Словарь по теме Закон "Law"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

Фролова Ольга Борисовна

Словарь по теме "Law" был создан для учащихся с целью расширния словарного запаса. Может быть полезен при подготовке к урокам английского языка, экзаменам ОГЭ/ЕГЭ а также просто тем, кто интересуется данной темой и переводит тексты на юридическую тему. 


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1. Arson – the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage ir destroy something, especially a building.

  • поджог

2. Speeding – driving faster than you are allowed to.

  • превышение скорости

3. Kidnapping – an act of abducting someone and holding them captive.

  • похищение людей

4. Robbery – stealing large amounts of money with force or violence.

  • грабеж с насилием

5. Rape – an act of forcing someone to have sex when that person is unwilling, using violence or threatening behavior.

  • изнасилование

6. Fraud – the crime of getting money by deceiving people.

  • мошенничество
  • обман

7. Manslaughter –  unintentional murder,

the crime of killing a person when the killer did not intend to do it or cannot be responsible for his or her actions.

  • непредумышленное убийство
  • убийство без злого умысла

8. Vandalism – the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people.

  • вандализм

9. Bribery – the crime of giving someone money or something else of value, often illegally, to persuade that person to do something you want.

  • Взяточничество

10. Espionage – the obtaining of secret or confidential information without the permission of the holder of this information.

  • шпионаж

11. Trespassing – an act of going onto someone's land or enter their building without the permission of the owners.

  • нарушение права собственности

12. Mugging – an act of attacking someone and stealing their money.

  • ограбление прохожего

13. Murder – the killing of a human being by a sane person, with intent.

  • тяжкое убийство (убийство, совершенное с заранее обдуманным злым умыслом)

14.  Blackmail – an act of getting money from people or forcing them to do something by threatening to tell their secret or to harm them.

  • шантаж

15. Perjury – the offence committed by a witness in judicial proceedings who gives false evidence.

  • Лжесвидетельство

16. Abuse of power – improper use of authority for taking own advantages.

  • превышение должностных полномочий

17.  Treason – the crime of being disloyal to your country or its government, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government.

  • государственная измена

18.  Extortion – a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from an individual or institution, through coercion.

  • вымогательство

19.  Smuggling – illegal import or export

  • незаконный ввоз или вывоз (контрабанда)

20.  Terrorism – unlawful violence or threat with political aims

  • терроризм

21. Hacking – unauthorized access to data in a computer system.

  • хакерство

22. Drunk driving – driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.

  • нахождение за рулем  в нетрезвом состоянии

23. Shoplifting – taking products from a shop without paying for them.

  • магазинная кража

24. Burglary – breaking into a house in order to steal something.

  • кража со взломом

25. Forgery – illegally copying documents, money, etc. to cheat people.

  • фальсификация
  • подлог, подделка

26. Libel – damaging someone’s reputation by writing lies about them.

  • клевета ( в печати)

27. Trafficking  – trading something illegal like drugs, people, etc.

  • торговля запрещенным товаром

28. Riot – disturbance of public peace.

  • нарушение общественного порядка

29. Hooliganism – being violent or aggressive.

  • Хулиганство

30. Auto theft – stealing a vehicle.

  • угон  автомобиля

1. Execution – the legal punishment of killing someone.

  • смертная казнь

2. Fine – an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law.

  • штраф

3. Caution – an official warning.

  • предупреждение

4. Forfeiture – the loss of property

  • конфискация иммущества

5. Compensation – money that is paid to someone in exchange for something.

  • выплата компенсации

6. Probation – a period of supervision  over  an offender, ordered by the court instead of serving time in prison.

  • испытательный срок

7. Community service – work performed by law offenders to serve a sentence in lieu of or in addition to jail time.

  • общественные работы

8. Custodial sentence – taking into custody.

  • лишение свободы

9. Life imprisonment – a sentence of imprisonment until death.

  • пожизненное лишение свободы

10. Solitary confinement– a form of imprisonment in which an inmate is isolated from any human contact.

  • одиночное заключение

11. Death penalty – the legal punishment of killing someone.

  • смертная казнь

12.  House arrest – the legal act of forcing someone to stay at home instead of in a prison.

  • домашний арест

13. Detention – maintenance of a person in custody or confinement, as while awaiting a court decision.

  • содержание под стражей, арест

Confinement in jail – a prison sentence (imprisonment).

  • заключение в тюрьму

15. Incarceration – the state of  being imprisoned.

  • нахождение в местах лишения свободы

16. Capital punishment – punishment of death

  • смертный приговор

17.  License suspension – taking away a license from a person for a set period of time.

  • временное приостановление лицензии

18. Deprivation of parental rights – depriving a person of their parental rights.

  • лишение родительских прав

19. Suspended sentence – a legal arrangement in which a person who has been found guilty of a crime is not sentenced to jail but may be sentenced for that crime at a future time if he or she commits another crime during a specified period.

  • условное наказание

20. Corporal punishment –  a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer.

  • телесные наказания

21. Deportation – the expulsion of a person or group of people from a place or country.

  • депортация

22. Disqualification from driving –driving ban for some time or forever

  • лишение водительских прав

 23. Bail – money left with a court of law to make sure that a prisoner will return when their trial starts.

  • поручительство
  • залог

24. Hard labour – punishment in prison which consists of hard physical work.

  • каторжные работы

25.  Annuity – an amount paid out every year to someone

  • ежегодная выплата (обычно за увечья)

26. Arrest – to seize someone, usually because they are suspected of committing a crime, and take them into custody.

  • задержание
  • арест

27. Consecutive sentence – a sentence for different crimes and these sentences have to be served one after another.

  • наказания, отбываемые последовательно

28.  Refund – an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought.

  • денежная компенсация

29. To release smb on bail – to provide temporary freedom from arrest till the time of trial in exchange for a deposit of a sum of money which is set by the court.

  • освободить под залог

30. Confinement in disciplinary military unit –

a kind of punishment for soldiers, who break the law.

  • содержание в дисциплинарной воинской части

1. Plaintiff – someone who takes legal action against someone else in a court of  law.

  • истец

2. Jury – a group of people in a court of law who decide if someone is guilty or not.

  • присяжные

3. Judge – a person who presides over court proceedings and makes decisions on legal matters.

  • судья

4. Lawyer – someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court.

  • адвокат

5. Defendant – the accused person.

  • обвиняемый

6. Prosecutor –a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court.

  • прокурор

7. Witness – a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.

  • свидетель

8. Thief –a person who commits theft.

  • вор

9. Murderer – a person who commits murder.

  • убийца

10. Robber – a person who commits robbery.

  • грабитель

11. Diplomat – an official whose job is to represent one country in another, and who usually works in an embassy.

  • Дипломат

12. Tribunal – a special court or group of people who are officially chosen, especially by the government, to examine (legal) problems of a particular type.

  • трибунал (особый вид суда)

13. Victim – a person, who is harmed or killed by another, especially by someone committing a criminal or unlawful act.

  • жертва

14. Notary – a lawyer licensed to prepare legal documents

  • нотариус

15. Bribetaker – a person who takes bribes.

  • взяточник

16. Convict – a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court.

  • Заключенный

17. Probation officer –

someone whose job is to watch, advise, and help people who have broken the law and are on probation.

  • инспектор, наблюдающий за поведением условно осужденных

18. Сriminal – someone who has some problems with the law.

  • злоумышленник
  • правонарушитель

19. Offender – a person who is guilty of a crime.

  • Преступник

20. Prisoner – a person who is kept in prison as a punishment.

  • заключенный

21. Claimant – a person who brings a civil action in a court of law.

  • истец
  • заявитель

22. Terrorist – a person who engages in terrorism.

  • террорист

23. Lawbreaker – a person who breaks the law.

  • нарушитель закона

24. Shoplifter –

a person who steals goods from a shop during shopping hours.

  • магазинный вор

25. Guard – а person who protects, keeps watch, or acts as a sentinel.

  • охранник

26. Police officer –

a member of a police force.

  • Полицейский

27. Vandal – a person who deliberately causes damage or destruction to personal or public property.

  • вандал

28. Spy – a person who secretly collects and reports information about the activities of another country or organization.

  • шпион
  • тайный агент

29. Hacker – a computer fanatic, who through a personal computer breaks into the computer system of a company, government, etc.

  • хакер

30. Gangster –

a member of a gang of criminals; mobster.

  • бандит

1. Trial – legal proceedings to judge whether someone is guilty of a crime.

  • судебное разбирательство

2. Lawsuit – a proceeding in a court of law brought by one party against another.

  • судебный процесс

3. Joint trial – the trial of two or more persons for the same or similar offenses conducted within the framework of one trial.

  • Совместное рассмотрение нескольких дел

4.  To bring charges against – to charge someone with a crime.

  • выдвигать обвинения

5. To sue – to start legal proceedings in the civil court against


  • подавать в суд
  • возбуждать иск


6. To file a complaint – bring an action in court.

  • подавать жалобу

7. To indict smb for felony – to accuse of a criminal offence.

  • предъявить обвинение в уголовном преступлении

8. Сriminal prosecution –  the institution and conduct of legal proceedings against a defendant for criminal behavior.

  • уголовное преследование

9. To present evidence– to present anything that helps to prove that something is true or false.

  • предоставить улики

10. To detain a person – to arrest someone.

  • задержать кого-то

11. Administration of legislation – application of the law.

  • применение законодательства

12. To enforce a law – to provide the observance of law.

  • обеспечить соблюдение закона

13. To authenticate –

to make (a written instrument) valid and effective by marking with one's signature.

  • скреплять подписью

14. Interrogate – To examine by questioning formally or officially.

  • допрашивать

15. To abandon an action – to stop the investigation.

  • прекратить дело

16. To come to terms – to reach an agreement.

  • достичь соглашения

17. Commute punishment – to mitigate of sentence

  • смягчать наказание

18. To plead to the constitution– to refer to the constitution.

  • ссылаться на конституцию

19. To settle a dispute – to end an argument or solve a disagreement.

  • урегулировать спор

20. To indict – to officially accuse someone of committing a crime.

  • официально обвинить кого-то в совершении преступления

21. To issue smb. a summons – to inform somebody about the legal session (with the help of a summons).

  • направить повестку о явке в суд

22. To bring lawsuit – to commence legal proceedings.

  • возбудить иск

23. То go beyond the law – to commit something illegal.

  • совершить противозаконный поступок

24. An opening statement – introductory remarks made by an attorney at the commencement of a trial, in which he outlines the evidence that is expected to be proven.

  • вступительное заявление

25. To examine a witness – to ask some questions to get to know the details of the case.

  • допросить свидетеля

26. Direct examination – the initial questioning of a party or witness by the side that called him or her to testify.

  • первоначальный допрос

27. Cross-examination – the process of asking detailed questions of  a witness in a trial, in order to discover if they have been telling the truth.

  • перекрестный допрос

28. To bring in a verdict – to make a decision if a person guilty or not.

  • выносить приговор

29. To appear before the court – to participate in legal proceedings.

  • явиться в суд, выступать в суде

30. To notify the defendant of the lawsuit – to inform the defendant about the legal proceeding.

  • известить ответчика о судебном заседании

1. Court – the place where the trial is held.

  • суд

2. The dock – the part of a law court where the person who is charged with a crime stands.

  • скамья подсудимых

3. Jury box – the place where the jury sits in a court.        

  • скамья присяжных

4. Witness box –  the place in a court of law where a witness stands to answer questions.

  • свидетельская трибуна


5. Verdict – the decision of a trial jury or a judge that determines the guilt or innocence of a criminal defendant.

  • вердикт

6. Warrant – сourt authorization, most often for law enforcement officers, to conduct a search or make an arrest.

  • разрешение на обыск
  • ордер

7. Autopsy – an examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.

  • вскрытие трупа

8. To nab – to catch or arrest a criminal.

  • поймать (арестовать) преступника

9. Extradition – the surrender of an alleged offender or fugitive to the state in whose territory the alleged offence was committed.

  • экстрадиция
  • передача преступника другому государству

10. To serve a sentence – to be in jail.

  • отбывать наказание

11.  The judge's bench – the chair used by a judge during courtroom proceedings (usually elevated on a podium).

  • судейская скамья

12. The public gallery – the gallery in a chamber of Parliament reserved for members of the public who wish to listen to the proceedings.

  • места для граждан (присутствую-щих на судебном заседании)

13. Culprit – someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong.

  • подсудимый


14. Attenuating circumstances – circumstances which make a situation less strong.

  • смягчающие вину обстоятельства

 15. Power of attorney – the legal right to act for someone else in their financial or business matters, or the document that gives you this right.

  • доверенность

16.  Aggravating circumstances – сircumstances, facts, or situations that increase the culpability, liability, or the measure of damages or punishment for a crime or a tort.

  • отягчающие вину обстоятельства

17.  Accomplice – a person who helps another in committing a crime.

  • сообщник
  • соучастник

18. Confinement cell – a place where the accused are kept while the pre-trial investigation into their crimes is completed.

  • следственный изолятор (СИЗО)

19. Juvenile court – a law court having jurisdiction over youths, generally those of less than 18 years.

  • суд по делам несовершеннолетних

20. To lapse – to be no longer valid or active.

  • утратить силу

21. Presumption of innocence – a principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty.

  • презумпция невиновности

22. To break the law – to do something that is illegal.

  • нарушать закон

23. Evidence

the material and information that is used in a court case to show innocence or guilt.

  • улики

24. Statement – a formal description of what happened or was observed.

  • заявление

25. Mitigation – an attempt to keep the sentence to a minimum.

  • cмягчение наказания

26. Judicial panel – a set of judges who sit together to hear a cause of action, most frequently an appeal from a ruling of a trial court judge.

  • судебная коллегия

27. Frame-up – the act of framing someone, providing false evidence or false testimony in order to falsely prove someone guilty of a crime.

  • ложные обвинения
  • судебная инсценировка

28. Сivil case – a noncriminal lawsuit, usually involving private property rights

  • гражданское дело

29. Сriminal case – the body of law dealing with criminal offenses and their punishment.

  • уголовное дело

30. Amnesty – a pardon granted by the government and effected by statute.

  • амнистия

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