Фразовые глаголы. 10 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Валиева Ольга Леонидовна

методическое пособие по изучению английского языка в 10 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Spotlight 10 Phrasal verbs

Слайд 2

Module 1 Forward to (anticipate)

Слайд 3

Fill in: out, up, after, forward to, down on “A lot of people look … us because we're homeless,” she says. A neighbor will look … the dogs while we're away. We all look … your new book on gardening. She looked herself … in the telephone book to make sure her name was spelled correctly. If you don't look … , you may fall on the ice.

Слайд 4

Module 2

Слайд 5

Fill in: off, up, out, after, in, over She takes … her grandmother with her wide eyes and quiet disposition. Try taking the skirt … a little around the waist. He took her … to a restaurant last Friday night. It was hot, so I took my jacket … . You're good at writing stories. Why don't you take it … as a career? We took … the running of our parent's farm.

Слайд 6

Module 3

Слайд 7

Fill in: up, at, on, out As he was ill, he only picked … his food. He gets picked … by the other boys because he's so small. The victim couldn't pick … her attacker from the photos the police showed her. The crew of the sinking tanker were picked … by helicopter.

Слайд 8

Module 4

Слайд 9

Fill in: into, out of, over, on, away Graham ran … someone he used to know at school the other day. I'm afraid we've just run a rabbit … . She ran … time and didn't finish the last question. Malcolm and my sister are planning to run … together to get married. Most cars run … unleaded petrol.

Слайд 10

Module 5

Слайд 11

Fill in: around, off, on with, in, by I've always got … well … my eldest brother. We were able to get … on just a few dollars per week. When did you get … from Paris? Since my car broke down, I’ve been getting … by bicycle. We get … early on Fridays.

Слайд 12

Module 6

Слайд 13

Fill in: back, away, up, off In this issue of the magazine, they are giving … a free DVD. I gave … taking sugar in tea and coffee to lose weight. The police stopped the van because it was giving … a lot of black smoke. I gave the money … that she'd lent to me.

Слайд 14

Module 7

Слайд 15

Fill in: on, up, over, down Please turn the radio … . I can hardly hear it. Once the pancake is done on one side, please turn it … to cook the other side. Max was bored so he turned the TV … . Please turn the radio … . It's too loud.

Слайд 16

Module 8

Слайд 17

Fill in: on, about, back, up He was mostly brought … by his mother as his father worked abroad a lot. The 1960s youth movement brought … a change in American culture and politics. Getting wet in the rain yesterday brought … my cold. He took the calculator home yesterday and hasn't brought it … yet.

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