Методическая разработка для 11 класса по теме "Аэропорт" (Airport)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
Данная разработка предназначена для учащихся 11 классов с целью освоения коммуникативного навыка по теме "Аэропорт". В ней представлена лексика, необходимая для учащихся данного уровня, а также ситуации-диалоги для ролевой коммуникации.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Booking a Flight — Hello! I’d like to book a flight from Amsterdam to Moscow for tomorrow morning. — Hello ! Do you want a round trip ticket ? — One way trip , please . — OK. I can offer you an Aeroflot flight. It leaves at 6.30 am. — What’s the rate? — The rate for economy class is 230 euros , tax included. — OK. I’ll take it .
Booking a Flight 2 — Hello! What flights to Shanghai do you have available for August 15th? — Would you like a round trip ticket? — That’s right. — I can offer you a Chinese Airlines flight with a layover in Beijing. — How long will the connection take? — Two hours fifteen minutes. — What’s the rate? — 567 dollars. — What time does it arrive in Shanghai? — It leaves Moscow at 10.20 in the morning and arrives in Shanghai on August 16th, at 11.50 am, local time. — OK. Can you book this flight for me ? — Sure , sir . May I have your passport ? * layover и connection – НЕ взаимозаменяемы и используются только в своем контексте
Booking a Flight 3 — Hello! I need to book one round trip ticket to London for tomorrow night. — When would you like to return? — March 10th. — Would you like a direct flight? — It depends on the rate. — Would you like economy class or business class? — Economy, please. — OK. I can offer you a 10 o’clock British Airways flight from Moscow. The rate for economy class is 758 dollars . — What time does it arrive in London ? — 6.55 in the morning , local time . — Great ! I’ll take it .
Check-in — Hello! May I have your passport, please? — Here it is. — Would you like the window or the aisle? — The window. — OK. Place your suitcase on the scale, sir. Thank you. Would you like to check this bag? — No , it’s a carry-on . — OK. Here’s your boarding pass . Gate 32. — Where is that ? — Take a left here , then follow the signs .
Check-in 2 — Hello! Your ticket and passport, please? — Here you are . May I have a window seat , please ? — I’m sorry , but we have no window seats left . — In that case I’d like to have an aisle seat . — Not a problem . Do you want to check this bag? — No, I’ll check these two suitcases and carry on this bag. Do you have priority baggage tags ? — Sure, sir. Here’s your boarding pass and the priority baggage tag. — Thank you . — Enjoy your flight .
Check-in 3 — I’m sorry, but you have excess baggage. The maximum weight allowed is 23 kilos for each piece of baggage. Yours weighs 27. — But I’m traveling with my partner. We have two seats. — You can check two bags. It’s not a problem. Or I will have to charge you 100 dollars . — OK. I’ll take out some of my stuff and carry it on . — Very well . Sorry for the inconvenience .
A irport announcements Flight number 3609 to New York, check-in in progress at counters 15 and 16. Flight number 6584 to Vienna is delayed. Estimated time of arrival 11 hours 35 minutes. Flight number 4523 to Moscow, boarding now at gate 4. Final call for passenger Michael Smirnoff booked on flight 4523 to Moscow. Proceed to Gate 4 immediately . Attention passengers on flight 37A3 to Moscow, KLM airline. The departure gate has been changed to 10. Follow the signs.
A irport announcements Ladies and gents ! Don’t leave your bags unattended . Flight number 981 to Hong Kong, Singapore airline, is delayed due to preparation for departure. We are sorry for the delay. We will be offering complimentary drinks. Boarding will start in about fifteen minutes to an hour. Thank you for your understanding . Flight number 24B to London is delayed due to bad weather conditions. New departure time is 23 hours 15 minutes .
Missing the flight — Hello! I’ve just missed my flight. What should I do? — It’s not a problem . We’ll try to get you on the next flight, but you will have to pay a service fee. — How much will that cost ? — 175 dollars . — That’s fine with me .
Missing the connection — Hello! I missed my connection. My flight from Moscow was late. What am I supposed to do now? — It’s not a problem . Don’t worry. We have a flight leaving for your destination in two hours. Do you prefer the window or the aisle? — The window , please . How about my baggage? When will it arrive? — Your baggage will arrive with you on the same airplane.
On board
On board Welcome aboard . Follow the safety instructions . Put your clothes into the overhead compartment . Place your carry-on bags under your seat. Fasten your seat-belts. Keep your seat-belts fastened during taxiing, take-off and landing. Smoking is forbidden at all times . Shut off your cell phones , laptops and any electronic gadgets . A meal will be served shortly. Thank you for flying with us .
It's my seat ! — Excuse me! I think you’re in my seat! — Oh , really ? — Yeah ! I have the aisle . It’s 32A. — Oh! I’m very sorry. I was wondering if I can swap seats with you. The truth is I’m not feeling well and I might be needing to use the bathroom quite often. — Oh , that’s not a problem . I’ll be OK next to the window. — Thanks .
Swapping seats — Excuse me! I need your help! — Yes, ma’am. — I’m traveling with my child and we got two seats in different rows. Can you help us swap seats with that passenger over there? — Sure ! Hold on just one second. I’ll go talk to him.
Service — What would you like to drink? — Orange juice, please. Do you have wine? — We have red wine and white wine. — I’ll have a glass of red wine. — OK. What would you like to eat — chicken with rice or meat with fries? — What kind of meat? — It’s beef, sir. — Meat with fries for me, please. — Here you are. Enjoy your meal .
— Hello! Can I help you? — Hello ! My suitcase is missing . — What airline did you use , ma’am ? — Emirates Airline . — Fill in this form here . Write down your name and the address where you want your baggage to be delivered. — I’m going to stay at a hotel here. — OK, write down the name of the hotel. Your baggage will de delivered as soon as it turns up.
At Customs — What’s the purpose of your visit ? — I’m here on vacation . — Where are you going to stay ? — I’ve booked a room at the Marriott . — Are you bringing anything into the country ? — No . I was actually going to go shopping here, so I’m not bringing anything. — Have a nice day ! — Thank you .
At Customs 2 — Hello! Where are you going? — I’m going to stay with my friends in Newmarket . — What’s the purpose of your visit? — I’m a tourist. — What are you going to do during your visit? — I was going to see Toronto and Niagara Falls [ naɪˈægrə fɔːlz ] . — Are you bringing anything into the country? — I’m bringing presents for my friends. — How long will you stay in Canada? — Two weeks. — May I see your return ticket, please? — Here it is. — Thanks. Have a nice day!
At Customs 3 — Hello! Where are you coming from? — Moscow. — Where are you going to stay in New York? — I’m going to stay with my friends in Manhattan. — Are you bringing anything into the country? It’s forbidden to bring in fruits or vegetables. — No, I am only bringing my personal belongings. — How long will you stay? — Until December 27th. — What’s the purpose of your visit? — I’m a tourist here. — What are you going to do in New York? — This is my first time here. I’m going to do a lot of touristy stuff: Central Park, Broadway, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty. My friends also promised to take me to New Jersey for a couple of days. — OK. Have a nice stay ! — Thanks .
In the Waiting Lounge
In the Waiting Lounge — Excuse me! Can you move over a bit? — Sure. — Are you waiting for the Aeroflot flight to Moscow, too? — Yeah. I have a three-hour layover. — Where are you coming from? — New York. Are you Russian? — I am. Are you coming to Moscow for work? — No. Vacation. I’m going to stay with my friends in Moscow. — What will you do there ? Will you go sightseeing ? — That’s right . I am very interested in Russian history. I want to see all of the major things like Red Square, the Kremlin and all of the museums in the area. Also my friends booked tickets to Bolshoi . — Oh ! That’s so cool ! You will be impressed. There’s also Christ the Savior Cathedral. — I know . I want to see that too. Are you from Moscow? — I’m working in Moscow, but I live in Saint Petersburg. — Saint Petersburg is a beautiful city, isn’t it? — It is. Have you been there? — No. It will be my first time in Russia. — You should go see it . There’s a lot of Russian history in Saint Pete.
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