Комплекс упражнений, направленный на отработку навыка монологической и диалогической речи.
методическая разработка по английскому языку
В статье предлагаются варианты, как инициировать диалог, как выразить просьбу, внести предложение, реагировать на реплики, выражая согласие или несогласие, как высказать свое мнение и сделать выбор. Освоение данных клише поможет оформить речевое высказывание говорящего.
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Комплекс упражнений, направленный на отработку навыка монологической и диалогической речи.
1. Как инициировать диалог
- There are several possibilities for.... / So, we have to... / Let's talk about......first,
shall we?
- What do you think? What shall we do first?
2. Как выразить просьбу / Реагировать на просьбу
- Excuse me. Can I ask you a personal question? - Of course, go ahead / Would you mind if I ask you.....
- I'd also like to know some information about......
- Could you tell me about........?
- Could I have a.....Could you take, please? / Would you mind +Ving
? / Is it all right if.....? Could you possibly.......? / Would it be possible to.........?
- OK / Yes, sure / Yes, certainly / Yes, of course / Yes, I'll do that / I'm sorry, but.....
- Thank you. - You're welcome.
3. Как внести предложение
- Why don't we do this? / How about .. ,+Ving? / What about...+ Ving ?
- Let's do this / Let's decide about.first, shall we?
- What do you think.? / Do you think we should.?
- Perhaps we should... / What shall we do first? / So, what do you think we should do........?
- How do you feel about this?
- It'd be a good idea if we. / What would be really great is if we. / It's about time
- OK, let's do that / Why don't we both do that?
4. Как согласиться или не согласиться с чьим-то предложением
- That's a good point / I absolutely agree / You're right / That's true / Yes, but.....
- I'm afraid you're wrong / I see what you mean, but don't you think..........?
- I don't think I would go along with that / Yes, but isn't it also true that........?
- That sounds like a good idea / I'm not sure about that
- What a pity / Never mind I don't like........../ I can't stand.........../ I hate.......
- Personally, I'm not that keen on./ You know, it's not really my thing / Don't you think......? / And, to be honest../ That's not the point
5. Как отреагировать на чьи-то предложения / реплики
- Wow! / Really! / Goodness! Oh dear. / What a surprise! / It can't be true./ You must be joking
- I (really) like/ enjoy / love / I really like doing that too / I'm not keen on./
- That's a good idea...../ Surely, it'd be better.
- That sounds like a good idea / I think the best thing to do would be to. / It would
be a good idea to./ I've got a good idea./ I've got a better idea......./ That sounds a bit
boring./ I don't think that's such a good idea because........
- I find it really..(interesting / awful..) / It looks a bit......(strange / difficult.)
- It makes me..(angry/ worried / smile / want to.....)
6. Как сделать выбор
- I I'd rather .....(do/have.) than./ I'd rather we
had......than....../ I much prefer........./ I wouldn't mind +Ving
- I find it really..(interesting / awful..) / It looks a bit......(strange / difficult.)
7. Как высказать мнение
- It's very difficult to say, but I think....../ What I mean is....../ In my opinion.....
- It's not something I feel very strongly about, but.........
- Actually I feel quite strongly that......./ I'm quite certain that.........
- Personally , I feel./ think./ suppose./ guess.
- I've never really thought about it, but I suppose. / I don't really like.but if I had to choose..
- I think it'd be better if../ I think we should.
- I (don't think) / believe / feel (that)
- I (don't) believe in
- Personally I think
- In my opinion
- To my mind
- If you ask me
- It seems to me
- In my view
- As far as I'm concerned
- I think it's really great, don't you?
- Wouldn't you agree .
- What I don't understand is .
- What's really worrying is .
- I'm not sure. I haven't thought about it much.
- I (completely) disagree with you.
- Yes, you are right.
- That's right / true.
- Exactly.
- Absolutely.
- I couldn't agree more.
- That's a very good point.
- There's a lot in what you say.
8. Как прийти к обоюдному согласию
- Neither of us liked............/ So that was the conclusion we reached:...............
- What have we decided then? / So, let's decide which one......... / OK, so which
(two) are the best?
- I think we've agreed that......../ So, we've decided.........
- Well, I chose......../ We both agreed that........./ N. was in favour of.....but I
Диалогическая речь представляет собой объединенное ситуативно-тематической общностью последовательное сочетание устных высказываний в непосредственном акте общения. К основным характеристикам диалога относятся реактивность и ситуативность . Поскольку в диалоге, в отличие от монолога, мы всегда зависим от партнера, необходимо быстро реагировать на реплики в условиях заданной ситуации. Обучение диалогам можно начинать с простого, усложняя задачи по мере формирования соответствующих навыков.
Так, можно начинать с диалога по заданной ситуации. Например:
1) You and your friend are discussing which way of communication is the best. Discuss the following options with your friend and choose the one you both like most of all:
- face-to-face communication
- mobile phone
- instant messaging
2) You and your friend are discussing what both of you could do on Sunday. There are several options but you may choose only one of them. Discuss every point:
- go to the theatre
- go to a café
- go to the cinema
- go to a music concert
- go for a walk
3) You and your friend are planning to start a new hobby. You are discussing what hobby to choose. You are considering:
- playing musical instruments
- collecting something
- sailing
- photography
- craft
Discuss with your friend the above-mentioned hobbies. Agree upon one of the options.
4) Your school is planning to hold the Arts and Crafts Week and your class is going to take part in it. You and your friend are discussing what you could do. Consider the following options and choose the one you both like most of all:
- a play or some sketches
- a handicraft exhibition
- picture gallery
- a concert
5) Your local youth club has been awarded some money by the local council. Here are some of the things that you are considering buying. You can choose from:
- a TV set
- a computer
- books
- a projector
- a camera
Discuss the options with your friend and choose the one you both like most of all . Другим, более сложным вариантом диалога может служить упражнение с заданной ситуацией, без возможных вариантов для обсуждения. Например:
There are some situations with given roles, you should make up dialogues according to information given below. Remember, dialogues should be extended, emotional, complete.
- A psychologist and a patient
the situation: there are problems with misunderstanding among class-mates
- A headmaster and a student
the situation: the student has great problems with study and behaviour
- A manager and an applicant for a new job
the situation: the conversation between a manager and an applicant for a job
- A parent and a child
the situation: the child needs money for himself, so he asks some.
- A sport-instructor and a client
the situation: the client came to the fitness-center to go in for sports.
- A child (15 years old) and a parent
the situation: the parent makes his child study.
- A manager and a buyer
the situation: in the shop the buyer becomes very angry because ...
- A conductor and a person who doesn't want to pay the situation: in the bus .
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Дополнительный комплекс упражнений, направленный на формирование навыков аудирования к УМК Ю. А. Комаровой «Brilliant English» для 11 класса...