Задания к фильму "Король говорит"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Дудкина Марина Валентиновна

Детально разработанные задания к фильму "The Кing's speech": словарь, задания на сопоставление, наиди автора реплики. Предложены вопросы для развернутой дискуссии по сценарию фильма. Способствует развитию продуктивных навыков


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Предварительный просмотр:

The King’s Speech                                                                              


The closing ceremony of the Empire exhibition

To address subjects on the wireless

To give one’s inaugural broadcast


To speak publicly

To make a frank appraisal

To remain un-obliging

She is a sport

To bring up a talk

To know the lines  


To have a bit of a temper

To charge for something

Speech impediment (to fix)

To ingratiate oneself with smb

To be taken up with

To intimidate half Europe

Take your time

To trick somebody

To deal with the surface of the problem

That’s sufficient!

To tolerate tardiness  

To have one’s best interest at heart


To muck around with kids  

Here’s to the memory of your father

To be next in line

To succeed somebody

Knock knees; metal splints

What is her hold on him?

Elocution lessons


To be infatuated with  

To outshine somebody  


These sessions are over

To abdicate

To declare one’s allegiance to somebody

To familiarize oneself with

To fall back to square one

But alas…a previous engagement

Speech therapist  

To seek assistance

To attend the coronation

Let’s get cracking  

That must ring the bell with you, Bertie

To trivialize everything  

To have perseverance

A replacement specialist with impeccable credentials

Come on up on your purge

To be held to the abyss of destructive war

To withdraw troops from Poland

Turn the hesitations into pauses

To make an asset of something

To be forced into a conflict

To meet the challenge  

To prevail

Stripped of all disguise


to be presented for the daily viewing

to pinch somebody

to unite at this time of trial

to be confined to the battlefield

a true broadcaster

I. Match the words from the left and right column to make a phrase used in the film.

To declare                                best interest at heart

To familiarize                         the challenge  

To make                                 for something

To know                                  on your purge

To be taken                                 the surface of the problem

To deal with                                up with

Come on up                                the lines

To charge                                 a frank appraisal

To meet                                 oneself with

To have one’s                        one’s allegiance to somebody

III. Use the following phrases in the situations of your own.

  1. To bring up a talk
  2. Let’s get cracking.
  3. To trivialize everything
  4. To have perseverance
  5. To trick somebody
  6. To deal with the surface of the problem
  7. To have a bit of a temper
  8. To charge for something
  9. To outshine somebody
  10. A previous engagement  

V. Who and under what circumstances pronounced these words.

  1. “Oh, dear, perhaps he’s a Bolshevic?”
  2. “Herr Hitler intimidating half of Europe, Marshall Stalin the other half. Who’ll stand between us, the jackboots and the proletarian abyss?”
  3. “Old bugger’s doing this on purpose. Departing prematurely to complicate matters.”
  4. “Bertie has more guts than the rest of his brothers put together.”
  5. “I was afraid of my father,  and my children are damn well going to be afraid of me.”
  6. “Kinging is a precarious business these days.”
  7. “We will need a King behind whom we can all stand united”.
  8. “I refused your first two marriage proposals, not because I didn’t love you, but because I could not bear the royal cage.”
  9. “Ah, yes, wireless is indeed a Pandora’s box.”

VI. Questions for discussion.

  1. Why didn’t Prince Albert (Bertie) like his doctor’s method? What was the doctor’s classical approach?
  2. How did Elisabeth find Lionel Logue? Why did she use the name Johnson to introduce herself?
  3. What did Lionel mean saying: “My game, my turf, my rules?”
  4. Why did Dr. Mc Cleod consider Lionel’s methods “unorthodox and controversial”? (need trust and total equality)
  5. Describe both families (Bertie and Lionel’s) . What was the family atmosphere like?
  6. Why did Lionel fail his audition?
  7. Why did Elisabeth take Lionel for a “Bolshevic” first?
  8. Why did Lionel give Bertie his recording as a souvenir after his first treatment session?
  9. Why was George V angry with his son David?
  10.  Elaborate on Bertie’s childhood, his upbringing. What made him stammer?
  11.  What did David mean saying that “Hitler will sort that lot out”?
  12.  Why couldn’t David marry Mrs Wallis? Why did he have to abdicate?
  13.  Why did Bertie want to do anything in his power to keep his brother on the throne? Did he really consider he wasn’t an alternative to David?
  14.  How did David explain to the public the reason which impelled him to renounce the throne?
  15.  What  did Archbishop  mean saying:”Wireless is indeed a Pandora box”?
  16. What was Lionel Logue – a doctor, an actor,  a fraud?
  17.  “ I vouched for you and you have no credentials”. What did Bertie mean? What was Lionel’s  answer?
  18.  What made Bertie trust Lionel ?
  19. Why did Baldwin (the Prime Minister) tender his resignation? What did he mean saying to the King:”Your greatest test is yet to come.”
  20.  What did the King mean saying:”Lionel, if I am the King where is my power? Can I levy a tax or declare a war”?
  21.  How did the King cope with his first war speech? Who was Lionel Logue for him?
  22.  What was there in the King’s speech that impressed you? Elaborate  on it.

        In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history I send to every household  of my peoples both at home and overseas, this message spoken with the same depth of feeling  for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us we are..at war. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict. For we are called to meet the challenge of a principle which if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the more primitive doctrine that might is right . For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my people across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm and firm, and united at this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit our cause to God. If  one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God’s help, we shall prevail.

V. Think of  2 questions for discussion.

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