тест Life of Francis Drake module 3 History Across the Curriculum
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Life of Francis Drake
module 3 History Across the Curriculum
"5" - 25-27 баллов
"4" - 19-24 баллов
"3" - 18-14 баллов
"2" - 0- 13 баллов
Задание № 1
Match the words to their meaning
Задание № 2
Put the sentences about Drake's journey in the correct order.
Задание № 3
How are these names related to Sir Francis Drake?
Вложение | Размер |
https://forms.gle/HnG9VQfeVfYmvvHv6 | 15.83 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Life of Francis Drake
module 3 History Across the Curriculum
"5" - 25-27 баллов
"4" - 19-24 баллов
"3" - 18-14 баллов
"2" - 0- 13 баллов
Задание № 1
(Посмотрите видео)
Match the words to their meaning
Обратите внимание, что в задании 13 пунктов. Чтобы увидеть последние, нужно потянуть "бегунок/ прокрутку" вправо. "Бегунок" находится под последней (тринадцатой) строчкой.
inside the ship / plane (on the ship) | on board |
the way you go from one place to another | route |
strong, cruel | violent |
harbour (a place where ships stop) | port |
left | remaining |
valuable objects (something valuable) | treasure |
sum of money (money left after the death) | fortune |
in the end | eventually |
shore | coast |
a picture with symbols that helps you to navigate | map |
when you find something new | discovery |
around the Earth | around the world |
travel by sea | sail |
Задание № 2
The Master Thief of the Unknown World
(Послушайте текст и расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.)
Put the sentences about Drake's journey in the correct order.
- Drake left two ships on the east coast of South America.
- Drake sailed around the southern tip of Africa.
- Drake sailed to North America.
- Drake left Plymouth in 1577 with five ships.
- Drake crossed the Pacific to a group of islands in the southwest.
- Drake sailed north along the coast of South America.
- Drake arrived in England in September, 1580.
Задание № 3
How are these names related to Sir Francis Drake?
Выберите правильный ответ к каждому описанию. (Наведите курсор на рамку со словом Выбрать и треугольником, нажмите левую клавишу мыши. Из появившегося списка выберите подходящее слово.)
- knighted
- sailed around the southern tip before returning to England to complete his round the world tour
- travelled here after North America
- where the gold was
- the ocean where one of his ships was destroyed / crossed to get to The Meluccas Islands
- his ship
- place he left from in 1577
Plymouth, the Golden Hind, the Pacific, the New World, the Meluccas Islands, Africa, Elizabeth I
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