Урок "Animals in the country and in the city "
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Иванова Ксения Николаевна

Урок "Animals in the country and in the city " методическая разработка


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Речевая зарядка

Постановка проблемы


Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. How are you?  Glad to hear that you are well.

What is the weather like today?  Isn’t it?

It is colder today?

It is dirtier today?

It is cloudier today?

It is snowier today?

Look at the picture and say: “What is it?”As you see there are a lot of exotic animals there. Let’s watch and name them.

It is a……

Well! I see you know these animals.

Today we go on talking about animals.

The subject of our lesson is: “animals in the country and in the city”.

Please translate it.

Lets read the names of animals . Read after me

Now, please, write down an animal  in the right place. 

A fox, a hen, an elephant, a giraffe, a pig, a wolf, a duck, a monkey, a bear

In the forest

In the zoo

On the farm

Let’s check up your work. Say “What animals live in the in the forest, in the zoo, on the farm?”

Теперь по цепочке проверим и прочитаем(потом еще раз все вместе прочитаем, или прочить по столбикам)Прочитать и перевести все глаголы из списка

Используя глаголы в рамке, закончи предложения.

See well, dive, fly, swim well, run, walk well, creep,

An eagle can ….

A camel can ….

A whale can…

A dolphin can …..

A snake can….

A crocodile can…..

What can an eagle do?

What can a camel do?

 What can a whale do?....

What can a dolphin do?

What can a snake do?

What can a crocodile do?

Open your books p 45 ex 35

Let’s read the names of animals. What is it?

Now let’s read the names of the places when they live

 “What is it?” It’s a desert, sea, river

“What are they?” They are the mountains

“What is it?” It’s an ocean.

Now let’s have a brake

If you want to be healthy

And grow a good size,

Be like the animals…exercise!

Let’s  fly like a bird

Let’s  waddle like a duck

Let’s shuffle like a bear

Let’s hop like a kangaroo

Let’s swim like a fish

Ex 36 match and read the dialogue

Have  you got a pet? -  Yes. I’ve got a camel

What’s its name? - Ashby

What does it like to eat? - Grass  and  apples

What is it like? - Ashby is big, kind and strong

What can it do? - Ashby helps my father to carry things

And now I want to know about your pet

Have you got a pet? What is it

A fox-лиса

A hen-курица

An elephant-слон

A bear-мишка

A lion-лев

A cockerel-петух

A wolf-волк

A giraffe-жираф

A parrot-попугай

A pig-поросенок

A monkey-обезьяна

A horse-лошадь

A sheep-овечка

A tiger-тигр

A rabbit-кролик

A kangaroo-кенгуру

A duck-утка

A cow-корова

An eagle can fly and see well. 

A camel can run and walk well. 

A while can dive and swim well. 

На дом текст “the green garden”

На доске картинки с животными

На доске название урока

“animals in the country and in the city”.

Каждому ученику раздается рабочий лист

Каждому раздается карточка с упражнением

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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