Word- документ Диалог по теме СМИ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)
Диалог составлен согласно экзаменационным критериям разговорной речи по теме СМИ. Может использоваться на уроках английского языка в целях развития коммуникативных навыков при изучении темы СМИ.
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C 4 CARD 2.2 9th Exam
A. Hi! This is the small world. Nice to meet you.
B. Hi! Nice to meet you too. How are you?
A. Life is going the usual way,thanks. And how are you?
B. I’m OK, thanks.
A. I say, haven’t you read about that terrible accident on the railway? All the newspapers
are just packed with the latest news!
B. No, I haven’t. To be honest, I seldom read any newspapers. It takes so much time!And
you, don’t you think it’s harmful for eyes ? The print is so small!
A. Well, I partly agree with you. But you can’t deny that lots of newspapers provide us
with the latest news and cater for variety of political views, interests and levels of edu-
cation. You can choose any you like.
B. As for me, I prefer to listen to the news driving a car. I can tune into all kinds of sta-
tions: news, pop or classical music, sport … So, you can keep up-to-date with the news
this way, can’t you?
A, In a way, you are right . But sometimes it is difficult to find the necessary radio stati-
on. Besides, the newsbreaks are also recorded beforehand so they are not always fresh.
B. On the contrary. Radio has fresher news than newspapers. It is informed every half-
- hour. By the way, I find TV is a good way of getting information about the world.
What do you think of it?
A. I think TV is without doubt a reflection of the modern world. You can see everything
with your own eyes. We must admit that a great variety of programmes and channels
gives us a good opportunity to be in the know of the latest news as well as to learn a
lot and entertain ourselves. However you can’t get information immediately and have
to wait until the news programme is on. Do you share my opinion?
B. Frankly speaking, I do. TV is a wonderful source of getting information, but it has
got a number of shortcomings .And one of them is harmful affect on our eyes. By
the way, how much time do you usually spend in front of computer?
A. Not much, I must say. The point is I prefer the Internet to TV. I believe it has become
another important source of getting information .It allows millions of people to rece-
ive and exchange information about almost everything.
B. I partly agree with you. On the one hand, all the latest information is available to you
in your home at any time of the day or night . On the other hand, you have to pay for
it. It is rather expensive, isn’t it?
A. Sure, but think how much time and money you save instead visiting libraries and
cinemas or buying books. I think you will agree that the Internet has been more and
more popular with our population.
B. I suppose you are right. However computers affect our eyesight and more and more
people are just glued to them. They stop reading books, communicating with friends and
relatives , doing sports and some of them acquire serious health problems. What’s your
idea about it?
A. I feel the same. Speaking about lots of modern forms of getting information I ‘m co-
ming to conclusion that each of us should decide on himself which one to choose. No-
thing is perfect in our world and using the advantages of one and the same thing we
mustn’t forget about the other side of the coin .
B. So, to cut the story short ( To put it in a nutshell) , we should use our brains in any
A. I’m with you here.
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