Викторина "What do you know about English-speaking countries?"
материал по английскому языку
Викторина "What do you know about English-speaking countries?" направлена на проверку эрудированности учеников 9-11 классов по заявленной теме. Викторина состоит из нескольких частей (quiz, video task, speaking)
Предварительный просмотр:
Викторина «What do you know about English-speaking countries?»
Hello, dear students! Today we are going to take part in the quiz «What do you know about English-speaking countries?». First of all, we need to divide you in 3 groups. Then, each group has 2 minutes to come up with the idea of the name of the team (придумывают название, пишут на листочках название своих команд).
Let`s get started!
The most known English-speaking countries
- The first part of our quiz is connected with your general knowledge of English-speaking countries. The UK and the USA are in the centre of attention (отвечают на вопросы по темам geography, culture, history, travelling, etc)
- Flags and Sightseeings of English-speaking countries (выполняют задание на соотнесение флагов и стран, достопримечательностей и названий)
- Video or listening task (либо тест, либо ответы на вопросы)
- What country would you like to travel to and why? 5-7 sentences from each group (1 участник начинает, говорит первое предложение, каждый следующий добавляет свое, чтобы получился логичный рассказ)
Thank you so much for taking part in our competition!
Подсчет результатов, конец мероприятия.
The quiz:
- The UK is divided into …
- Five parts b) three parts c) four parts d) two parts
- Who is the head of England?
a) the Queen b) the Tzar c) the Prime Minister d) the President
3. England is in …
a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia
4. The first US President was …
a) Columbus; b) George Washington; c) Abraham Lincoln; d) Bill Clinton.
5. How many stars are there on the American Flag?
a) 50; b) 51; c) 52; d) 53.
6. The Hollywood is in …
a) New York; b) Chicago; c) Los Angeles; d) Philadelphia.
7. The currency in the UK is …
а) the dollar; b) the mark; c) the pound.
8. The best-known river in Great Britain is …
a) the Thames; b) the Severn; c) the Clyde.
9. Big Ben is …
a) a clock b) a horse c) an animal in the zoo d) a famous name
10. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is …
a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Windsor palace d) the Buckingham Palace
11. Who is the current president of the USA?
1) Barak Obama 2) Donald Trump 3) Margaret Thatcher 4) George Washington
12. What is the name of the British flag?
a) The flag of Britain b) Stars and Stripes c) Union Jack d) Union Black
13. What beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?
a) Niagara b) Victoria c) Anchel
14. Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America?
a) rugby b) basketball c) baseball
15. Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon?
a) Neil Armstrong b) Frank Borman c) John Glenn
16. What is the largest state in the USA?
a) Texas; b) New York; c) Alaska; d) California.
17. Traditional British food is ...
a) pizza b) fish and chips c) pasta d) frog`s legs
18. The capital of the USA is ...
a) New York b) Washington 3) Sydney 4) London
Open questions:
- Name the parts of the UK
- List as many American states as you know:
Video task ‘’Six English-speaking countries”
Insert the missing words in the gaps.
English is one of the most __________languages in the world. It is now considered a __________ and _____________language.
#6 Philippines
In __________the Philippines is one of the major English-speaking countries. The majority of _________and ______________are written in English.
#5 Australia
In the past Australia ___________ by the British government that`s why it turned out to be the English-speaking country. Often Australian use both __________ and _____________ English. Also it`s come for Australian to _________ the words to come up the new vocabulary.
#4 Republic of Ireland
Ireland has ______ official languages: ____________and _________________.
#3 Canada
There are two ________languages spoken in Canada: ____________and______________. However, English is considered the major language with _________of the population being able to speak English
#2 the United States
The American English has certain differences from the British English in terms of _________and ___________.
#1 the UK
English is the official language of the UK. There are also ________languages that are used by Scots and Welsh.
The quiz:
1.The UK is divided into …
a)Five parts b) three parts c) four parts d) two parts
2. Who is the head of England?
a) the Queen b) the Tzar c) the Prime Minister d) the President
3. England is in …
a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia
4. The first US President was …
a) Columbus; b) George Washington; c) Abraham Lincoln; d) Bill Clinton.
5. How many stars are there on the American Flag?
a) 50; b) 51; c) 52; d) 53.
6. The Hollywood is in …
a) New York; b) Chicago; c) Los Angeles; d) Philadelphia
7. The currency in the UK is …
а) the dollar; b) the mark; c) the pound.
8. The best-known river in Great Britain is …
a) the Thames; b) the Severn; c) the Clyde.
9. Big Ben is …
a) a clock b) a horse c) an animal in the zoo d) a famous name
10. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is …
a) the Tower of London b) the White House c) the Windsor palace d) the Buckingham Palace
11. Who is the current president of the USA?
1) Barak Obama 2) Donald Trump 3) Margaret Thatcher 4) George Washington
12. What is the name of the British flag?
a) The flag of Britain b) Stars and Stripes c) Union Jack d) Union Black
13. What beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA?
a) Niagara b) Victoria c) Anchel
14. Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America?
a) rugby b) basketball c) baseball
15. Which American astronaut first stepped on the surface of the Moon?
a) Neil Armstrong b) Frank Borman c) John Glenn
16. What is the largest state in the USA?
a) Texas; b) New York; c) Alaska; d) California.
17. Traditional British food is ...
a) pizza b) fish and chips c) pasta d) frog`s legs
18. The capital of the USA is ...
a) New York b) Washington 3) Sydney 4) London
Open questions:
1) Name the parts of the UK
2) List as many American states as you know:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Task 1. You are going to watch the video about 6 English-speaking countries. The task is to fill in the gaps with the missing words.
Task 2. Sights of English-speaking countries.
Task 3. The quiz. The task is to do the quiz on the sheets of paper. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.
Task 4. Speaking. What English-speaking country would you like to travel to and why? One person in the team starts with the first sentence and others add their own sentences one by one to get the logic story.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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