Конспект урока "Science. It's an insects life" 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Презентация и конспект урока "Жизнь насекомых" для обобщения данного раздела
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Конспект урока 5 кл
Тема урока: It’s an insect’s life
Тип урока: Комбинированный
Цель: развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков учащихся
1) активация ранее изученной лексики, знакомство с новой
2) развивать 4 вида речевой деятельности
3) воспитание любви к животному миру
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент.
-Good morning, children!
-How are you today?
Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Фонетическая зарядка
Look at the screen. Let’s listen a rhyme and repeat after me.
One, one, one –
Little dog run!
Two, two, two –
Cats see you.
Three, three, three –
Birds on the tree.
Four, four, four –
Rats on the floor.
3. Речевая зарядка. Warming up
1. Повторение предыдущей лексики.
T: The world around us is very varied and beautiful.
Where can we see animals? We can see them in a farm, at the zoo or in the forest, and we have them at home. Now let’s revise them.
Do you know any wild animals? Name them. (a bear, a leopard, a rhino, an elephant, a lion, a cobra)
Do you know any farm animals? Name them. (a cow, a sheep, a goat, a rabbit, a goose, a hen, a duck)
What animals meet us at home? Pets (a cat, a dog, a goldfish, a tortoise)
2. Guess the riddles “What is it?”
1. It’s very tall animal. It’s got long legs and it eats leaves. It’s yellow and black. (a giraffe)
2. I have a tail. I can swim. I have no legs. I can’t walk. What am I? (a snake).
3. It’s small and grey. It’s got small eyes and a long tail. It can run, jump and climb. It eats cheese. (a mouse)
4. It is fat. It is big and brown. It has thick fur. It lives in the forest. It likes honey, sugar, sweets. (a bear)
5. It is big. It lives on the farm. It gives us milk. (a cow)
6. It is a domestic animal. It can run. It can climb. It can catch a mouse. (a cat)
g | i | r | a | f | f | e | ||
s | n | a | k | e | ||||
m | o | u | s | e | ||||
b | e | a | r | |||||
c | o | w | ||||||
c | a | t |
4. Основная часть
T: Today we are going to travel to an interesting world of insects, learnt new words and answer the questions what can they do….? Write insects passport, read the text about insects’ life and translate it.
1. Now let’s learn to read new words. Look at the screen and repeat after me.
What insects can fly? (Ответы учащихся) They are flying insects. The others can’t fly. They are ground insects.
2. Работа с текстом.
Now read the text and answer the questions after the text
1.How many insects are there in the world? There are about 10 million types in the world
2.Where do they live? They live water, other live-in fields, parks, and forests.
3. Why are insects important? Insect are really important they keep our gardens clean because they eat dead leaves and waste.
4.What can bees do? They make food – honey
T: Look at the picture and describe what the insects have. Учащиеся смотрят на картинку и описывают что есть у насекомого.
3. Закрепление учебного материала. Работа в группах.
Now we’ll work in groups. Make a factfile about insects.
They have got
Live in
They can
5. Заключительная часть
This lesson we talked about animal, insect, described them. Now write down your homework.
Homework: 1) learn new words, 2) draw the picture of any insect and write about it.
6. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
What did we talk about this lesson?
What did you like best?
What task was the most difficult?
1) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (на доске делают конфетки)
1. make / honey / bees.
2. stripes/black/tigers/ have.
3. wild/people/ hunts/animals.
4. live / trees / in / monkeys
5. winter/ bears/ all/ sleep.
Make a factfile about insects.
Group 1
Name | |
Colour | |
They have got | |
Live in | |
They can |
Make a factfile about insects.
Group 2
Name | |
Colour | |
They have got | |
Live in | |
They can |
Make a factfile about insects.
Group 3
Name | |
Colour | |
They have got | |
Live in | |
They can |
1) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. make / honey / bees.
2. stripes/black/tigers/ have.
3. wild/people/ hunts/animals.
4. live / trees / in / monkeys
5. winter/ bears/ all/ sleep.
1) Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. make / honey / bees.
2. stripes/black/tigers/ have.
3. wild/people/ hunts/animals.
4. live / trees / in / monkeys
5. winter/ bears/ all/ sleep.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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