Great Americans
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Открытый урок в 10 классе по английскому языку.
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Great Americans
Цели урока: формирование умения воспринимать речь на слух, расширение знаний по разделу «Страноведения».
Социокультурный аспект - учащиеся знакомятся со знаменитыми людьми США.
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект – формирование понимания, какой человек может быть в жизни примером.
Учебный аспект – развитие речевого умения (монологическая, диалогическая речь).
Речевой материал: лексика и грамматика цикла.
Оборудование: магнитофон, аудиозапись, фотографии знаменитых людей, напечатанные высказывания.
Организационный момент.
T: Good morning boys. Glad to see you. Sit down please!
We have many problems every day. We have problems at school, at home, with friends, parents. We think about them everywhere. Please, write down one of your problem on this sheet of paper and put your problem in this plastic glass and forget about them. Don’t be nervous, relax. I throw this box with the problems into the trash can. How are you feeling now? Are you fine?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s start our lesson with the proverb: Where there is a will, there is a way. Ученик переводит: Где хотенье там и уменье.
Вводное слово учителя.
Our theme is Famous Americans. Let’s look at the presentation.
P 1 (читает): Famous Americans.
P2 (читает слова): Actions speak louder than words.
P3 (переводит): Не по словам судят, а по делам.
- We have already spoken about the country itself and about its capital and other cities, about sport in the USA and so on. But our knowledge about the country won’t be full if the say nothing about the people who live in this country, especially about outstanding persons who made a lot for the development of the country itself and its science, literature, art. I mean famous scientists, statesman, writers, composers, singers, artists and so on.
T: The 1-st page is Writers.
P1 (читает слова): It is great thing to start life with a small number of really good books.
На доске фотографии Jack London, Mark Twain.
T: What do you know about Jack London?
P 1: Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, California. His family was poor, so Jack had to leave school to make money. In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas for his stories there. He is best known for his book “The Call of the Wild” the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. His writings were popular and he became rich and famous before the age of 30.
T: The next famous writer is Mark Twain. I want you to watch a short episode from his book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.
Группа учащихся подготовила сценку. Учащиеся должны понять и ответить на вопросы.
1. Did Tom want to go to school?
2. Was he really ill?
3. Was Aunt Polly a kind woman?
4. Did she love Tom?
5. Do you always want to go to school? Why?
P (читает слова): Don’t limit yourself. What you believe, you can achieve.
На 2 слайде фотографии Louis Armstrong , Elvis Presley .
T: What do you know about these performers?
P1: Louis Armstrong was a singer and a trumpet player. He was known as the “The King of Jazz”. His musical career began in the streets. He was the first who received worldwide recognition in jazz.
P2: Elvis Presley was born in Mississippi. He was known as “the King” of rock n roll.
He sold millions of records, served in the army, appeared in 33 films. He was the most popular performer of his day. His songs are still popular today.
T: I want you to listen to the music of these performers.
Учащиеся слушают запись этих исполнителей
T: The 3-th page is Artists.
На доске фотографии Ansel Adams, Walt Disney.
P1 (читает слова): The secret of greatness is simple; do better work than any other man.
T: What do you know about Ansel Adams?
P2: Ansel Adams was a famous photographer, who is best known for his black-and-white landscapes. Many of his photos are of the great national parks of the American West. His photos are so beautiful that visitors of the national parks are often disappointed when they see the real thing.
Практика аудирования.
T: listen to the text about Walt Disney and tell it is true or falls.
Walt Disney was born in Chicago. Then the family left in the South. When Walt Disney grew up he began to draw pictures and create cartoons. One day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. He saw a mouse as a funny little thing that could speak, sing and live like a man. He called him Mickey Mouse. Then he creates other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto. Disney’s stories end happily. Walt Disney decided to create a special place for children and parents. So he built Disneyland in California.
True or Falls!
1 Walt Disney was born in New York.
2 When he grew up he began to draw.
3 Walt Disney created comedies.
4 He made a fox the main character.
5 Disney built Disneyland in California.
T: The 4-th page is Inventors.
На доске портреты Orville and Wilbur Wright, Henry Ford.
P1 (читает на доске слова): Success does not come to you, you go to it.
T: Please, guess the names of the inventors.
1 Established the Motor Company;
2 Built and flew the first airplane;
3 Transformed the world;
4 An achievement was considered impossible;
Диалогическая речь.
T: Imagine that you are at the library. You are talking with the librarian.
L: What information are you interested in?
P1: I am interested in writers
P2: I am interested in inventors
P3: I am interested in performers….etc.
L: I suggest you to read this book.
P1: oh, there are many photos and short descriptions.
P2: the book is wonderful; we can see all kinds of inventions.
P3: the book is full of different projects of modern buildings….etc.
L: Is there anything else you would like to know?
P1: I would like to know about…….
L: Everything we have in the library you can find listed on our computer system.
P: How convenient. Thank you for your help.
T: The last page is Leaders.
На доске фотографии Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin.
P1 (читает на доске слова): Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Класс делится на 2 команды.
T: one team considers that Abraham Lincoln is more important person for American people than Benjamin Franklin, but the second team must prove that Benjamin Franklin is more important person than Abraham Lincoln.
1 team: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the USA.
2 team: Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, and diplomat.
1 team: Abraham Lincoln was well-known for his honesty.
2 team: Benjamin Franklin wrote the Emancipation Proclamation.
1 team: A. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery.
2 team: B. Franklin helped to write the Declaration of Independence.
1 team: In 1863, A. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to the 3 million blacks living in the South.
2 team: B. Franklin was the U.S. Ambassador to France.
T: thank you for your arguments; we agree that they both were important people for the USA.
T: The last task is the test.
На столах учащихся лежат тесты.
1 Who went to Alaska to find gold?
a. M. Twain b. J. London.
2 Who never finished elementary school?
a. M. Twain b. J. London.
3 Who build a car powered by a gasoline engine?
a. O. and W. Wright b. H. Ford.
4 Who was known as the King of Jazz?
a. E. Presley b. L. Armstrong
5. Who appeared in 33 films?
a. E. Presley b. L. Armstrong.
6 Who was known for black and white landscapes?
a. W. Disney b. A. Adams.
7 Who opened family entertainment parks?
a. W. Disney b. A. Adams.
8 Who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. A. Lincoln. b .B. Franklin.
9 Who was the Ambassador to France?
a. A .Lincoln. b. B. Franklin.
T: Today you have known a lot of useful and interesting information about famous Americans. Please tell me why you admire of one of this person.
P1, P2, P3, P4 -etc.: I admire of………….because………………….
Подведение итогов урока.
Задание на дом.
Выставление оценок.
T: I must say that your speeches were perfect. Your marks are…
T: Thank you for the lesson. You work quickly and excellently.
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок по теме «Great Americans»
Цели урока: формирование умения воспринимать речь на слух, расширение знаний по разделу «Страноведение».
Социокультурный аспект - учащиеся знакомятся со знаменитыми людьми США.
Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект – формирование понимания, какой человек может быть в жизни примером.
Учебный аспект – развитие речевого умения (монологическая, диалогическая речь).
Речевой материал: лексика и грамматика цикла.
Оборудование и раздаточный материал: мультимедийная установка, презентация Power Point, аудиозапись, видеозапись, фотографии знаменитых людей, карточки-задания.
1 этап урока: Организационный момент.
2 этап урока: Фонетическая зарядка.
3 этап урока: Вводное слово преподавателя.
4 этап урока: Writers (Писатели). Jack London. Работа с текстом (Слайд 4).
Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, California. His family was poor, so Jack had to leave school to make money. In 1897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead, he found ideas for his stories there. He is best known for his book “The Call of the Wild” the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. His writings were popular and he became rich and famous before the age of 30.
5 этап урока: Writers (Писатели). Mark Twain. Просмотр видео и ответы на вопросы после видео (Слайд 5, 6, 7).
6 этап урока: Performers (Исполнители). Прослушивание информации об Элвисе Пресле и Льюисе Армстонге, а так же прослушивание аудиозаписи (нарезка из песен). (Слайд 8, 9, 10).
Louis Armstrong was a singer and a trumpet player. He was known as the “The King of Jazz”. His musical career began in the streets. He was the first who received worldwide recognition in jazz.
His musical career began in the streets. He was the first who received worldwide recognition in jazz
Elvis Presley was known as “The King” of rock’n’roll. He sold millions of records, served in the army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films.Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America and of country people. His songs started a new period in American music. Elvis was the most popular performer of his day. At the news of his death in 1977, thousands of people gathered outside his home in Memphis. Elvis’ songs are still popular today .People love to imitate him. There is even an Elvis Presley Impersonation Society.
7 этап урока: Artists. Ansel Adams (фотограф) and Walt Disney (мультипликатор). Практика аудирования. Выполнение задания «True or False» (Слайд 11, 12, 13, 14).
8 этап урока: Inventors (изобретатели). Orville and Wilbur Wright, Henry Ford. Выполнение задания «Guess the names». (Слайд 15, 16).
9 этап урока: Leaders. (Лидеры). Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin. Выполнение задания «Prove» («Докажи»). (Слайд 17, 18).
10 этап урока: Выполнение задания «At the library» («В библиотеке»). Диалогическая речь. Тест. (Слайд 19, 20).
11 этап урока: Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
Преподаватель Е.Б.Копейко
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