Презентация "США". 8 класс
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
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Alaska[ э ' læsk э ] Hawaii [h э ' waii :] Florida ['florid э ] Yosemite [ jәu’semiti ] Valley Yellowstone [' jelәustәun ] The Mississippi [ misi'sipi ] The Missouri [ mi'zuәri ] The Appalachians [æ рэ ’ leitʃiәnz ] European [ juәrә'pi:әn ] China [ ' tʃainә ] Southeast Asia[, sauӨi:st ' ei ʃэ ] The Caribbean [, кæ ri’bi:әn ] Sea The Grand Canyon [' kænjәn ] The Colorado [, kolә'ra:dәu ] The Rocky [' roki ] Mountains (Rockies).
Where is the USA located?
Official name: The United States of America Status: A federal republic, a union of 50 states Area: 9,364,000 squ . km. Population: about 250 mln . People Capital: Washington The USA is the fourth largest country in the world(after Russia, Canada, China).The total area – is more than 9 million sq. km. The USA is the democratic federal republic. The capital is Washington. One of the famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty.
-How many states are there in the USA? Do you know some facts about the USA?
There are 50 states in the USA. E. g. -Alaska -Alabama -Florida -Washington -Texas -New York The largest state of the USA is Alaska .
-Who is the president of the USA? The president of the USA is- Donald Thrump How many colors are there in the flag of the USA?
The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. There are 3 colours on the flag-red,white,blue
A new Disneyland in Florida Metropolitan Museum of Art
The White House is the Residence of the American President. The Capitol is the highest building in W., The Sights of Washington
A wonderful fountain in a classical style near the Michigan Washington National Cathedral (St. Peter and St.Paul’s Church Cathedral).
Central Park
1) Where is the USA located? 2)What is it washed by? 3)What is the population of the USA? 4)What big rivers of the USA do you know? 5)What big mountain chains of the USA can you name? 6)How do you think,Is the USA old or young country? 1)In the North America. 2)Pacific Ocean in the West, Atlantic Ocean in the east,Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico in the South. 3)More than 250 mil.people. 4)The greatest rivers are-the Mississippi, the Colorado, t he Missouri. 5)The Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians are two big mountains. 6)A young country, It is written history is only a few hundred years old.
3) You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about. 4)You put your left hand in 1)You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about 2)You put your left foot in, You put your left foot out, You put your left foot in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about. 3)You put your whole self in, You put your whole self out, You put your whole self in And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about. You put your left hand out, You put your left hand in, And you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around, That's what it's all about.
True(T) or false(F)? 1)Alaska and Hawaii don’t belong to the USA. 2)The USA has almost every kind of weather. 3)More than 250 mil.people live in the North of the USA. 4)The Mississippi begins in the west and ends in the east. 5)American’s are not interested in old traditions. 6)There is a mixture of customs and traditions in the USA. 7)The USA is a young country. 1)False-They are the states of the USA. 2)True 3)False-more than 250 mil.people live in the USA. 4)False-The M. begins in the north, ends in the south. 5)False-They are interested in old traditions.T hey like to visit historical places, museums. 6)True 7)True
Past Perfect Мы используем Past Perfect ,для того, чтобы показать: 1) что действие было завершено до определенного момента в прошлом: E . g I had read a book by two o ' clock .( К 2 часам книга уже была прочитана) 1 часть прочитала, а 2 часть by two o ' clock показывает определенный момент речи. Past Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола Had + V3. К правильным гл.прибавляется окончание- ed - Если гл.неправильный то используем 3 форму глагола(3 колонка) E . g She had prepared supper when her sister called her. I had done all my homework when my mother came 2) что одно действие было завершено перед другим действием в прошлом: E . g She had already left when I came. (У нас есть действие в прошлом - when I left и действие которое произошло еще раньше - She had already left , которое и выражается Past Perfect)
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