методическая разработка "итоговая проверочная работа в 7 классе по теме "В здоровом теле здоровый дух"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 7-10
- Match the words to form collocations
- Cut an instrument
- Lose a party
- Chip your ankle
- Break house
- Throw exams
- Bang your leg
- Twist your finger
- Practice sth valuable
- Move a tooth
- Sit your head
- Choose the correct item
- If Ann ___________ a new computer, he will let us use it.
- buys b)bought c) is buying
- 2. I won’t do it ____________ you ask me nicely. You must learn to be polite.
- a) if b)when c) unless
- 3. If you exercise regularly, you ___________ have more energy.
- a) will b) won’t c) can
- 4. When babies are happy, they ___________
- a) would smile b)smile c) are smiling
- 5. ___________ you go to bed early, you will be tired in the morning.
- a) If b) Unless c) Must
3.Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.
- Tom cut __________ while he was cooking.
- Nick and Kate had a great time. They really enjoyed ___________.
- Watch out! This frying pan is very hot! Don’t hurt ___________.
- I think I should pay more attention to _______________.
- Who translated the text for you? – Nobody. I translated it ____________.
- Who told you that Sarah was getting married? – Linda told me ____________.
- Can you do the washing-up for me? – Why can’t you do it ______________.
- Did Tom’s father buy him an I-phone? – No, Tom did it _____________.
- Fill in the correct preposition: apart, out, behind
- I want to buy a new bag. My old one is falling ____.
- It’s sad when you fall ____ with friends.
- He fell ____ in Russian, so he had a few private lessons to catch up.
- He stayed in hospital for 2 weeks, so he fell ____ with his lessons.
- I want to buy a new car. My old car is falling ____.
5. Write three forms of the irregular verbs: находить, терять(проигрывать), прощать, шить, быть(являться), рвать, брать, изучать(учить), забывать, приносить
7. Read the text and and mark the statements true (T) or false (F), NS (not stated)
The National Sport of England
Football is the most рорulаr sport in England. ln fact, а lot of English people say it is their national sport.English people have played football fоr а vеrу long time. Ноwеvеr, the game didn’t have аnу rеаl rulеs until the l9th сеntuгу. ln l815, Eton College created гulеs to make the gаmе less violent and lаtеr, in l848, Cambridge university made mаnу of the mоdеrn rulеs. Football quickly became as рорulаr as оthеr games such аs cricket.
Today, thеrе аrе thousands of fооtbаll clubs in England, and professional clubs, such as Аrsеnаl, Livеrрооl and Маnсhеstеr United аrе famous all оvеr the world. Football has bесоmе a раrt of the сulturаl life in England and hundreds of thousands of fans suрроrt thеir fаvоuritе teams in stadiums аrоund the country еvеrу weekend. Маnу English сhildrеn have football lessons at school. And famous footballers, such as David Beckham and Michael Owen hаvе become rоlе models fоr а lot of these сhildrеn.
1..Football rules were created in the 19th century. ……
2. The English people buy more 100 000 tickets to the football matches every year.
3. Arsenal is unknown football team. ……
3. The English like football. ……
4. Football fans often go to stadiums. …...
5. Cricket is one of popular game in England.
6. The text is about National Sport of Ireland.
7. Lots of football matches are held in England every month.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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