Drill exercise №2
материал по английскому языку
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Drill exercise №2
Drill exercise №2
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Once upon a time there lived a poor old man. He was a shoemaker — he made shoes and boots. But he was not young, he was very old. He couldn't see and he couldn't work well.
One night he went to bed very sad. He couldn't finish his work — the boots for a King! But when he got up, he saw that the beautiful green boots were on the table! The King came and gave the shoemaker a lot of money for the shoes. Then the King asked the old man to make a pair of red shoes for his wife.
That day the man was very ill and didn't work. But when he opened his eyes the next morning, he was very surprised. The most beautiful red shoes were on the table! Then the King came and gave the shoe-maker a lot of money.
The old man was happy but he wanted to know where the shoes came from.
When the night came, he didn't go to sleep. At twelve o'clock at night he saw two little boys in his room. They were elves! They were very little but looked like real boys with nice funny faces. The shoemaker saw that they were very cold. It was winter and the elves were wearing little clothes: fold and short jackets and trousers. Their shoes were very dirty.
"They are so nice to me. They help me every night and work hard. I must help them. I'll make them warm jackets and new shoes,” the shoemaker thought.
The next night the two elves found two beautiful red jackets. They put them on and were very happy.
1. It is a story about an old man who was kind
to the elves. T / F
2. One day the King asked the shoemaker to make
him a green dress for the Queen. T / F
3. A young shoemaker and two boys worked day
and night to get a lot of money for the shoes. T / F
4. It was summer and the elves were wearing little clothes. T / F
5. The elves were happy to get new clothes and shoes. T / F
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