Travel. Play. And Study (рамках ВКС)
видеоурок по английскому языку (6 класс)
Teacher Guide:
Travel. Play. And Study.
About This lesson:
This lesson of virtual reality takes students on short field trips to London and some famous places and landmarks around England. After the field trip, students will learn more about London and England itself. At the end of the lesson students at the secondary level will summarize what they learned in a paragraph.
- To be sure of the lesson you do not need special preparation. But for a successful participation in the lesson it is necessary for children to bring their mobile phones with working Internet in it. They can also have one phone for two students.
- Before the lesson help student to download Nearpod: Student Engagement Platform
At the lesson students are going to open the Nearpod platform, then they will be given a CODE (in the top left corner of the screen) to join a session (the lesson), then they write their names, surnames and school into a special field.
- Print out of all pages of the student’s list for every student. Distribute students to record their observations and questions during field trips. The student’s list is applied.
- Preview the videos in the lesson by yourself. You may also want to determine if there are vocabulary words to pre-teach. London England Top Things to Do | Viator Travel Guide.
- Preview the Microsoft Sway by yourself.
( There are mini texts for children’s reading). You may also want to determine if there are vocabulary words to pre-teach.
- Cut covers for the game. Give out covers to every student before the lesson. See them below.
- Pay attention! You do not need to fulfill the tasks with children.
- Pay attention! The lack of mobile phones and the Internet does not hinder the student from the participation in the lesson.
Вложение | Размер |
student_list3333.docx | 1014.67 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
- Before the next lesson create your own crossword. Choose the theme you liked best of all.
The themes for your crossword can be:
1 The Tower of London
2 Tower Bridge
3 Stonehenge
4 England (population, culture, language, religion a so on) Use Microsoft Sway Knowledge from the lesson.
What is a crossword /ˈkrɒs.wɜːd/? It is a game in which you write words that are the answers to questions in a pattern of black and white squares.
Study this material.
1 How to write a crossword.
There are several steps in preparing a crossword. Look them through and put in the logical order. You can enter the website URL to see the Web Content. (
- Decide on a grid size.
- Make a list of words for your crossword puzzle.
- Lay the words out in a grid format.
- Number the starting square for each word.
- Create a copy of the crossword puzzle.
- Use one of the standard sizes 15×15
- Avoid small words. Two-letter words are never allowed
- Use each word only once.
- Create clues (напишите ключи)
- Study the types of crosswords.
1 American-Style Grid | 2 British or South African-Style Grid |
3 Cryptic | 4 Barred Grid |
5 Cipher | 6 Thematic |
3 Study the criteria of assessment of the crossword.
Критерии и система оценивания кроссворда.
1. Оригинальность вопроса.
2. Умение чётко сформулировать вопрос.
3. Грамотность.
4. Аккуратность и эстетичность.
5. Самостоятельность.
Отметка «5».
Учащийся: - чётко и оригинально без грамматических ошибок сформулировал 20-30 вопросов кроссворда; - кроссворд эстетически оформлен, аккуратно выполнен, самостоятельно составлен.
Отметка «4».
Учащийся: - без грамматических ошибок, используя интересные формулировки, но допускает незначительные неточности, составляет кроссворд менее чем из 9 вопросов; - кроссворд эстетически оформлен, аккуратно выполнен, но частично составлен с помощью учителя. 6 Отметка «3».
Учащийся: - допускает грамматические ошибки в словах кроссворда, ошибки при формулировке вопросов, составляет кроссворд менее чем из 6 слов; - кроссворд выполнен не аккуратно, отсутствует эстетическое оформление, большая часть вопросов составлена с помощью учителя.
Отметка «2». Учащийся: - неправильно формулирует вопросы, - неправильно располагает слова.
©Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия №11 Василеостровского района Санкт-Петербурга
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