Комплект Контрольно-оценочных средств для специальности Парикмахерское искусство
тест по английскому языку
КОС состоит из Входного контроля , двух рубежных тестов и Дифференцированного зачета.
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Предварительный просмотр:
по учебной дисциплине
по специальности среднего профессионального образования
43.02.02 Парикмахерское искусство
1. Назначение работы
Дифференцированный зачет представляет собой форму объективной оценки качества подготовки лиц, освоивших основную профессиональную образовательную программу в соответствии с ФГОС по специальности 43.02.02 Парикмахерское искусство по иностранному языку.
Контрольные измерительные материалы позволяют установить уровень освоения выпускниками лексического и грамматического минимума необходимого для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов на повседневные и профессиональные темы.
2. Документы, определяющие содержание и структуру проверочной работы
Содержание и основные характеристики проверочных материалов определяются на основе
- Федеральном компоненте государственного стандарта среднего (полного) общего образования по иностранным языкам.
- ФГОС по специальности СПО 43.02.02. "Парикмахерское искусство"
- О сертификации качества педагогических тестовых материалов (Приказ Минобразования России от 17.04.2000 г. № 1122).
3. Структура проверочной работы
Проверочная работа включает разделы «Чтение», «Лексика и грамматика».
В работе представлены задания базового уровня сложности.
4. Время выполнения работы
На выполнение всей работы отводится 60 минут.
5. Дополнительные материалы и оборудование
Не используются.
6. Условия проведения проверочной работы
Строгое соблюдение инструкции по организации проведения независимой оценки знаний
обучающихся. При выполнении работы обучающиеся записывают ответы в бланк тестирования.
7. Система оценивания отдельных заданий и работы в целом
Верное выполнение каждого задания оценивается в 1 балл.За выполнение работы обучающиеся получают оценки по пятибалльной шкале.
по учебной дисциплине
по специальности среднего профессионального образования
43.02.02 Парикмахерское искусство
Задание 1. Установите соответствие между утверждениями A–G и текстами 1–6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
Speaker 1: Fashion is something we deal with every day. Even people, who say they don’t care what they wear, choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. What influences our choice of clothes is an interesting question. I believe that most people do not follow the fashion displayed on the catwalk. Those clothes are a product of famous high-class designers’ work, which is often very extravagant and extremely expensive. It is also not designed to be worn every day, but it is suitable for some special occasions.
Speaker 2: We definitely borrow some ideas about fashion from music clips, videos, books and television. Movies also have a big impact on what people wear. For example it is known that more sunglasses were sold in America after the movie “Men In Black” came out. Sometimes a trend becomes global. Back in the 50’s teenagers everywhere dressed like Elvis Presley. Musicians and other cultural icons, as well as political and royal figures, have always influenced what we are wearing. Newspapers and magazines reported on what Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were wearing when they were First Ladies. Princess Diana’s death was a severe blow to the high fashion world, where her clothes were daily news.
Speaker 3: Depending on their attitude towards clothes and fashion, people can be divided to three groups: 1) fashion slaves, spending all their money on the latest clothes even if they don’t look good in them; 2) fashion fans, who enjoy wearing modern clothes but are not obsessed by them, and 3) people who just don’t care how they look. Personally I place myself between fashion fans and people who don’t care how they look. Although I enjoy shopping very much and like to try things on, especially when I look good in them, I don’t spend much time choosing and buying clothes. And of course I do it only when I really need something new to wear, and not in order to kill time.
Speaker 4: My style and the range of clothes that I have are defined by the activities I engage in. Work occupies most of my time and therefore most of the clothes that I have correspond with the dress code, registered in the policy of our company. According to the dress code, an employee is not allowed to wear certain items of clothing to work. For example, men are supposed to wear ties and business suits, and nobody is allowed to wear jeans, except on Fridays. Women’s clothes are not supposed to be skintight, too short or too open. All of the shirts are supposed to have collars. Clothes also can’t be too bright, the colors should correspond to the corporate colors – dark blue and white.
Speaker 5: Styles show who you are, but they also create stereotypes and distance between groups. For instance, a businessman might look at a boy with green hair and multiple piercings as a freak and outsider. But to another person, the boy is a strict conformist. He dresses a certain way to deliver the message of rebellion and separation, but within that group, the look is uniform. Acceptance or rejection of a style is a reaction to the society we live in. Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. “Clothes create a wordless means of communication that we all understand,” according to Katherine Hamnett, a top British fashion designer.
Speaker 6: Your clothes reflect your social status. It goes without saying that if you are a businesswoman you should be dressed appropriately. To put it in another way, if a person is a head of a company, it is preferable for him to wear well-branded clothes. Psychologically, people spend so much time on fashion and buying clothes to forget about different life problems. That is to say, shopping for clothes can be good therapy when life is troubling. However, it is not worth a sacrifice if you are a shopaholic and buy everything you see. The feeling of style and good taste are surely important, as well.
A. If you can’t help buying everything you see, don’t forget about style and good taste.
B. Everybody deals with fashion every morning when they choose what to wear.
C. The company where a person works defines their style of clothes.
D. Mass media, movies and celebrities have always influenced what the public wears.
E. Your style can tell a lot about you and your attitude toward the society.
F. If you are a head of a company you shouldn’t wear jeans, even on Fridays.
G. I am neither a fashion fan, nor a person who doesn’t care how he looks
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False).В поле ответа запишите соответствующую букву: T/ F
Sometime ago, I got dressed, ready to go to school. I was in a hurry. I put on my smart black suit, remembered to put all the right papers into my bag. I left home and walked down to the bus stop. I got on the bus. In fi fteen minutes I was at school. Just before I entered my classroom, I looked down and saw that I was wearing a strange pair of shoes, one black and one white. “Tracey? Is that a new extravagant style? The latest trend? I suspect that you’ve got another pair just like
them at home,” said Mrs. Fair.
True or False?
1. Tracy was in a hurry. ____
2. She put on her black waistcoat. ____
3. She didn’t forget her papers. ____
4. Tracy was wearing a strange pair of shoes because she
wanted to be extravagant. ____
5. Tracy’s new shoes were the latest trend. ____
6. Tracy had another pair just like them at home. ____
7. Mrs. Fair didn’t have a sense of humour. ____
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Задание Выполните тест на знание лексики и грамматики. Внесите свои ответы в таблицу.
1. Найдите русский эквивалент: Big scissors
a) Горячие ножницы b) Длинные ножницы
c) Большие ножницы d) Хорошие ножницы
2. Найдите русский эквивалент: Red hair
a) Рыжие волосы b) Редкие волосы
c) Красные волосы d) Прямые волосы
3. Найдите русский эквивалент: Grey hair
a) Серые волосы b) Седые волосы
c) Густые волосы d) Жидкие волосы
4. Найдите русский эквивалент: Wavy hair
a) Непослушные волосы b) Вьющиеся волосы
c) Прямые волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
5. Найдите русский эквивалент: Straight hair
a) Непослушные волосы b) Секущиеся волосы
c) Прямые волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
6. Найдите русский эквивалент: Wig
a) Пробор b) Парик
c) Коса d) Прическа
7. Найдите английский эквивалент: Усы
a) Dandruff b) Razor
c) Whiskers d) Moustache
8. Найдите русский эквивалент: Hair roller
a) Заколка для волос b) Машинка для стрижки волос
c) Бигуди d) Ополаскиватель для волос
9. Найдите русский эквивалент: Strand of hair
a) Сетка для волос b) Пучок волос
c) Прямые волосы d) Прядь волос
10. Найдите русский эквивалент: Splitting ends
a) Жидкие волосы b) Секущиеся концы
c) Непослушные волосы d) Ослабленные волосы
11. Найдите русский эквивалент: Lock of hair
a) Заколка для волос b) Сетка для волос
c) Локон d) Узел
12. Найдите русский эквивалент: To shed one’s hair
a) Стричь волосы b) Терять волосы
c) Красить волосы d) Брить волосы
13. Найдите английский эквивалент: Пробор справа
a) right parting b) write parting
c) left parting d) lift parting
14. Найдите английский эквивалент: Стрижка «ёжик»
a) bob b) college haircut
c) porky haircut d) butch haircut
15. Найдите английский эквивалент: Густые волосы
a) Thick hair b) Thinning hair
c) Brown hair d) Straight hair
16. Мы покупаем ополаскиватель в универмаге.
a) We buy shampoo at the store. b) We bought hair dryer at the store.
c) We bought hair rinse at the store. d) We buy hair rinse at the store.
17. Парикмахеры пользуются феном.
a) Hairdressers use hair dryers. b) Hairdressers use dry hair.
c) Hairdresser’s use a hair dryer. d) Hairdressers use a dryer’s.
18. Do you want to have your hair cut?
a) Yes, you do. b) Yes, I don’t. c) Yes, I do. d) No, I do.
19. Выберите синоним к слову coloured
a) grey b) tinted c) simple d) black
20. Do you speak English? - ___________ .
a) Yes, I do. b) Yes, I don't. c) No, I do. d) Yes, I does.
21. I _____ to Mr. Lloyds yesterday.
a) speak b) spoke c) speaks d) speaking
22. ________? - My sister is a secretary.
a) Which is your sister? b) Why is your sister?
c) Who is your sister? d) What is your sister?
23. Are you Russian? - _________ .
a) Yes, I is. b) Yes, I do. c) Yes, I am. d) No, I am.
24. Выберите антоним к слову comfortable
a) good b) bad c) red d) uncomfortable
25. We are ________ students.
a) two-year b) second-year c) two-years d) second-years
Hair designers’ tools
Раздел 1. Чтение
Задания по чтению оцениваются следующим образом: за каждый правильный ответ обучающийся получает 1 балл.
Максимальное общее количество баллов — 13.
Ответы к заданию 1:
Максимальное количество баллов — 6.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
B | D | G | C | E | A |
Ответы к заданию 2:
Максимальное количество баллов – 7.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
T | F | T | F | F | T | F |
Раздел 2. Задания по лексике и грамматике.
За каждый правильный ответ обучающийся получает 1 балл.
Максимальное общее количество баллов — 25.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
c | a | b | b | c | b | d | c | d | b | c | b | a | d | a | d | a | c | b | a | b | d | c | d | b |
85—100% — отметка «5» («отлично»)
75—84% — отметка «4» («хорошо»)
65—74% — отметка «3» («удовлетворительно»)
Менее 65% — отметка «2» («неудовлетворительно»)
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 0.
Тест состоит из трех частей. А – грамматика, В – лексика, С – понимание прочитанного текста. Задания рекомендуется выполнять по порядку. К каждому заданию даны три варианта ответа, из которых только один правильный.
Часть А – Грамматика – Grammar
I Выберите правильную форму глагола.
- There … many rivers in Britain.
a) is b) are c) was
- He … school 2 years ago.
a) finishes b) has finished c) finished
- Maxwell … a professor of natural philosophy.
a) become b) becomes c) became
4. The Chicago flag… of four red stars two blue stripes.
a) consists b) consist c) consisted
5. The sun … a surface temperature of about 6,000oC.
a) has b) have c) had
6. How many regions … in Scotland?
a) there are b) are there c) be there
7. When … Maxwell organize his laboratory?
a) do b) does c) did
8. At present all universities … the departments.
a) have b) has c) had
9. … these companies use advertising in their programs?
a) do b) does c) did
10. The rooms for students … cozy.
a) be b) are c) is
IIВыберите правильный вопрос к предложению.
11. They went to the concert two days ago.
a) Do they go to the concert two days ago?
b) Did they go to the concert two days ago?
c) Did they went to the concert two days ago?
12. He leaves home at 9 a.m. every day.
a) When does he leaves home every day?
b) When do he leaves home every day?
c) When does he leave home every day?
13. He will return in two hours.
a) When will he return?
b) When he will return?
c) When return will he?
14. The children are glad to have many toys.
a) Why do the children glad to have many toys?
b) Why are the children glad to have many toys?
c) Why the children are glad to have many toys?
15. There are two new buildings in the street.
a) How many new buildings are in the street?
b) How many new buildings are there in the street?
c) How many new buildings is there in the street?
ЧастьВ – Лексика – Vocabulary
I Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словам.
1 | Subject | A | несколько |
2 | Need | B | обязательный |
3 | a few | C | предмет |
4 | Compulsory | D | широкий |
5 | Broad | E | нуждаться |
II Соотнесите английские и русские фразы.
6 | сдать экзамен | A | under the tutor’s direction |
7 | под руководством | B | to be based on |
8 | по телевизору | C | to get a degree |
9 | получить степень | D | to pass exams |
10 | основываться на | E | on TV |
ЧастьС – Понимание прочитанного текста – ReadingComprehension
I Прочитайте текст.
Christmas is a great religious holiday. As most Americans are Christians so it is widely celebrated in America. On this day many go to Church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many Christmas traditions which are very popular, for example to give presents to the children with the help of Santa Claus, who is said to live at the North Pole, where he makes toys for children during the whole year. Grown-ups also exchange presents and Christmas greeting cards. Americans decorate their homes for Christmas. They have a Christmas tree, which they decorate with toys and small lights. The tree may be areal fir tree from the forest or an artificial one. Gifts are given not only to children, members of the family and close friends. They are given to people who do a lot of work for other people, for example, the postman, milkman. Many firms give their workers gifts for extra money for good work. Christmas is also a time when Americans do a lot of charity work. They help the poor people, organize Christmas dinners for the homeless people. Much help is given to sick people, invalids, people of old age. During Christmas you can meet a lot of people in the streets who collect money for those who are in need.
Пояснения к тексту.
grown-up - взрослый
greetingcard - поздравительная открытка
artificial - искусственный
charity - благотворительность
homeless - бездомный
IIВыберите наиболее подходящий заголовок к тексту.
- Christmas in America
- Christmas is a holiday for all the people
- Christmas and children
III Закончите предложение, в соответствии с содержанием текста.
On Christmas presents are given … .
a) to all the people
b) only to children
c) to the members of the family
IVВыберите предложение, не соответствующее содержанию текста.
a)On Christmas people do a lot of charity work.
b) People decorate a Christmas tree.
c) Grown-ups do not exchange presents.
VРасположите предложения в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию текста.
- Presents are given to different people.
- Americans decorate their homes.
- On Christmas dinners are organized for homeless people.
VI Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
- How do Americans decorate their homes?
- Where do people go on Christmas?
- What is organized for the homeless people?
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест за 1 курс
Задание 1
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 - 8 и текстами A - G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. |
1 | Time out with a purpose | 5 | Look to your past |
2 | Finding time for your hobby | 6 | Dangerous hobby |
3 | Finding excitement | 7 | Health benefits of hobbies |
4 | Finding a hobby that suits you | 8 | Making new friends |
A | If you’re adding a new thing into your life, you have to take time and focus away from something else. The good news is that most of us have a lot of time we’re not using well, either because we’re spending a lot of time online or watching TV or just wasting time we could be spending on our hobbies. See if you can spend a half hour or so every other day to explore your interest. This way it would be best in case you find that hobby isn’t for you after all. |
B | One study found that those who engage in physical leisure activities for at least 20 minutes once a week are less likely to have a fatigue. Other research found that enjoyable activities performed during leisure time were associated with lower blood pressure, total cortisol, and body mass index, and feelings of better physical function. Such activities were also associated with higher levels of positive psychosocial states and lower levels of depression. |
C | For those who aren’t very stressed and may actually be understimulated, hobbies provide a nice source of eustress, the healthy kind of stress that we all need to remain feeling happy about life. If the rest of your life is somewhat dull or uninspiring, hobbies can provide meaning and fun, and can break up a boring schedule, without feeling like work. In other words, hobbies can provide just the right amount of challenge. |
D | Are there things you enjoyed as a child that you might still enjoy as an adult? Maybe you had a fantastic record collection, loved to make clothes for your dolls or were always out on your bike. Those are all things you could pick up again as an adult that would make great hobbies. Or there may be hobbies in your home right now that you started but have recently forgotten about. Maybe it’s time to finish that crochet project or pick up the guitar again. |
E | Hobbies provide work-free and responsibility-free time in your schedule. This can be especially useful for people who feel stressed by all that they have to do and need to recharge their batteries. For some of us it may be difficult to give ourselves permission to just sit and relax. Having a hobby, however, can provide a break and help people feel that they’re not just ‘sitting around’ but are using their free time for something productive. |
F | Of course, everyone is different and your personality does play a role in what sorts of hobbies you’ll like. If you don’t have a lot of patience you might feel that knitting is too much for you, but exploring quick sewing projects might be a better choice. Maybe you really like being with friends, so you need to take a class or have an interest that you can do with a group. If you travel a lot, something portable or that you can do anywhere is helpful. |
G | When you look for material or equipment for your hobby, you are likely to find people who have the same hobby as you. You may be surprised to know how serious some people are about their hobbies and therefore would have great knowledge of their chosen pastime. Instead of meeting people from your work or college or those whom you have grown apart with, it is a great way to meet people with whom you have something in common. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | |
Ответ |
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу. |
Beaches of Portugal Covering more than 850 km, the Portuguese coast boasts such a large number of fine, white sandy beaches that it is almost impossible to keep count. All bathed by the Atlantic Ocean and all different, their beauty is hard to describe, so there is nothing better A __________________. The most famous are in the Algarve. With three thousand hours of sun per year and warm waters, there are beaches to suit every taste and many dreamlike resorts. The choices are many, from sandy stretches extending as far as the eye can see B _________________, the trade image of the region. They are always accompanied by a calm clear sea, C _____________________. In Costa da Caparica, the beaches are particularly dear to Lisbonites D _________________ for sun and sea bathing. There are deserted beaches here too, of a wild beauty, E _______________ nature. In the centre, tourists will find very wide sandy stretches, to which traditional fishing adds a picturesque touch. And further north, the colder waters and the invigorating sea are tempered by the welcoming atmosphere and the clean air of the mountains and the forests. Despite all their differences, all beaches share one thing – quality. They are safe and offer a wide range of support and recreational services, F ______________________. And a large number of Portuguese beaches are granted the European blue flag every year, a distinction that is a sign of their excellent conditions. |
1 | which is ideal for various water sports |
2 | where one can enjoy close contact with |
3 | who have different options around the capital |
4 | which meet every need of their users |
5 | to the smaller coves, sheltered by huge cliffs |
6 | than to discover them once for oneself |
7 | who has never been to this wonderful city |
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
Ответ |
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 3-9. В каждом задании укажите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа 1,2,3 или 4. |
Lazy summer days vs. landscapers
Whether you’re a first grader proud of the fact you survived your first year of full-day education or a grad student desperate for a study break, summer vacation means one thing to everybody: sleeping in on weekday mornings. There is no alarm to hit at 6:30 and no bus to chase after. And while days might be filled with summer jobs and day camp, those never seem to start quite as early.
So why is there a conspiracy working against students the minute the final bell rings and the last exam is turned in? And the culprit is visible in any given apartment complex, condo community or public park: landscapers.
I have lived in many towns and in homes of different shapes and sizes in my short, 23 years on Earth. And yet, no matter where I call home, I am faced with the same hardship: trying to sleep in on lazy, summer mornings while the lawn mowers are hard at work on public and private yards.
The townhouse neighborhood I called home when I was a little girl was a jam-packed street. We had more than 250 houses on my block alone. One of the things my mom loved about that house was its tiny yard.
My mother does not have a green bone in her body. She has killed every herb garden my sister and I have ever given her. So my mother was thrilled that our front yard was the size of a postage stamp. It, like every other yard on the block, only needed to be trimmed once a month to look good. And yet, every Monday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m., the city-contracted landscaping team would drive down our street and unload two or three industrial mowers and go to work on the little patches of public grass around mail boxes and trees.
Later, when I moved to Michigan, my family and I lived in a condominium complex our first year. As part of the deal, every yard was landscaped with big bushes and tulip patches. But to keep the yards all looking nice and healthy, the owners had full-time landscapers keep up with the maintenance. My mother was thrilled to have a full garden without worrying about killing each plant one by one.
Never having to before, I was thrilled I didn’t have to mow this new yard that was 100 times bigger than the postage stamp one we had before. But I was not so thrilled when the mowers showed up on Saturday mornings. Saturdays! Were they serious? Mowing every yard on the street starting at 7 a.m. on a Saturday.
As an adult out on my own, I like that apartments don’t come with yards I have to maintain. I am just getting the hang of remembering to buy groceries and having my own mailbox to check. If I had to add watering flowers to my to-do list, I would forget. But what I’m not so thrilled about is that Friday mornings is my building’s scheduled mowing day. I live on the first floor of my building, with no way to muffle the roar of the mower against the side of the building when it is directly outside my window. No sleep for me.
I am not so selfish that I don’t understand why mowers work in the morning. Landscapers have multiple customers to serve on any given day, and the earlier they start the earlier they can be done. Plus, it is cooler in the morning, and preferable, rather than at noon when the sun is high in the sky. But students work hard all year and look forward to a break from books, tests and alarm clocks.
So, in order to find a common ground between landscapers and students, I send this challenge out into the universe: whoever can build a silent lawn mower will get my undying gratitude, love and affection and whatever else they want, I promise!
What does the author like about summer holidays? | |
1) | She does not have to get up early. |
2) | She works at a day camp. |
3) | She сan have a summer job. |
4) | She has no school. |
What is the author complaining about mentioning the landscapers? | |
1) | The plants they tend to. |
2) | The size of the yards. |
3) | The quality of their work. |
4) | The noise they make. |
The phrase “does not have a green bone in her body” in paragraph 5 (“My mother does not have a green bone in her body”) is closest in meaning to … | |
1) | does not eat greens. |
2) | is not good at gardening. |
3) | does not look after her garden. |
4) | hates planting flowers. |
Which is NOT true about the author’s place in Michigan? | |
1) | Their yard was much more spacious. |
2) | Owners had to hire landscapers. |
3) | The mowers worked on weekend mornings. |
4) | Her mother did not like the garden. |
What does the author say about her independent adult life? | |
1) | She suffers from the lack of sleep. |
2) | She forgets about checking her mailbox. |
3) | She misses her Michigan big yard. |
4) | She is glad to be living without a yard. |
Landscapers start their work early because … | |
1) | they have a very packed schedule. |
2) | it’s a customers’ requirement. |
3) | it is better for watering the flowers. |
4) | it feels more comfortable. |
What would be the best solution to the problem, according to the author? | |
1) | Houses without yards. |
2) | Special agreement with landscapers. |
3) | Invention of a soundless mower. |
4) | Student protests. |
Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19-25, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 10-16. |
10 | Strange but true Everybody knows Walt Disney, a person who invented many cartoon characters such as Donald Duck and Pluto. But it’s Mickey Mouse which __________________ by children all over the world. | LOVE |
11 | Millions of kids worldwide have seen this cartoon since it ________. | MAKE |
12 | However, few people know about the following fact. The funny thing is that Walt Disney, its creator, had a strong phobia – he was very much afraid of __________________! | MOUSE |
13 | Not quite a musician Albert Einstein, the famous scientist, liked to play the violin very much. Once he found himself in the company with Hans Eisler, a composer and a pianist. They met for the __________________ time. | ONE |
14 | Everybody began asking __________________ to play together, so they agreed. | THEY |
15 | Einstein tuned in his violin but every time Eisler ______ a musical piece, Einstein could notget it right. | START |
16 | After several attempts Eisler stood up from the piano and said: “I _______ why the whole world thinks this is a great scientist! He isn’t able to count to three!” | UNDERSTAND |
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26-31, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 17-22. |
The world’s language
17 | Bath “Bath is the finest place on earth for you may enjoy it without getting tired”. These are the words of the 18th century __________________ James Boswell upon his first visit to the place. | TRAVEL |
18 | He was right, of course. This is a truly _______ Georgian city with its well-preserved Roman remains and famous baths. | GLORY |
19 | Bath is one of the easiest cities to explore with a compact centre of broad main streets lined with numerous historic __________________ and pretty shops. | BUILD |
20 | Everything you could want to see is within walking distance but you can spend several days in Bath each day doing something ________ and something exciting. | DIFFER |
21 | Don’t forget that nearby is the ancient and __________________ Stonehenge, a circle of enormous rocks on the edge of the Salisbury Plain. | MYSTERY |
22 | Perhaps Bath and its surroundings have some greatest sights in Britain. A trip to this city or in any direction from it will lead you to a _______ day. | WONDER |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 23-29. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 23-29, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1,2,3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. |
A trip to Thailand
I have always been interested in various cultures especially those completely alien to us. Thus, imagine my delight when my father 23 ______ me that he was taking us on a holiday to Bangkok and from there to visit a remote tribe that lives about 200 kilometers north of the capital city. As my father explained, the tribe lives an isolated life and the members are cut 24 ______ from the rest of the world in terms of their unique and even weird cultural practices.
During our trip I have noticed that the Thai people are very friendly and their greetings are very 25 ______ to the Indians’. For example, when they meet you they bring their palms together in a prayer-like position and bend their bodies a little as a way of welcoming and acknowledging you. It would definitely 26 ______ you feel as an honored guest. At first, I was rather 27 ______ by these greeting traditions which seemed so unusual and respectful to me. Surprisingly, soon I got used to doing that myself and 28 ______ this procedure during my entire trip to Thailand. We spent only two fantastic days in Bangkok before heading 29 ______ the remote village which was going to be the most exciting time of our lives, dad promised. We were excited and could not wait seeing everything with our own eyes!
23. 1) told; 2) said; 3) spoke; 4) talked
24. 1) down; 2) out; 3) back; 4) off
25. 1) near; 2) equal; 3) alike; 4) similar
26. 1) make; 2) keep; 3) take; 4) hold
27. 1) related; 2) attached; 3) impressed; 4) influenced
28. 1) enjoyed; 2) preferred; 3) amused; 4) pleased
29. 1) besides; 2) against; 3) towards; 4) within
Предварительный просмотр:
Тест за 2 курс
Задание 1
Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 - 8 и текстами A - G. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. |
1 | The father of modern football | 5 | The great American game |
2 | The world in your home | 6 | A fresh spirit in literature |
3 | Amusement for all | 7 | Film industry |
4 | A man of the river | 8 | Made in the USA |
A | The Mississippi cuts a strong, wide swath through the heartland of America. In the flow of the Mississippi's waters, many see a symbol of freedom, a reflection of the strength of the American character. Among the millions who have drawn inspiration from the mighty river was Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known to the world as Mark Twain. |
B | The United States in its short history has contributed in remarkable variety to the entertainment of humankind. Black-face minstrels, glamorous motion picture stars, hard-riding cowboy heroes, glittering musical comedies, breathtaking circuses, and spectacular television shows — all are exuberant expressions of the innovative genius of American show business. |
C | Much of the credit for the present-day game of baseball belongs to Alexander Joy Cartwright. As a member of the New York Knickerbocker Baseball Club, young Cartwright took it upon himself in 1845 to standardize a game that had evolved from the old English sport of rounders. It was no easy task. One version of baseball was played in Boston, another in Philadelphia, still another in New York. There was no agreement as to the number of men in a team, how long a game should last, or the rules of play. Even the shape and dimensions of the playing fields varied. |
D | Of all the major sports played in the United States, the only purely indigenous game is basketball. It was invented in 1891 by Canadian-born James Naismith, who taught physical education in Springfield, Massachusetts. Using a soccer ball and two peach baskets, he designed an indoor, no-contact sport to keep his students out of mischief during the winter and to fill the winter gap between the football season in autumn and baseball in spring. |
E | Camp began to envision ways of making football more scientific and the play controllable. He made suggestions to the rules committee, and they were for the most part accepted. Among the suggestions were recommendations that there be 11 players to a side, and that "the man who receives the ball from the snapback ... be called the quarterback". The creation of the position of quarterback was perhaps Camp's most significant innovation. Another dramatic change, at Camp's suggestion, was to allow tackling below the waist. |
F | The most sought-after award in the movie business is the Oscar, annually presented since 1929 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Five nominees in each of some 25 categories are picked by their fellow craftsmen. Winners are chosen by secret ballot cast by the Academy's more than 2800 members. |
G | By the time of the Revolution such native offerings as Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Richard's Almanack" had helped to establish a sense of national identity among the colonists. In the Revolutionary epoch, fiery pamphleteers proved that literature could be highly effective in moving men to action. In the early and mid-1800s Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, and a remarkable group of New Englanders gave voice to a new culture that was no longer intellectually dependent on Europe. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | |
Ответ |
Задание 2
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифру, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу. |
Visiting the Royal Parks Despite fears that the so-called electronic media — especially radio, television, and videos — might damage book publishing, the opposite seems to be true. Book sales A_______________ have increased considerably, well beyond the increase in population. In fact, the U.S. leads B_______________________ read per capita. These books range from the most recent best seller or biography to histories, gardening and cookbooks, or C_______________________. Several reasons have been offered to account for this fact. First, American schools have traditionally stressed and tried to develop a "love of reading," to make it a habit. This general educational emphasis has been successful. One notes how many people are reading hooks — D_______________________— in city buses, airports, during: lunch breaks, or on the beach. Secondly, public libraries have always been very active in communities throughout the country. Here, too, the general policy has been to get books to people rather E____________________. A favorite way of raising money for libraries is to have thousands of used books F_______________________ and then to have a book sale ("Any five for $11"). The money made in this fashion goes to buy new books for the library. Such popular community fund-raising activities also increase the feeling among people that the library is theirs. | ||
1 | in the number of books | |
2 | technical volumes and encyclopedias | |
3 | than to protect the books from people | |
4 | since the introduction of television | |
5 | not only newspapers or magazines | |
6 | donated by the community | |
7 | which protect book sellers |
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
Ответ |
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 3-9. В каждом задании укажите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа 1,2,3 или 4. |
Glamorous but Laborious
The majority the stewardesses are from small towns. It's supposed to be one of the nicest professions for a woman — if she can't be a model or in the movies. All the great benefits: flying around the world and meeting all those people. When people ask you what you're doing and you say "stewardess", you're really proud, you think it's great. It's like a stepping'stone. The first two months I started flying I had already been to London, Paris and Rome. But after you started working, it's not as glamorous as you thought it was going to be.
We had to go to stew school for five weeks. We'd go through a whole week of make-up and poise. I didn't like this. They make you feel like you've never been out in public. At one time they wouldn't let us wear false eyelashes and false fingernails! Now it's required that you wear false eyelashes, and if you do not have the right length nails, you wear false nails. Everything is supposed to be becoming to the passenger.
You do meet a lot of movie stars and a lot of political people.
Stewardesses are impressed only by name people. But a normal millionaire that you don't know doesn't make an impression on you. The only thing that really thrills a stewardess are passengers like Kennedy or movie stars or some political celebrities. I think our average age is 26. But our supervisors tell us what kind of make-up to wear, what kind of lipstick to wear, if our hair is not the right style for us, if we were not smiling enough. They even tell us how to act when you're on a pass. You're not supposed to walk off with a passenger, hand in hand. After you get out of terminal that's all yours.
They say you can spot a stewardess by the way she wears her make-up. At one time all had short hair and everybody had it cut in stew school exactly alike. At one time they told us we couldn't wear anything one inch above the knees. It's different now. Wigs used to be forbidden. Now it's the style. Now it's permissible for nice women to wear wigs, eyelashes and false fingernails.
The other day I had 55 minutes to serve 101 couch passengers, cocktail and full-meal service. You do it fast and terrible. You're very rude. You don't mean to be rude — you just don't have time to answer the questions. You smile and you just ignore them. You get three drink orders in a hurry. There's been many times when you miss the glass pouring, and you pour it in the man's lap. You just don't say "I'm sorry". You give him a cloth and you keep going. That's the bad part of the job. Doctors tell stewardesses they're gonna get wrinkles all over their faces because they smile with their mouths and their eyes.
What does the author like most in her job? | |
1) | working in a team |
2) | being always in public |
3) | glamor |
4) | travelling around the world |
Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the text? | |
1) | Length nails are forbidden for a stewardess. |
2) | Stewardess can’t wear false eyelashes anymore. |
3) | All passengers that she met were rich and influential. |
4) | Author is aware of many famous people. |
The author is not flabbergasted by | |
1) | political celebrities. |
2) | movie stars. |
3) | Kennedy. |
4) | a normal millionaire. |
What of the following, according to the author, is controlled by the supervisors? | |
1) | The clothes stewardess wear. |
2) | Relationships between the stewardess and passenger. |
3) | Make-up they use after work. |
4) | terminal. |
It is easy to determinate a good stewardess by her: | |
1) | false fingernails and wigs. |
2) | short hair. |
3) | face. |
4) | morality. |
The author hates when she | |
1) | notices new wrinkles all over the face. |
2) | can’t say “I’m sorry” for the missed glass. |
3) | smiles with her mouth and eyes. |
4) | has to serve 101 couch passengers. |
The attitude of the author towards her work is … | |
1) | contradictory. |
2) | optimistic. |
3) | negative. |
4) | indifferent. |
Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19-25, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 10-16. |
In colonial times, when the majority of the population was Protestant, the __________ music was in the form of hymns because the Puritans always put religion first, even in their music | SERIOUS |
11 | Although they did enjoy such entertainment as folk songs outside the church, most of the music in _________ lives was in the form of the psalms they sang at services | THEY |
12 | Meanwhile, Negro slaves ______ some religious expression and much of their music came out of their hymns. So black churches were developing their own gospel songs, blending African rhythms with religious texts. | ALLOW |
13 | PUBLIC EDUCATION The history of education in the United States has certain peculiarities which__________________ with the specific conditions of life in the New World and the history of the American society. | CONNECT |
14 | The early Colonies and different politics of education for the __________________ white settlers who came to North America from Europe in the 17th century brought with them the educational ideas of the time most typical of the countries they represented. | ONE |
15 | In Virginia and South Carolina, for example, education was entirely private. The children of the rich either had tutors or _______ to Europe for schooling. | SEND |
16 | Many of the children of poor parents ______ no education at all. In Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York many of the schools were controlled by the church | HAVE |
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26-31, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 17-22. |
The world’s language
17 | PRONUNCIATION IS IMPORTANT At the very ______, school buildings were often rough shacks . | BEGIN |
18 | They were poorly equipped with a few benches, a stove, and rarely enough textbooks. Discipline was harsh, and corporal _______ was frequent. | PUNISH |
19 | The program of studies consisted largely of reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and Bible lessons. Since each community was ________ for solving its own educational problems, there was no attempt to find a common standard of excellence. | RESPONSE |
20 | Even the Constitution of the United States, ratified in 1789, contained no direct mention of education. The schools of the early 1800s were not very _________ from those of the pre-revolutionary period. | DIFFER |
21 | Some _______________ consider that they actually deteriorated in the three or four decades following the American Revolution, for the new country turned its attention to the development of its land, cities, and political institutions. | HISTORY |
22 | And yet, in attempt to generate interest in __________, a number of communities continued founding schools. Some classes were opened to children for secular instruction and a number of schools for poor children which were a forerunner of the public schools in several major cities. | EDUCATE |
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 23-29. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 23-29, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1,2,3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. |
It was neither the season nor the hour when the Park had frequenters; and it is 23 ______ that the young lady, who was seated on one of the benches 24 ______ the side of the walk, had merely obeyed a sudden impulse to sit for a while and enjoy a foretaste of coming Spring.
She rested there, pensive and still. A certain melancholy that touched her countenance must have been of recent birth, for it had not yet altered the fine and youthful contours of her cheek, nor subdued the arch 25 ______ resolute curve of her lips.
A tall young man came striding through the park along the path near which she sat. Behind him tagged a boy 26 ______ a suit-case. At sight of the young lady, the man's face changed to red and back to pale again. He 27 ______ her countenance as he drew nearer, with hope and anxiety mingled on his own. He passed within a few yards of her, but he saw no evidence that she was aware of his presence or existence.
Some fifty yards further on he suddenly stopped and sat on a bench at one side. The boy 28 _______ the suit-case and stared at him with wondering, shrewd eyes. The young man took 29 _______ his handkerchief and wiped his brow. It was a good handkerchief, a good brow, and the young man was good to look at.
23. 1) likely; 2) consequently; 3) hardly; 4) probably
24. 1) at; 2) in; 3) under; 4) on
25. 1) but; 2) even; 3) though; 4) still
26. 1) taking; 2) holding; 3) keeping; 4) carrying
27. 1) glanced; 2) watched; 3) saw; 4) looked
28. 1) found; 2) fell; 3) dropped; 4) lost
29. 1) out; 2) in; 3) after; 4) back
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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