сценарий мероприятия в рамках недели английского языка I play.I learn.
материал по английскому языку на тему
финальное мероприятие - игра, которую мы проводили в нашей гимназии в рамках недели английского языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
Негосударственная общеобразовательная автономная
некоммерческая организация
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
“I play. I learn.”
Учителей английского языка Петровой Е.В., Шумик Т.А., Тарасовой Т.Ф.
на заседании МО
Протокол №5 от 20.03.2014г.
2014 г.
Предварительный просмотр:
The game “I play. I learn.”
Participants: 2 teams (7 players in each team)
Quiz master 1: Greeting the audience. Good afternoon! Glad to see you here. Today we are playing the game ‘I play. I learn’.
Quiz master 2: Knowledge is power, as F.Bacon said. Today you have a chance to prove that. … Good luck.
Quiz master 1: before we proceed to the game, we need to form two teams.
(There are 1 blue and 1 green cards. Two students from each grade draw cards from the box. Students with blue cards go to one team, those with green cards go to other team.)
Teams choose their captains and names. Be ready in one minute.
Once the teams are formed we are going to announce the general rules.
Quiz master 2: Now onto the rules of the game. There are 2 rounds. Each round has its own rules. On the screen there is a table with 5 sections on different topics. Each section has 5 questions that vary in difficulty. The more difficult the question is, the more points you get. Each team chooses a question in any section.
Quiz master 1: You have 1 minute to agree on your answer. The captain nominates someone from your team to announce the answer. We ask the audience to support the teams by keeping silent. If there are prompts from the audience, the team is penalized and loses the right to answer the question.
Quiz master 2: Let’s greet our jury who are going to make sure the rules are followed Juries are Julia the deputy director of foreign languages department and Natalia, the administrative manager.
Quiz master 1: Now let’s proceed to the first round. In this round teams take turns to choose questions. Each team can choose and answer 3 questions. If their answer is correct, the corresponding number of points is awarded to the team. If their answer is incorrect, no points are awarded.
Quiz master 2: Let’s toss the coin to see which team begins the round.
Quiz masters take turns to announce chosen questions.
Points | Questions | Answers |
The UK | ||
100 | This is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family | Windsor Castle |
200 | This (single storyline) novel by a British author is the most published one with more than 150 million copies printed. | "The Lord of the Rings" by British author J. Tolkien. |
300 | Which British queen was also known as the Empress of India? | Queen Victoria |
400 | Founded in 1534, this publishing house is the world’s oldest printing and publishing house and the second largest university press in the world. | Cambridge University Press |
500 | One of the most important dates in British history is 1066, when the Norman Duke William invaded the island and conquered the English army. Since that time England has never been invaded. Name the Battle. | The Battle of Hastings |
The USA | ||
100 | This monument in New York was a gift to the people of the USA from the people of France. | The Statue of Liberty |
200 | This city was once ruled by the Dutch and called New Amsterdam. | New York |
300 | This is the most recent of the 50 states in the US (joining in 1959) and is the only one made up entirely of islands. | Hawaii |
400 | Which famous person said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" What was the occasion? | Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon |
500 | Which is the smallest US state in size? | Rhode Island |
Australia | ||
100 | Two cities of Australia hosted the Summer Olympics, in 1956 and in 2000. Name the cities. | Melbourne and Sydney |
200 | This is the largest organic construction on earth. | The Great Barrier Reef |
300 | There are more than 150 million of these animals in Australia, and only some 20 million people. Which animal? | Sheep |
400 | The Melbourne Cup was first run in 1861 and is still held every year on the first Tuesday in November. It is dubbed "the event that stops a nation".... and the state of Victoria, where it is held gets a public holiday for it. What is it? | a horse race |
500 | Ugg boots were first created by Australian farmers, who used sheepskin to stay warm. As the years went by, many Australian surfers also cottoned on to using them for their warmth-giving properties. What does “ugg” mean? | just a slang word for “ugly” |
Russia | ||
100 | In this coat of arms of the Russian Federation, something is missing from the inner shield. What is missing? | St George on his horse |
200 | After Russian, what is the second most spoken language in Russia? | Tartar |
300 | French philosopher Voltaire admiringly called which Russian autocrat an "enlightened despot"? | Catherine the Great |
400 | Russia’s European territory represents about one quarter of its total land mass. Approximately what percentage of its population lives there? | 75% |
500 | Name at least 10 countries that became independent after the USSR broke up. | Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Estonia Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lithuania Moldova Russia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan |
General Knowledge | ||
100 | What is the antonym of synonym? | Antonym |
200 | Northern Americans are known as Yankees. | Kiwi |
300 | What can you have after someone has taken it? | Your photo |
400 | Where does Friday come before Thursday? | in the dictionary |
500 | The manager of an important bank had just arrived at work one morning when one of his employees came into his office. The man told the manager that while he was asleep that night, he had dreamt that there was a bomb in the bank vaults and, in fact, the bomb was found. The manager thanked the man and then told him he had lost his job. Why had he lost his job? | The man was a night guard. He had fallen asleep and this proved he was not doing his job. |
Final | ||
This is the picture of London. One of the main sightseeing is hidden. What is it? | Big Ben |
Quiz master 1: The first round is over. Our jury is calculating the score. I suggest having a break (Announce the song and the performer)
Quiz master2: The results of the 1st round (announce the result).
Quiz master 1: We continue the game and start the second round the team with the biggest score starts the round.
Quiz master 2: In this round teams take turns to choose questions. Each team can choose and answer 3 questions. If their answer is correct, the corresponding number of points is awarded to the team. If their answer is incorrect, the opposing team answers the same question to get the points. The winning team has the right to start the round.
Quiz masters take turns to announce chosen questions.
Quiz master 1: The second round is over. Our jury is calculating the score. I suggest having a break (Game with the audience with the rest questions).
In case the game ends in a draw, captains only play in an additional round.
Quiz master2: Our game is coming to an end. Let’s announce the winners. Winners get medals. The other team gets diplomas.
Quiz master 1: We have more prizes to give away. (The winners of the photo contest. The winners of the radio quiz contest.)
Quiz master 2: Thank you for coming.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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