Conditional sentences. zero, 1, 2, 3. 11 класс.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (11 класс)

Ооржак Буяна Орлановна

Типы условных предложений в английском языке


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Предварительный просмотр:

Different types of conditional sentences:

What actually happened.

What could happen

What we wish would happen

What might have happened

The forms of conditional sentences:

0(zero)  If I get sick, I go to the doctor.

1(first)  If I get sick, I will go to the doctor.

2(second)  If I got sick, I would go to the doctor.

3(third)  If I had been sick, I would have gone to the doctor.

Zero conditional.

Condition is something you have to do or a situation that needs to exist in order for something to happen.

The zero conditional is called the factual conditional (фактическое условие)

Если я болею, я иду к доктору.

If + Present Simple  ,   Present Simple.

We use 0 – zero conditional to say about: habits, facts, truths.

If you put ice in your drink, it melts.

(Если вы кладёте лёд в напиток, лёд тает).

First conditional.

We use to talk about possible and future events.

Если я заболею, то я пойду к врачу.

If it happens , I will probably go to the doctor.

If + Present Simple, will + verb Infinitive

If it’s hot tomorrow, I’ll go for a swim at the beach. ( весьма вероятно, что я пойду искупаюсь).

Second conditional.

We use it when we want to imagine that the present situation is different.

If I got sick , I would go to the doctor.

It is an unreal situation.

But to express it, we use If with the past simple

If + Past Simple, would + verb infinitive.

So, we use the modal verb “would” to show that we are imagining this result.

Don’t forget that in English all verbs that followed modal verbs are in an infinitive form.

If I had more money, I would buy a boat.

Если бы у меня было больше денег, я бы купил лодку.

There are lots of different uses for the second conditionals. We use it to give advice, to give reasons why we can’t do something and generally just imagine that life is different.

Third conditional.

If I had been sick, I would have gone to the doctor.

We use this structure to imagine a different past.

If + Past Perfect , would have + V3 (Verb), Past Participle.

If I had been sick

 <= It didn’t actually happened, but I’m imagining a result.  

When you regret something in a past, something that happened in the past, and you wish that the result is different.

If we had looked at the weather report, we would have stayed home!

If I had known you were visiting, I would have made time to see you.

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