you like?
- much
- many
Write this 30 m2 _out in words.
- thirty square metres
- thirty metres square
- thirteen metres square
Write this 13,000 m3 out in words.
- thirteen thousand cubic metres
- thirteen thousand metres cubic
- thirty thousand cubic metres
Write this 118 kg out in words.
- One hundred and eighteen kilograms
- Eleven and eight kilograms
- Eleven and eighty kilograms
Rearrange the order of these words (height the metres bridge is of 245 the) to make sentence. Add capital letters.
- The height of the bridge is 245 metres.
- The bridge is the 245 metres of height.
Rearrange the order of these words (lake the of a metres depth has 155) to make sentence. Add capital letters.
- The lake has a depth of 155 metres.
- A depth of the lake has 155 metres.
Write question to get this answer (It’s 50 metres wide. (river)). Use the words in brackets,
- How wide is the river?
- How wide are the river?
Write question to get this answer (They’re 100 metres long.)). Use the words in brackets,
- How long are the cables?
- How long is the cables?
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