урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме "Conditional Sentences"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе по теме "Условные предложения", высторенный согласно таксономии Блума.
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Проанализируйте данные предложения If I have enough money next week I’ll buy a new car. If I had enough money I would buy a new car. If I had had enough money last I would have bought a new car.
Aims. Answer the following questions: What question should we answer today? What are we going to do it for? What will be the result?
Types of Conditional Sentences Type Time Main-Clause If-Clause I Real Future Present Future Simple Present Simple - II Unreal Future Present Would + V1 Past Simple ( be – were) бы III Unreal Past Would + have V3 Past Perfect бы
Make Type 1 conditional sentences Cut down/ all forests/ world’s climate/ change.
Make Type 1 conditional sentences find/ alternative sources of energy/ solve/ some of our environmental problems.
Make Type 1 conditional sentences Temperature in the world/ go up/ by a few degrees/ sea levels/ rise.
Make Type 1 conditional sentences Recycle/ wastes/ save natural resources .
Make Type 2 conditional sentences If I (have) a car I (not/ have to) wait for the bus every day.
Make Type 2 conditional sentences If I (do) my homework my teacher (not/ get) angry with me.
Make Type 2 conditional sentences If I (get up) earlier I (not/ be) late for school.
Make Type 3 conditional sentences If he (not/ notice) the mould in one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming (never/ discover) peniciline .
Make Type 3 conditional sentences If he (sell) some of his paintings, Van Gogh (get) some recognition during his lifetime.
Make Type 3 conditional sentences If Anne Sullivan (not/ teach) her, Helen Keller(not be able to) communicate.
Make up a sentence If Naomi Campbell (not be) so beautiful, she (never/ become) a supermodel.
Make up a sentence Population/ continue to increase/ not be enough food for everyone.
Make up a sentence If Barbara Streisand (change) the shape of her nose, her career (never/ be) the same.
Make up a sentence n ot stop/ use aerosols/ destroy/ ozone layer .
Make up a sentence If I (live) in a bigger house, I (be able to) invite friends over.
Make up a sentence
Make up a sentence
Make up a sentence
Make up a sentence
Make up a sentence
Make up a sentence
Complete the sentences If people stop polluting the environment … If people stop cutting down trees… If people stop throwing much litter away and start recycling…
Complete the sentences The air would be fresh and clean if … Our country would be much cleaner if … There would be less water pollution if …
Алгоритм As soon as you begin the sentence with the word IF you should do the following mental operations: 1. decide whether the condition is real or unreal 2. decide what time your sentence refers to: present, past or future. 3. divide your sentence into the main clause and if clause. 4. use the rules .
Imagine you are on the desert island… What five things would you take with you? What five people would you take with you? What five people would you need there (not relatives)? What would you do there?
My Love If I wrote you a symphony Just to say how much you mean to me. What would you do? If I told you - you were beautiful Would you date me on the regular? Tell me, would you?
Homework Next 15 irregular verbs “3” – ex. 3 p.29 (Workbook) or “4” - If I were the President of the Russian Federation … (write 10 sentences) or “5” – Find 10 examples of the Conditional sentences in songs, poems, films or English literature.
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