мастер -класс по английскому языку на тему "Творчество О. Генри"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Мастер класс предназначен для проведения в старших классах и посвящен творчеству мастеру короткого рассказа - о Генри. "Дары волхвов - трогательная история любви двух молодых людей. Урок посвящен совершенствованию навыков говорения, аудирования.
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План – конспект урока английского язык на тему
«О. Генри. «Дары волхвов»
Free talk. Nice to meet you, boys and girls as well as our guests!
- Do you like holidays?
- What is your favourite holiday? Why?
- Which do you prefer- to give presents or to get presents?
- What is the most popular holiday in the USA and in the UK?
- What are the symbols of Christmas?
П р е з е н т а ц и я Р о ж д е с т в о
- Christmas tree (they decorate it)
- Christmas stockings (the hang them near the fireplace & Santa Claus puts presents there)
- Why near the fireplace ?- (He gets in through the chimney)
Santa Clause (he brings presents for children)
- Why not for parents? – They don’t believe in Santa Claus
Christmas candles (they put them for Christmas atmosphere)
Christmas dinner (traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey and Christmas plum pudding)
Reindeer are magic deer, which carry Santa Clause with his presents.
Christmas wreath (It is beautifully decorated with candles, ribbons. They put it on the table or hang on the door to welcome the holiday)
Christmas carols are special songs. Children sing them going from house to house and get candies.
Candy canes are candies in the shape of the letter J, which are made for this day.
Christmas cards are sent to relatives and friends.
Christmas crackers – they pull them and find small presents or jokes inside.
-Do you know any Christmas songs? Let’s sing! We wish you a merry Christmas!
- Do you know any Christmas stories?
п р е з е н та ц и я д а р ы в о л х в о в
One of the symbols of Christmas is a story The gift of the magiOne of the most important Christmas stories is The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, a famous American writer. O. Henry is a pen - name, and his real name is William Sydney Porter. He is famous for his short stories which always have unexpected ending. In the USA, in North Carolina, there is a monument to his book.
By the way, do you know the magi are? They are not people. They are wits or saints. This story comes from the Bible. The magi came to Jesus Christ when he was born and brought rich presents. They say, they invented the tradition of giving presents for Christmas.
Look at the blackboard and read the poem –
Gifts at Christmas
(by Vivian Gouled)
There are gifts to buy, and gifts to make,
But there are other gifts worth while.
Being helpful, being kind, and ready with a smile,
Being friendly, doing things to please.
I've made up my mind -
At Christmas time I'm giving some of these!
Now take your texts and let’s read new words.
to howl – реветь
a reflection – отражение
chops – котлеты
to stare – пристально смотреть
pure – зд. настоящий
to sacrifice – жертвовать
a magus – magi – волшебник-волшебники
a chorus girl - хористка
Ex 1 Find the synonyms!
Find the synonyms:
a present - tiny
a miracle - magic
rapidly - foolish
a glass - a gift
stupid - to be in trance
boring - pretty
beautiful - dull
to be shocked - to cry
upset - a wonder
wonderful - fast
very small - a mirror
to howl - sad
How many parts of the text do you see? - 4.
Task 1 (Part 1)
Scan the first part and answer the questions. (просмотрите первую часть текста и ответьте на вопросы)
1. Why was Della upset?
2. How much money did she have?
3. Why did she badly need money?
4.What colour does the author use in the underlined sentence? Why does he use it?
Give your title to the passage. Озаглавьте отрывок.
Task 2 (Part2)
Scan the second part and say – true, false, not stated. (Просмотрите вторую часть текста и определите-утверждения верны, неверны, или информации об этом нет).
1. Jim’s gold watch had been Della’s present.
2. Della needed the chain for Jim’s watch.
3. Her hair was brown.
4. She was given &21 in the bank.
Give your title to the passage. Озаглавьте отрывок.
Task 3 (Part3)
Read aloud and dramatize the dialogues. (Прочтите вслух)
Give your title to the passage. Озаглавьте отрывок.
Task 4 (Part4)
Read the text, agree or disagree with the statements. Explain your answers.
(Прочтите четвертую часть текста. Вы согласны с утверждениями? Поясните свою точку зрения).
1. The author really thinks that John and Della are fool.
2. John and Della loved each other very much.
3. They were angry because their presets were useless.
4. John and Della were real magi.
Task 5
What’s the main idea of the text? Choose from: (Какова главная мысль текста?)
1. Real magi are those who sacrifice for each other.
2. The magi invented the art of giving Christmas presents.
3. It’s useless to try to make a present if you are not rich.
Task 7
What’s the main theme of the text? Choose from: (Какова главная тема текста ?)
War, peace, freedom, hope, nature, religion, holidays, sacrifice, love, treasures, presents
Task 8. Choose appropriate proverbs. (Выберите пословицы по содержанию текста.)
1.Two heads are better than one.
2. Never look a gift horse into the mouth.
3. Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.
4. Actions speak louder than words.
5. Love and cough can’t be hidden.
6. He laughs best, who laughs last.
7. Nessesity is the mother of invention.
Task 9. Draw a conclusion. (Сделайте вывод)
-Was it easy for Della to sell her hair?
- Was it easy for Jim to sell his watch?
- Why did they sacrifice?
- Did they think it was a sacrifice?
-Who are the real magi in the story?
Retell the story in brief using the pictures. (Передайте содержание рассказа по иллюстрациям).
Task 11. Answer:
-What would you do if you were Della? Start: If I were Della…
-What would you do if you were Jim? Start: If I were Jim…
Task 12. Homework. “Write an essay “Which is better - to get presents or to give presents?”
(Домашнее задание. Напишите эссе на тему «Что лучше – дарить подарки, или получать подарки?»)
Choose marks for the lesson yourself. (Этап самооценки деятельности)
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