КР. М.3. 7 класс.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Модуль3, 7 класс.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Variant I
1. Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.
- Jane, …favourite hobby is fencing, also loves swimming.
- A doctor is someone … helps treat sick people.
- I don’t know the boy … plays Peter Pan in this film.
- This is the town … my father was born.
- He explained … he did it.
- 2004 was the year … we competed in the skateboarding tournament.
2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word (participle –ed or –ing)
- Are you … (scare) of ghosts?
- I thought the film was really … (disappoint).
- They were all … (surprise) when he gave up football.
- John was very after the … (tire) football match.
- The book was really … (interest).
- I was really … (bore) watching that film.
3. Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases.
- • young • excellent • American
a(n)… … … skateboarder
- •British • funny • tall
a … … … actor
- • Russian • caring • short
a … … … doctor
- •French • young • interesting
a(n) … … … student
- • young • nice • Italian
a(n) … … … scientist
- • strong • Greek • well-built
a … … … boxer
- • talented • teenage • German
a … … … writer
4. Complete the sentences using back, away or up.
- Lilly gave … fencing two years ago because of a bad injury.
- Susan gave … her old clothes to charity.
- They’re giving … free tickets at the cinema.
- I’ll give the keys … to you tomorrow morning.
5. Put the following dialogue into the correct order.
- Does he have much time for hobbies? ___
- Yes, he loves football, that’s his hobby. He plays twice a week. ___
- He certainly is! Maybe we should start playing football! ___
- Is your dad a teacher? That must be very rewarding. ___
- Yes, he is a high-school teacher. It is rewarding, but also very hard work! ___
- Football! That’s athletic. He must be very fit. ___
6. Read the following text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false)/
Albert Einstein - A Great Scientist from the Past
The person I admire the most is Albert Einstein. He was born on 14th March, 1879, in the German town of Ulm in Wiirttemberg. Einstein was the greatest scientist of all time. One of his most famous discoveries is the mathematical equation about the nature of energy: E = me2.
Einstein loved physics and learning. He never stopped exploring the world of science and he wrote many books and articles explaining his theories. Some of them are at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton.
People in universities all over the world respected Einstein. He was awarded with honorary degrees in science, medicine and philosophy. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Despite his intelligence, Einstein is also famous for being a very funny man!
I admire Albert Einstein for his love of learning and the fact that he discovered new things. He always kept his mind active.
- Einstein was born in eighteen seventy-nine.
- In 1911, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
- Einstein was born in Germany.
- Einstein hated Maths.
- He wrote articles about science.
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