Методическая разработка по теме Environment (Защита природных ресурсов.Экологические проблемы) английский язык
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Методическая разработка по теме Environment (Защита природных ресурсов.Экологические проблемы)


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1 курс. Тема 29 Защита природных ресурсов. Экологические проблемы.

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Scientists say that global warming isn't the only serious threat to humans. Another major threat is the falling numbers of insects and the extinction of many species. Scientists say that half of all insects worldwide have been declining since the 1970s. A new warning is that over 40 per cent of insect species could die out in our lifetime. Researchers said the number of insects is decreasing by 2.5 per cent every year. The scientists are calling it an "insect apocalypse". Many species of butterflies, bees and other bugs are now extinct. In the U.K. researchers say 23 bee and wasp species have gone extinct in the past century. Scientists say the apocalypse could trigger, "a catastrophic collapse of Earth's ecosystems". Lead researcher Professor Dave Goulson said a lot of insects are being killed by pesticides used for farming and gardening. He said fewer numbers of insects might mean we cannot feed people. He told reporters: "Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators. Crops will begin to fail. We won't have things like strawberries. We can't feed 7.5 billion people without insects." He said one of the most worrying trends is the decline of honeybees. In the USA, the number of honeybee colonies dropped from six million in 1947 to just 2.5 million in 2014. Professor Goulson warned people that: "We can't wait another 25 years before we do anything because it will be too late."

Задание 1. Подберите  синонимы к словам:

1. threat                        a. Going down in number, size, quality, etc.

2. major                        b. Having or causing sudden great damage or suffering.

3. extinction        . A statement to cause pain, injury, damage, or other bad action to someone.

4. species                        d. Important, serious, or significant.

5. declining         e. A group of living things capable of exchanging genes or producing young (babies) together.

6. century                         f. A period of 100 years

7. catastrophic         g. The state of all of one kind of animals, plants, fish, insects etc. dying out forever.

8. pesticide         h. A general direction in which something is developing or changing.

9. farming                         i. Controlled by another thing or action.

10. feed         j. Plants that are grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or vegetable.        

11. crops        k. A liquid or powder used to destroy insects or other things that are harmful to         plants or to animals.

12. depend on        l. A group of animals or insects living in the same community or place.

13. trend                         m. The activity or business of growing crops and raising animals.

14. colony                         n. Give food to.

Ответы к заданию 1.

 1 d,          2 A,          3 c,    4 e,    5 f,    6 g ,  7 b ,   8 k,   9 m ,     10 n ,    11 j,   12 i ,  13 h ,   14 L

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и определите, верны ли нижеследующие утверждения. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

 a. Scientists said insect extinction is a bigger threat than global warming. T / F

 b. A third of insects around the world have died since the 1970s. T / F

 c. The number of insects is decreasing at a rate of 2.5 per cent a year. T / F

 d. The article says there are only 23 species of bee left in the UK. T / F

 e. A professor said pesticides used on farms and gardens are killing insects. T / F

 f. The article said 75% of our crops depend on insect pollinators. T / F

 g. There are only 2.5 million honeybee colonies in the USA today. T / F

 h. A professor said it is too late to wait another 25 years to act. T / F

Ответы к заданию 2.  a F         b F         c T         d F         e T         f T         g T         h T

Задание 3. Подберите синонимы к словам 1-10. SYNONYM MATCH

  1. threat
  2. extinction
  3. Worldwide
  4. decreasing
  5. Catastrophic
  6. farming
  7. depend
  8. Worrying
  9. Dropped
  10. Wait                        

a. concerning

b. falling

 c. agriculture

d. dying out

 e. rely

 f. hold on

 g. danger

 h. fell

 i. globally

 j. disastrous

Ответы к заданию 3.

1 G ,         2D,        3 I,         4 b,         5 j ,        6 c ,        7 E,         8 A,         9 H,         10.F


Задание  4. Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос. MULTIPLE CHOICE – QUIZ

 What other threat did the scientists say there was?

a) cyber attacks

 b) nuclear war

 c) global warming

d) alien attacks

 2) How many insects worldwide have been lost since the 1970s?

                a) half

b) two thirds

 c) a fifth

 d) three quarters

3) By how much is the number of insects decreasing every year?

 a) 2.5%

 b) 2.3%

 c) 2.8%

d) 3.2%

 4) How many bee and wasp species are extinct in the UK?

 a) 25

b) 23

 c) 21

 d) 18

 5) What did scientists say there could be a catastrophic collapse in?

 a) the global economy

b) water levels

 c) volcanoes

d) Earth's ecosystems

6) What did a professor say was killing insects?

a) birds

 b) pesticides

 c) a lack of water

d) global warming

7) What fraction of our crops depends on insect pollinators?

a) three quarters

 b) three tenths

 c) two fifths

 d) three eighths

 8) How many people won't be fed without insects?

a) 6.5 billion

b) 8.5 billion

c) 7.5 billion

d) 5.5 billion

9) How many bee colonies were there in the USA in 1947?

 a) four million

b) 5.5 million

c) five million

 d) six million

10) How long did a professor say we could not wait to act?

a) 25 years

b) 24 years

 c) 23 years

d) 22 years

Ответы на задание 4.

1. C         2. a         3. A         4. b         5. d         6. b         7. A         8. C         9. d         10. A

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