Контрольно-измерительные материалы для учащихся 11-х классов
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)
Контрольно-измерительные материалы для учащихся 11-х классов по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Входной контроль по английскому языку в 11 классе
Вариант | |
A | 8 |
B | 1 |
C | 5 |
D | 2 |
E | 6 |
F | 3 |
G | 7 |
11 | WORST |
13 | FIRST |
14 | VARIOUS |
17 | STORMY |
18 | VIEWERS |
19 | CHEAPER |
Промежуточный контроль по английскому языку в 11 классе
Рart 2. Reading
Match the texts 1 – 6 with the headings A—G. Use each heаdings only once. There is one extra heading. Fill in the table.
1. Neighbourhood Watch is one of the most successful crime prevention programmes ever. It was first set up in the UK in 1982. The scheme encourages neighbours in specific areas to work together by watching each other's properties and raising an alarm when they notice anything suspicious. Since the scheme began, crime has reduced dramatically. Today, Neighbourhood Watch includes 10 million residents, making it the largest voluntary organisation in the UK.
2. The Help the Aged charity began in 1961 and is now a leading international charity for the elderly. The focus of the charity is to help senior citizens and ensure they do not suffer from poverty and neglect. They also offer a free home security service for all older people in the country. For this purpose, the charity raises money through its 370 charity shops all over the UK that sell second-hand items.
3. The Suzy Lamplugh Trust was established in 1986 and has grown considerably over the past twenty years. The purpose of the trust has always been to promote personal protection. The trust offers advice and guidance on how to stay away from aggressive incidents and avoid dangerous situations. It offers its services to anyone, from big companies to young children and the elderly.
4. The Card Watch agency raises awareness about credit card fraud in the UK. The agency provides information and advice to prevent the illegal use of all bank cards. It does this by working closely with shop owners and the police in reducing bank card fraud. The agency can also provide training for anybody who works on a cash register or handles payments. Its useful website is full of tips on how to avoid being the victim of credit card fraud.
5.Kidscapeis the first charity in the UK which works towards keeping children away from danger. The charity was set up in 1984 by Dr Michelle Elliot, a mother herself. So far over 2 million children have attended a programme the charity runs which teaches children how to avoid risky situations and also how to defend themselves if they are ever at risk. Children can also learn how to deal with bullies and what to do when a stranger approaches them.
6. Streetwise Safety Centre is an award-winning safety education centre. The centre looks like a real village, but in fact, it is an artificial village inside a large warehouse. The area consists of a house, a street, a park, a farmyard, a railway track and a beach. In the village children are taught to be more aware in all aspects of their lives, from catching a bus to walking home at night. Skilled teachers work with young people so that they can have a first-hand, realistic experience of what it is like to be a victim of a crime.
Рart 3. Grammar and Vocabulary
I. Choose the correct word
В1.When Maria's father got a new job in the States, the family had to leave their ______ and move abroad.
A harbour B gateway C homeland
В2.Don't throw the batteries away, they're ______ .
A disposable B rechargeable C achievable
В3.Animal rights organizations work to prevent ______________ towards animals.
A cruelty B offence C kidnap
В4.It is important that students do not _______________ the school rules.
A violate B abolish C reject
В5.Suzanne was holding her ___________ ticket, hoping that this time she had the right numbers
which would make her rich beyond her wildest dreams.
A lottery B winnings C scam
II. Choose the correct word: the infinitive, -ing form or infinitive without to.
В6. She keeps __________ everyone that she's innocent, but no one believes her.
A tell B to tell C telling
В7.You must ___________ any knowledge you have of the theft with the police.
A share B sharing C to share
В8.Dad's promised __________ us on a visit to the Statue of Liberty tomorrow.
A taking B to take C take
В9.The judge made Alex ___________ a fine for exceeding the speed limit.
A to pay B pay C paying
В10.There's no point in _____________ that you stole the jewellery; you were caught red-handed!
A denying B deny C to deny
В11.Do you think this lawyer is experienced enough ___________ Robert's case?
A taking on B to take on C take on
В12.Mike was found guilty of ___________ his neighbour's property.
A to vandalise B vandalise C vandalising
В13.Can you imagine _______________ the rest of your life in prison?
A spend B to spend C spending
В14.Louisa will always remember__________ her first case as a police detective.
A solving B solve C to solve
В15.The judge examined the evidence carefully and then went on _______ his decision.
A announce B to announce C announcing
Рart 4. Writing
Your new pen- friend in London has written to you, asking about your best friends. Write him/her a letter (80-100 words) describing:
a) their physical appearance b) the kind of clothes they like wearing
c) their character / personality d) why you like them
Ключи к контрольной работе.
Рart 1. Tapescript
Рart 2. Reading A2
Рart 3. Grammar and Vocabulary
I. Choose the correct word
B1. C homeland
B2. B rechargeable
B3. A cruelty
B4. A violate
B5. A lottery
II. Choose the correct word: the infinitive, -ing form or infinitive without to.
B6. C telling
B7. A share
B8. B to take
B9. B pay
B10. A denying
B11. B to take on
B12. C vandalising
B13. C spending
B14 A solving
B15 C announcing
Итоговый контроль по английскому языку в 11 классе
I. Writing
You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend Sam who writes
….We are doing a project at school on how computers are changing people’s lives. Please could you tell me how computers are changing things and how people feel about it? Do you have a computer at home? What do you use it for? As for me, I am going on holiday with my parents next weekend… |
Write back to Sam.
In your letter
• answer his questions
• ask 3 questions about his holiday.
II. Reading
Установите соответствие тем A-H текстам 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. Ask your parents for permission to have a party. Decide what kind of party you want and whether it will be held indoors or outdoors. Send written invitations to your friends. Tell them what kind of party you are having, at what time, where, and whether or not the guests should wear costumes. Make a list of games you would like to play. Ask your mother to help you prepare refreshments. Ice cream, cake, cookies, and lemonade are good for any party.
2. This activity makes everybody laugh. Have the guests sit around the room. Choose one person to be a pussycat. The pussy must go over to a guest and do his/her best to make the guest laugh. He/she can make funny meows and walk around like a cat. The pussy goes from one guest to another until someone laughs. The first one to laugh becomes the new pussy.
3. It’s easy to make a cake from a cake mix that you get from the grocery store. You usually add only water or milk. Cake mixes come in many flavor’s, such as chocolate, lemon, banana, vanilla and others. When you make a cake from a mix, always follow the directions on the package carefully. Then you can be sure that your cake will turn out right and your guests will enjoy it. Many mixes have a small envelope of powdered frosting hidden inside the flour.
4. As you ride on a bus with your friends, get someone to start singing. Everyone joins in. At the first crossroad, another person starts a different song, and everyone joins in. Keep changing songs at every crossroad.
5. Looking after cats is easy. They wash themselves every day and eat almost any food. Cats like to drink milk and cream. But they need to be fed fish, beef, liver, and other kinds of meat. They need a clean, dry bed at night. You can use a basket or a cardboard box for your cat’s bed. Cats like to play with a rubber ball or chase a string.
6. You can have a whole army of toy soldiers made of tin, wood or plastic. Some may be dressed in fancy uniforms; some may be sitting on horses. Others may be ready for battle, carrying guns and shoulder packs. You can have soldiers from other countries, or only Civil War soldiers or only modern soldiers. If you get two soldiers that are alike, trade your extra soldier with another toy soldier lover.
7. Even animals get involved in elections. The donkey and elephant have been political symbols in the USA for more than 100 years. Why? In 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson ran for president. Critics said he was stubborn as a donkey. The donkey has been the symbol of the Democratic Party ever since. In the 1870s, newspaper cartoonists began using the elephant to stand for the Republican Party.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
III. Use of English
- Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце предложений, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
- Four hundred years ago books were so ………… that only richest people EXPENSE
could afford buying them.
- The man who had thirty books was ……… considered to have quite a library. REAL
As books were dear, rules were made for their use. They were not be touched
3. with …. hands, not to be put on the table at meal time. DIRT
4. Today we often ….. with our friends via e-mail. COMMUNICATION
5. Although we can’t …….. the world without books and newspapers. IMAGINATION
Ответы к итоговой контрольной работе:
- Reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
E | H | A | G | C | D | F |
III. Use of English
1. Expensive
2. Really
3. Dirty
4. Communicate
5. Imagine
Критерии оценивания выполнения задания раздела
«Письмо» (6 баллов)
Решение коммуникативной задачи (Ответы на вопросы; 3 вопроса; нормы вежливости (благодарность за полученное письмо, надежда на последующие контакты)) | Организация текста (логичность, деление на абзацы, обращение, завершающая фразы и подпись на отдельной строке, адрес и подпись.) | Языковое оформление (словарный запас, грамматические структуры) |
2 б. | 2 б. | 2 б. |
- Критерии оценивания чтения (7 баллов). (За каждый верный ответ оценивается в 1 балл)
- Критерии оценивания лексико-грамматического теста (5 баллов). (За каждый верный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.)
Критерии выставления отметок
Общее количество баллов – 18.
Оценка «5» при выполнении 100-90% работы – 17 - 18 баллов
Оценка «4» при выполнении 70-89% работы –13-16 баллов
Оценка «3» при выполнении 50-69% работы – 9-12 баллов
Оценка «2» при выполнении 20-49% работы - 5-8 баллов
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