тест Life of Francis Drake module 3 History Across the Curriculum
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Капустина Ольга Викторовна

Life of Francis Drake

module 3 History Across the Curriculum

"5" - 25-27 баллов
"4" - 19-24 баллов
"3" - 18-14 баллов
"2" - 0- 13 баллов

Задание № 1

Match the words to their meaning

Задание № 2

Put the sentences about Drake's journey in the correct order.

Задание № 3

How are these names related to Sir Francis Drake?



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Предварительный просмотр:


Life of Francis Drake

module 3 History Across the Curriculum

"5" - 25-27 баллов
"4" - 19-24 баллов
"3" - 18-14 баллов
"2" - 0- 13 баллов

Задание № 1

(Посмотрите видео)


Match the words to their meaning

Обратите внимание, что в задании 13 пунктов. Чтобы увидеть последние, нужно потянуть "бегунок/ прокрутку" вправо. "Бегунок" находится под последней (тринадцатой) строчкой.

inside the ship / plane (on the ship)

on board

the way you go from one place to another


strong, cruel


harbour (a place where ships stop)




valuable objects (something valuable)


sum of money (money left after the death)


in the end




a picture with symbols that helps you to navigate


when you find something new


around the Earth

around the world

travel by sea


Задание № 2

The Master Thief of the Unknown World

(Послушайте текст и расставьте предложения в правильном порядке.)

Put the sentences about Drake's journey in the correct order.

  • Drake left two ships on the east coast of South America.
  • Drake sailed around the southern tip of Africa.
  • Drake sailed to North America.
  • Drake left Plymouth in 1577 with five ships.
  • Drake crossed the Pacific to a group of islands in the southwest.
  • Drake sailed north along the coast of South America.
  • Drake arrived in England in September, 1580.

Задание № 3

How are these names related to Sir Francis Drake?

Выберите правильный ответ к каждому описанию. (Наведите курсор на рамку со словом Выбрать и треугольником, нажмите левую клавишу мыши. Из появившегося списка выберите подходящее слово.)

  • knighted
  • sailed around the southern tip before returning to England to complete his round the world tour
  • travelled here after North America
  • where the gold was
  • the ocean where one of his ships was destroyed / crossed to get to The Meluccas Islands
  • his ship
  • place he left from in 1577

Plymouth, the Golden Hind, the Pacific, the New World, the Meluccas Islands, Africa, Elizabeth I

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