Drill exercise № 1
материал по английскому языку
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Drill exercise № 1
Drill exercise № 1
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
The children looked at the sky. No sun. Rain, rain, rain. The rain started seven years ago. It always rained on this planet. This planet was called Venus. There were some men, women and children in the classroom of the rocket. These people came to this raining world seven years ago. So the children didn't seethe sun. They read about the sun in class yesterday. They read that it was yellow like a lemon and hot. They wrote poems and short stories about the sun.
Now they stood and watched. The rain stopped. The sun came out. It was very large. It was the co-lour of bronze. The sky was blue. They had two hours to play in the sun. Summer lasted only two hours on this planet.
The children ran out. They ran and jumped. They took off their jackets and coats because it was warm. It was summer! They played hide-and-seek and looked at the sun. They looked at the sun and put their faces to its light. They put their hands to its light and wanted to take it with them. They ran for an hour.
And then…
The children looked at the sky. Some cold drops fell on their noses. A cold wind began to blow. The sky was grey with clouds. There was no sun there.
They ran to the house and closed the door. It started raining again. The rain will last for the next seven years.
- It __________________ rained on this planet.
a) usually
b) always
c) never
- There were some men, women and children in the classroom of the __________.
a) raining world
b) stormy place
c) friendly planet
- They read about the Sun in ___________________________ .
a) a newspaper
b) a book
c) class
- The children took off their jackets and coats because _______________ .
a) They wanted to run
b) The Sun came out
c) They wanted to play hide-and-seek
- The children ran into the house and closed the door because ______________ .
a) they were hungry
b) they were tired
c) it started to rain
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