Мониторинг учебной деятельности, тесты
тест по английскому языку (7, 8 класс)

Наталья Борисовна Маленина

Предварительный просмотр:

Фотография проводимого мониторинга в 6-11 классах 2019/2020

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. He tried to avoid (answer) my question.
  2. They decided (get) married.
  3. He asked me (give) him a hand.
  4. I would like (be) a doctor.
  5. Let us (go) shopping.
  6. (Swim) is healthy.
  7. You shouldn’t (speak) during the performance.
  8. Please remember (lock) the door when you go out.
  9. It hasn’t stopped (rain) yet.
  10. She likes (travel).


  1. I would prefer (get) a taxi.
  2. She is going (fly) to Moscow.
  3. It’s no point in (do) this.
  4. My friend enjoys (play) football.
  5. I can’t afford (buy) a new flat this year.
  6. He doesn’t understand what (do)
  7. My mom made me (water) flowers.
  8. I don’t want (eat) out.
  9. He was clever enough not (tell) about it.
  10. David is responsible for (prepare) everything.


  1. I dislike (visit) this person.
  2. You are to skinny (carry) this heavy bag.
  3. Let me (see).
  4. My brother could (pass) this exam.
  5. I expected you (be) more polite.
  6. There is no good at (read) your report.
  7. She lost time (go) to this party.
  8. She could hardly imagine how (correct) such a mistake.
  9. We are looking forward to (hear) from you.
  10. He was the last (come) in.


  1. I don’t mind (watch) this film on TV.
  2. Stop (talk) during the lesson!
  3. We hope you (be) successful.
  4. Se prefers (drink) cola.
  5. I have trouble (solve) this problem).
  6. Michael would rather (wait) for you.
  7. I’d like (hang) out now.
  8. You should (finish) this work till Monday.
  9. The baby began (cry).
  10. I saw Rita (walk) across the road.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test Conditionals   2                                  

  1. Complete the sentences.

  1. If he ___, his throat ____. (shout, hurt)
  2. The students______ certificates if they all their exams. (get, pass)
  3. If they ___ less money, they _____ to go abroad on holiday. (spend, be able)
  4. If I ____ home before you, I ____ the dinner. (get, cook)
  5. If the weather ___good, we  ___a barbecue this weekend.( be, have)
  6. If I ____ you , ______ you _____ me a car tomorrow. (help, lend)
  7. I ____better marks, if you ______ harder. (get, try)
  8. If he _______ so fast, he _______ that accident. (drive, have)
  9. If you ____ Chinese food, you _____ the new restaurant. (enjoy, like)
  10. If I _____ you, I ____ something to get fit. (be, do)

  1. Write sentences using the words in brackets

  1. I haven’t got enough money.(more)

I wish__________________________________

  1. He is living in a tiny flat.(larger)

He wishes _____________________________

  1. Our dog chewed everybody’s shoes.(his toys)

If only_____________________________________________

  1. I don’t have a chance to travel very often.(more often)

If only___________________________________________

  1. She was talking during the lecture.(listen)

She wishes__________________________________________

  1. He is unkind to animals. (kinder)

If only________________________________________

  1. She owns an old bicycle. (new sports car)

She wishes ___________________________________

  1. They were rude to their parents last week. (more polite)

If only ____________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple                                    1

  1. Give the second form of the verbs.
  1. to meet-                                  
  2. to be-                                        
  3. to live-                                      
  4. to get-        
  5. to write             

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

1. He ___________(to come) to school after the first lesson yesterday.

2. The weather ____________(to be) cold last week.

3. When I __(to be) a little girl I ________(to spend) summer in the village.

4. Why _____________ you (to return) so late home yesterday?

5. I____________________ (to get) two good marks in English two days ago.

6. The children _____________________(not study) English two days ago.

7. Where _____________(to be) you at three o’clock p.m. yesterday?

8. I ____________________ (to be) at home.

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Ты водил машину вчера?


  1. Мария увидела новую книгу в магазине.


  1. Ты не ломал мою чашку?


  1. У него не было журналов.


  1. Что вы смотрели вчера по ТВ?


  1. Он не написал тест.


  1. Она услышала красивую музыку.


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