ЕГЭ .Устная часть. Сравнение двух картинок.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Мананникова Наталья Николаевна

Шаблонные фразы для описания и сравнения двух картинок.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Describing and comparing pictures

  1. Introduction
  1. Similarities

I’d like to compare and contrast the two pictures.

I’d like to describe two pictures of people doing something …

They are quite similar because they both show / have // are  ….

… also

There are ….. in both all of them.

Both / all of them have got … (in them)

They show … in different ways.

  1. Describe people / places / objects

4. Differences

In the first picture you can see

She/he/it has (got)

He/it looks / seems

She/he looks like

She gives the impression of being a very kind woman.

I can see (that)          Then there is …

In spite of some similarities there are some differences.

There are some differences. One … but the other …

The one on the left is / shows / has … but the one on the right.

This one is not as …. As for the other one.


5. Preferences

It/He might / could

It looks like it could be a ….. or a ……

It looks as if …

It’s possible that ….  / I suppose,

What (would happen) if …/  I get the impression

There is every chance that….

Perhaps,      /       ….. probably …..

 (it)… makes me think of

Maybe she is a student/ Alternatively she may be a businesswoman and it’s possible that she is at work and giving a presentation.

I think, I’d rather prefer

The reason why I like …. more is ….

I find it …. because ….

6. Conclusion

I hope I’ve managed to compare and contrast these two …………

That’s all I wanted to say


I think         It’s exactly                     Anyway,

quite             just              As I said,      Also                                  

Describing and comparing pictures

  1. Introduction
  1. Similarities

I’d like to compare and contrast the two pictures.

I’d like to describe two pictures of people doing something …

They are quite similar because they both show / have // are  ….

… also

There are ….. in both all of them.

Both / all of them have got … (in them)

They show … in different ways.

  1. Describe people / places / objects

4. Differences

In the first picture you can see

I am looking at picture one

She/he/it has (got)

He/it looks / seems

She/he looks like

She gives the impression of being a very kind woman.

I can see (that)          Then there is …

In spite of some similarities there are some differences.

There are some differences. One … but the other …

The one on the left is / shows / has … but the one on the right.

This one is not as …. As for the other one.


5. Preferences

It/He might / could

It looks like it could be a ….. or a ……

It looks as if …

It’s possible that ….  / I suppose,

What (would happen) if …/  I get the impression

There is every chance that….

Perhaps,      /       ….. probably …..

 (it)… makes me think of

Maybe she is a student/ Alternatively she may be a businesswoman and it’s possible that she is at work and giving a presentation.

I think, I’d rather prefer

The reason why I like …. more is ….

I find it …. because ….

6. Conclusion

I hope I’ve managed to compare and contrast these two …………

That’s all I wanted to say


I think         It’s exactly                     Anyway,

quite             just              As I said,      Also                                  

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