Контрольные работы, тесты, олимпиадные задания
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс)
Предлагаю некоторые разработки учебного материала, которые я использовал в работе со своими учениками.
Предварительный просмотр:
Рабочая программа внеурочной деятельности для 5 класса «Изучаем английскую литературу»
Рабочая программа внеурочной деятельности
Направление: познавательно - творческое
Учитель: Лососков Н. В.
Количество часов: 34 , в неделю 1 ч.
2018-2019 уч. год
Пояснительная записка
Данная программа имеет научно-познавательную, творческую направленность и представляет собой вариант программы организации внеурочной деятельности школьников.
Педагогическая целесообразность данной программы обусловлена важностью создания условий для формирования у школьников коммуникативных и социальных навыков, которые необходимы для успешного интеллектуального развития ребенка.
Программа обеспечивает развитие интеллектуальных общеучебных умений, творческих способностей у учащихся, позволяет ребёнку проявить себя, преодолеть языковой барьер, выявить свой творческий потенциал.
Программа соответствует возрастным особенностям школьника.
Актуальность разработки и создания данной программы обусловлена тем, что она позволяет применить полученные знания на практике, реализовать свой творческий потенциал.
в программе предусмотрено значительное увеличение активных форм работы, направленных на вовлечение учащихся в динамичную деятельность, на обеспечение понимания ими языкового материала и развития интеллекта, приобретение практических навыков самостоятельной деятельности.
Цели программы:
- создание условий для интеллектуального развития ребенка и формирования его коммуникативных и социальных навыков через игровую и проектную деятельность посредством английского языка,
- развитие эмоциональной сферы, воспитание нравственных качеств, развитие артистических способностей, творческого воображения и фантазии;
- знакомство с элементами традиционной детской англоязычной культуры.
I. Познавательный аспект.
Познакомить детей c культурой стран изучаемого языка (музыка, история, театр, литература, традиции, праздники и т.д.);
Способствовать более раннему приобщению школьников к новому для них языковому миру и осознанию ими иностранного языка как инструмента познания мира и средства общения;
Сравнить английскую культуру с родной.
2. Развивающий аспект.
Развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению английским языком и культурой; приобщить детей к новому социальному опыту за счет расширения спектра проигрываемых социальных ролей в игровых ситуациях;
Формировать у детей готовность к общению на иностранном языке;
Развивать технику речи, артикуляцию, интонации.
III. Воспитательный аспект.
Способствовать воспитанию толерантности и уважения к другой культуре;
приобщать к общечеловеческим ценностям;
Способствовать воспитанию личностных качеств (умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими; коммуникабельность, уважение к себе и другим, личная и взаимная ответственность);
Прививать навыки самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком и культурой
Отбор тематики и проблематики общения на внеурочных занятиях осуществлён с учётом материала программы обязательного изучения английского языка, ориентирован на реальные интересы и потребности современных школьников с учетом их возраста.
Особенности реализации программы
Структура курса
Программа состоит из трёх относительно самостоятельных разделов, каждый из которых предполагает организацию определённого вида внеурочной деятельности обучающихся и направлен на решение своих собственных педагогических задач.
I. Вводный курс «Общие сведения» - Обучающиеся в игровой форме овладевают основными видами речевой деятельности – говорением, аудированиемми, получают первые представления об англоязычных странах, их культуре и традициях.
Обучение английскому языку происходит в устной форме. Устное начало с первых шагов создает условия для раскрытия коммуникативной функции языка, создаёт достаточно высокую мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
II. « Детская художественная литература» - На данном этапе идет развитие всех видов речевой деятельности, но особое внимание уделяется расширению лексического запаса, чтению простых и интересных детских стихов и рифмовок.
III. «Мир путешествий и приключений » Основной задачей этого этапа является овладение учащимися навыками и умениями в области чтения и письма, а также коммуникативными умениями говорения и аудирования.
Драматизация во внеурочной деятельности выступает в качестве эффективного средства повышения мотивации к овладению иноязычным общением. Именно драматизация помогает детям «окунуться в язык», преодолеть речевой барьер.
Книги – замечательное средство приобщения детей к культуре народов, к развитию речи. Чтение на английском языке превращет процесс обучения ребенка в привлекательную игру. Чтение формирует интеллект, способствует развитию познавательных интересов, а также общей культуры школьников.
Работа над чтением и драматизацией литературных произведений, соответствующих возрастным особенностям учащихся 5 класса, способствует развитию творческого воображения учащихся, расширению словарного запаса, развитию индивидуальных способностей, креативности. Драматизация литературных произведений помогает учителю полнее раскрыть потенциал каждого ребенка, выявить его творческие способности. Каждый ученик может развиваться в языке в соответствии со своими способностями. Однако все ученики получают большую пользу от участия в общей работе и удовлетворение.
Совместная деятельность направлена на развитие у его участников ощущений, чувств и эмоций, мышления, воображения, фантазии, внимания, памяти, воли, а также многих умений и навыков (речевых, коммуникативных, организаторских, оформительских, двигательных и т.д.).
Формы проведения занятий
Внеурочная деятельность по английскому языку традиционно основана на трёх формах: индивидуальная, групповая и массовая работа (заседания, дискуссии, выступления, спектакли). Ведущей формой организации занятий является групповая работа. Во время занятий осуществляется индивидуальный и дифференцированный подход к детям.
Каждое занятие состоит из двух частей – теоретической и практической. Теоретическую часть педагог планирует с учётом возрастных, психологических и индивидуальных особенностей обучающихся. Программа предусматривает проведение занятий, интегрирующих в себе различные формы и приемы игрового обучения, проектной, литературно-художественной, изобразительной, физической и других видов деятельности.
Виды деятельности:
игровая деятельность (в т.ч. подвижные игры);
чтение литературно-художественных произведений;
изобразительная деятельность;
постановка драматических сценок, спектаклей;
прослушивание песен и стихов;
разучивание стихов;
разучивание и исполнение песен;
проектная деятельность.
Планируемые результаты освоения программы внеурочной деятельности.
В результате реализации данной программы учащиеся научатся:
- особенности основных типов предложений и их интонации в соответствии с целью высказывания;
имена наиболее известных персонажей детских литературных произведений, рифмованные произведения детского фольклора;
произведения детского фольклора и детской литературы Великобритании и других англоговорящих стран.
-наблюдать, анализировать, приводить примеры языковых явлений;
-применять основные нормы речевого поведения в процессе диалогического общения;
-составлять элементарное монологическое высказывание по образцу, аналогии;
- читать и выполнять различные задания к текстам;
- уметь общаться на английском языке с помощью известных клише;
- понимать на слух короткие тексты;
Учащиеся сумеют научиться
понимать на слух речь учителя, одноклассников, понимать смысл адаптированного текста (в основном фольклорного характера ) и уметь прогнозировать развитие его сюжета;
уметь задавать вопросы, опираясь на смысл прочитанного текста; расспрашивать собеседника, задавая простые вопросы (кто, что, где, когда), и отвечать на вопросы собеседника, участвовать в элементарном этикетном диалоге;
инсценировать изученные сказки;
сочинять оригинальный текст на основе плана; соотносить поступки героев сказок с принятыми моральными нормами и уметь выделить нравственный аспект поведения героев;
участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблем, интегрироваться в группу сверстников и строить продуктивное взаимодействие и сотрудничество со сверстниками.
Воспитательные результаты внеурочной деятельности:
Приобретение социальных знаний о ситуации межличностного взаимоотношения, освоение способов поведения в различных ситуациях.
Получение школьниками опыта переживания и позитивного отношения к базовым ценностям общества (человек, семья, родина, природа, мир, знания, труд, культура).
Получение школьниками опыта самостоятельного общественного действия (умение представить зрителям собственные проекты, спектакли, постановки), в том числе и в открытой общественной среде.
Качества личности, которые могут быть развиты у обучающихся в результате занятий: толерантность, дружелюбное отношение к представителям других стран; познавательная, творческая, общественная активность; самостоятельность (в т.ч. в принятии решений); умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, отвечать за свои решения; коммуникабельность; уважение к себе и другим;личная и взаимная ответственность; готовность действия в нестандартных ситуациях.
Формы учета знаний, умений; системы контролирующих материалов (тестовых материалов) для оценки планируемых результатов освоения программы:
Контроль на данном этапе проводится в игровой форме (конкурсы, постановки, лексические игры, решение кроссвордов и ребусов), посредством выполнения творческих заданий, их презентации и последующей рефлексии.
Способами определения результативности программы являются: диагностика, проводимая в конце каждого раздела в виде естественно-педагогического наблюдения; выставки работ или презентации проекта.
Тематический план.
Раздел | Название темы | Количество часов |
1 | Общие сведения о британском образе жизни Скороговорки Работа над словарем Британские игрушки и сувениры. Игры британских детей | 4 1 1 1 1 |
2 | Детская художественная литература Английские сказки ( драматизация) | 2 |
Чтение стихов | 1 | |
Решение ребусов | 1 | |
Составление ребусов | 1 | |
3 | «Книги, которые знают все» Л. Кэррол «Алиса в стране чудес» Р. Киплинг «Книга джунглей» Дж. Свифт «Путешествия Гулливера» Дан. Дефо «Удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо» Дж. Роулинг «Приключения Гарри Поттера» | 2 5 6 4 4 |
Итого по программе | 34 |
Содержание программы.
Вводный курс «Общие сведения».
Занятие 1.Страноведческий аспект: Типичная английская семья. Уклад жизни в английской семье. Вежливое поведение англичан.
Наглядность: презентация по теме «Лондон»
Языковой материал: лексика, связанная с английским укладом жизни. и достопримечательностями \Лондона.
Грамматический материал: множественное число существительных, настоящее простое время.
Познавательный/ страноведческий аспект Любимые игрушки английских и американских детей. США – вторая англоговорящая страна, её столица Вашингтон. Микки-Маус – герой американских мультфильмов.
Речевой материал /предметное содержание речи Любимые игры и занятия российских детей и детей Великобритании и США. Отношение к разным играм и занятиям.
Языковой материал bike, scooter, park, merry-go-round, big wheel, game, playground, swing, roller-skate, skip
Познавательный/ страноведческий аспект: игры английских и американских детей: seesaw, hide-and-seek, leapfrog, marbles, hop-scotch, tag, snakes and ladders, scrabble
2 раздел. «Детская художественная литература. Мир игр и стихов».
Языковой материал: фонетические игры ( Повторюшки. Рыбы. Пчёлы. Любопытный кролик. Горы. Колокольчик. Thank you. Эхо. Испорченный телефон. Strange sounds. Слышу - не слышу. Верно - не верно и другие.)
Фонетические сказки.
Стихотворения: Are You Sleeping; Humpty Dumpty; Bar, Bar Black Sheep; Lazy Mary; Little Miss Muffet; The muffin.
Лексический материал: на основе стихов и рифмовок.
Грамматический материал: Past Simple, степени сравнения прилагательных
Познавательный/ страноведческий /развивающий аспект: английские народные детские стихотворения ( Nursery Rhymes).
Переводы С.Я. Маршака и К.И. Чуковского.
Английские пословицы и приметы.
Способ определения результативности - конкурс чтецов, мастеров составления кроссвордов, иллюстраторов английских стихотворений
3 раздел «Произведения, которые знают все».
Л. Кэррол «Алиса в стране чудес»
Р. Киплинг «Книга джунглей»
Дж. Свифт «Путешествия Гулливера»
Дан. Дефо «Удивительные приключения Робинзона Крузо»
Дж. Роулинг «Приключения Гарри Поттера»
Работа с отрывками литературных произведений, адаптированных для детей средней школы. Чтение, выполнение разнообразных заданий по тексту. Драматизация отдельных частей.
Лексический материал: на основе произведений.
Грамматический материал; артикль, простое прошедшее время, степени сравнения прилагательных, будущее простое время, модальные глаголы.
Предварительный просмотр:
«Хэллоуин – праздник, который к нам пришел»
Разработка внеклассного мероприятия.
Учитель: Н. В. Лососков, МБОУ СШ № 2 г. Вязьмы
Смоленской области
Цель: знакомство с иноязычной культурой в рамках изучения предмета иностранный язык.
1. Советы по организации праздника.
2. Из истории Хэллоуина.
3. Бал нечистой силы.
4. Конкурсы.
1. Вечеринку по поводу Хэллоуина устроить довольно легко, особенно, если это костюмированный бал. Мало того, что костюмы становятся основным предметом веселья на празднике, но они еще и украшают его, сами по себе являясь лучшими декорациями и художественным оформлением одновременно.
Для вечеринки вам понадобится фонарь из тыквы.
Как сделать фонарь?
Положите тыкву на несколько листов бумаги, чтобы меньше мусорить. Используя острый нож, срежьте крышку тыквы там, где находится плодоножка. Вырезайте крышку под углом, это не даст ей потом провалиться в вырезанную тыкву. Получившееся отверстие должно быть достаточно большим, чтобы можно было просунуть руку. Потом очистите тыкву от семян и волокон. Фломастером нарисуйте на тыкве черты лица, которые будете потом вырезать. Маленьким ножом вырежьте на тыкве глаза, нос и рот. Внутрь поставьте маленькую свечку и накройте сверху отрезанной крышкой.
Художественное оформление
Украсьте весь класс большими оранжевыми тыквами. Если нет настоящих, сделайте их из пластиковых пакетов, набив их мятой бумагой или газетами. Добавьте и несколько «привидений». Их очень легко сделать их белых пластиковых мешков – стоит только нарисовать фломастером глаза и т. д. Пусть эти «призраки» выглядывают из углов или из-под парт. Натяните гирлянды из крошечных белых огней, придав им вид «паутины». Добавьте и больших черных пауков, их можно нарисовать на плотной бумаге.
Подвесьте к потолку обычную метлу, посадив на нее мягкую игрушку и создав иллюзию полета. Неплохо также, если с потолка будут свисать летучие мыши, опять же сделанные своими руками.
История праздника Хэллоуин
Хэллоуин один из самых древних праздников на нашей планете. Праздник Хэллоуин (Halloween или Савин – Samhain) или как его еще называют (Hallow Evening) что в переводе означает канун Дня всех святых, празднуется в ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября. В этом необычном празднике сплелись на первый взгляд противоречивые обычаи, кельтские традиции расхваливания темных духов и христианская традиция – поклонения святым.
Этот исконно кельтский праздник изначально символизирует приход зимы и темных сил. Первые праздники были организованы более тысячи лет назад. Основоположниками этого праздника являются кельтский фестиваль Самхэйн, римский день Помоны и христианский День всех святых.
В древних землях нынешней Англии и в холодных частях Франции жили кельтские племена, которые были язычниками. Как все язычники они поклонялись стихиям природы, самым почитаемым богом у них было Солнце. С приходом зимы, 1 ноября, бог Солнца попадал в плен к Соуину – властелину мертвых и князю тьмы. Кельты считали, что в ночь на 31 октября открывались таинственные двери темного мира, устранялись все преграды между нашим материальным и потусторонним, и обитатели ада попадали к нам на землю. Дверь открывалась всего на одну ночь.
В это самое таинственное время все неисполненные планы, надежды умерших снова приходили на бренную землю, а их блуждающие души возвращались к родным домам. Все души умерших обычно принимали разные колдовские обличья, злые духи размещались в тела животных, а вот самые злые демоны – в черных кошек. Чтобы умилостивить этих демонов, зажигались костры и приносились жертвы.
Вы хотите увидеть настоящую ведьму?
Есть поверье, что если в эту полночь выйти на улицу, одеть всю одежду шиворот – навыворот и пойти по темной улице задом наперед, то «приятная» встреча вам гарантирована.
В фестиваль Самхэйна жрецы – друиды (души ожившей природы) собирались в дубовых рощах на высоких холмах. У кельтов считалось , что дубы - святые деревья. После принесения жертв друиды давали людям угли от костра, чтобы они могли зажечь камины в своих домах. Считалось, что огонь друидов , обогревая дома всю долгую зиму, оберегал их от злых духов. Темной ночью молодые девушки гадали. Если кинуть два каштана в огонь друидов и если каштаны сгорят рядышком – девушка проведет свою жизнь с любимым. Но, если каштаны раскатятся в разные стороны, то никогда не видать ей своего любимого.
Чтобы увидеть своего суженого, девушки садились перед чистым зеркалом ровно в полночь, держа в руках яблоко.
Считалось также, что если в доме упал подсвечник, то это дурной знак. Темные духи пытаются потушить источник огня в доме.
Даже в наше время некоторые из перечисленных примет живут.
Когда римляне завоевали Британские острова, они принесли свои религиозные традиции. Сами римляне праздновали в ночь на 31 октября День Помоны, богини растений. Так два праздника соединились. Утвердился праздник в том виде, в котором его знают сейчас, благодаря католической церкви в 8-9 столетиях, когда римский папа Григорий 4й перенес католический праздник «День всех святых» с 13 мая на 1 ноября. В итоге Хэллоуин стали именовать Hallowe - en , и в окончательном виде – Halloween.
Есть две противоположные версии, почему в праздник Хэллоуин, маленькие дети, переодетые в страшилки, ходят от дома к дому и колядуют. Надев маски злых духов, они стучат вовсе дома и кричат: «Угощение или шутка?», собирая конфеты, которые должны умилостивить духов. И если вы не поднесете им свою жертву, эти маленькие злые духи могут страшно подшутить над вами, например, замазать черной сажей ручки двери или окон. Пожертвовать разными вкусностями считается благим делом.
В наше время древний языческий праздник Хэллоуин переродился в своего рода забавную и интересную традицию. Этой таинственной ночью есть обычай переодеваться в разные костюмы и под громкое Буууу устраивать веселые маскарады. Это отличная возможность окунуться в волшебство, ощутить себя колдуньей или загадочным духом
Сейчас Хэллоуин празднуется не только в Англии, но и в других англоязычных странах.
Бал не совсем чистой силы
Действующие лица: Ведьма, Черт, Кащей Бессмертный, Дракула и прочая нечисть
Зал оформлен в мрачных тонах. Звучит музыка. На сцене – Черт с подсвечником в руках.
Черт: Ха – ха! Здравствуйте, черти, ведьмы, упыри и прочая не совсем чистая сила. Сегодня состоится великолепный бал, который запомнится вам количеством совершенных гадостей и неприятностей. В гостях у вас побывают все негодяи, которых только свет держит. А главное – нас посетит посланница Люцифера, самая ужасная и самая прекрасная ведьма Ундина, естественно со своей свитой.
(Слышится жуткий смех. Появляется ведьма, она идет в окружении свиты и разговаривает со зрителями.)
Черт: Виват ведьме Ундине! Виват самой красивой и самой непредсказуемой женщине!
(Ведьма поднимается на сцену, садится на трон, свита располагается у ног.)
Ундина: Приветствую всех! (Черту) Дорогой хозяин! Начинайте бал!
Черт: (кланяется) С вашего позволения.
(Музыка. Танец ведьмы.)
Ундина: Люцифер прислал меня к вам на Лысую гору с миссией выбрать Мистера и Миссис Кошмар среди присутствуюших здесь людей . Это мы сделаем вовремя бала, а пока – музыка! Веселись, нечисть!
(Танцевальный блок. Неожиданно раздается громкий вопль. Вылетает Дракула, отряхивается, кланяется всем.)
Дракула: Привет тебе, Ундина! Свое почтение шлет всем в моем лице нечистьРумынии. Ты нас звала, и вот я здесь.
Ундина: Спасибо, Дракула! Я знала, что ты меня не подведешь. Помогимне выполнить мою миссию.
Дракула: С огромным удовольствием. Я выберу претендента на звание Мистер Кошмар.
Ундина: Выполняй!
Дракула: Но сначала я предлагаю испить чашу зла.
(Мигает свет. Обряд обнесения чашей крови – газировкой красного цвета. Все желающие пьют. После обряда Дракула выходит на авансцену, два чертенка выбирают участников в зале. В одежде должен присутствовать красный цвет.)
Дракула: Я хочу знать, умеете ли вы громко и шумно стонать? Вот так, например. (Нечисть показывает.) А теперь вы, уважаемые участники.
(Проходит конкурс. Первому победителю надевают орден.)
Ундина: Да, из него получится великолепный злодей! Спасибо, Дракула! Я довольна.
Черт: (как мажордом) А сейчас – танцы! (Танцевальный блок).
Черт: Король флюорографии – Кащей Бессмертный!
Кащей: Здравствуйте! Извините за опоздание. Увлекся Василисой Прекрасной!
Ундина: Хватит оправдываться. В наказание ты выберешь мне одну претендентку на звание Миссис Кошмар.
Кащей: Слушаюсь и повинуюсь.
(Выбирает участников в желто – оранжевой одежде.)
Кащей: Мое самое любимое занятие – сжигать огнем все живое. Но вы – люди, поэтому вам надо потушить огонь.
(В зале горят свечи, которые надо потушить конкурсантам. Первая задувшая все свои свечи является победительницей.)
Ундина: Музыканты, играйте! (Танцевальный блок)
Голоса: Привидение! Где? Вон! Нет, вон там!
Ундина: (гневно) Где привидение? Хватит прятаться.
Черт: Кентервильское привидение!
Голос: Не надо меня гонять! Я устало прятаться.
Унндина: Ты под моей опекой, поэтому ничего не бойся. Лучше помоги мне выбрать одну претендентку на звание Миссис Кошмар.
Голос: Я с удовольствием. Я очень люблю играть.
(Выбирают двух девочек, в одежде которых преобладает серо – белый цвет)
Голос: У нас, в Англии, все очень любят игру «Найди меня». Но, как правило, мы находим только части: руки, ноги, уши и т. д . А вам предстоит собрать в зале все части, которые есть. Все ясно? Тогда на поиски!
собирают бумажные кости, которые расклеены в зале. Кто соберет больше – победитель – Миссис Кошмар.)
Привидение начинает чихать, за ним Черт, Ведьма и вся свита.
Голос: Что – то сыро у нас становится. Апчхи… До свидания.
(Музыка. Появляется Русалка. Ее подопечные исполняют танец – брызгают на всех водой.)
Русалка: Добрый вечер, самая прекрасная ведьма! Мой отец – Водяной – просит прощения, что не может появиться на нашем празднике, он простыл, то есть стал сухим.
Ундина: Я рада тебя видеть. Но хватит поливать нас водой.
Русалка: У вас, конечно, великолепный бал, но… не хватает воды, кругом нет болот. Вот я и принесла с собой воды. Она самая лучшая, из дальних, болотных запасов.
Черт: Ну, у нас всего в меру, и воды, и…. (Не успевает договорить.
По знаку Русалки его утаскивают за дверь.)
Русалка: Приступим к выбору Мистера Кошмар.
(Проводится конкурс под названием «Чертов хвост». Каждому участнику на пояс привязывается нитка, конец которой свободно свисает сзади на уровне колен. К этому концу привязывается карандаш или ручка. На пол ставится пустая пластиковая бутылка. Задача конкурсантов – просунуть свисающий карандаш в горлышко бутылки, не помогая себе руками. Победитель – Мистер Кошмар.)
Далее Мистер и Миссис Кошмар стараются напугать присутствующих.
После этого проводятся другие конкурсы.
«Мумия фараона»
Участники делятся на группы по 2 игрока. Каждой команде дается по рулону туалетной бумаги. Один игрок берет на себя роль мумии, другой – одевальщика мумии. Его задача – как можно скорее завернуть « мумию» в туалетную бумагу. Побеждает пара, которая справится с задачей быстрее других.
«Яблочный бобин»
Нужно взять большой таз и наполнить его водой, в воду положить много яблок. Игроки вылавливают яблоки из тазика зубами, без помощи рук. Руки можно связать за спиной, чтобы игроки не жульничали. В старину девушки даже гадали на выловленных яблоках. Считалось, что если положить яблоко под подушку, то приснится суженый.
«Русская рулетка»
Диджей вызывает 5 самых смелых участников. Каждый тянет из коробки яйцо.
Диджей: «Четыре яйца вареные, одно – сырое. Какое именно, мы узнаем, когда эти отважные люди разобьют яйца о собственные лбы. Последний может отказаться, но тогда вы – не смельчак».
Как правило , участник бьет яйцо, и оно тоже оказывается вареным.
В течении праздника все дети, исполняющие роли нечистой силы, постепенно переодеваются и принимают участие в конкурсах вместе с другими детьми. Праздник заканчивается торжественным задуванием свечей на фонарях из тыквы.
Предварительный просмотр:
Прочитайте текст, оцените, приведённые после текста высказывания, как «верно», «не верно», «в тексте не указано».
It is believed that the idea of supermarkets first belonged to an American businessman who opened a self-service grocery store in 1916. The main advantage of the new American store was that the goods were stocked on the shelves, so the customers could take their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there was a high risk of stealing, the owner found the new shop's organisation more effective because it allowed him to reduce the number of shop assistants. Later the new shop organisation spread widely throughout European countries.
Nowadays supermarkets are as British as football and cricket. In the UK 90% of all food is bought at five different supermarket chains. That makes these companies extremely powerful, especially when they deal with small businesses, for example farmers. Milk is a good example. Supermarkets like to use things such as milk and bread, which are at the top of almost everyone's shopping list, to attract customers. To offer the lowest price the supermarkets need to buy milk from dairy farmers very cheaply, so big supermarket chains agree on a very low price and dictate it to farmers. If the farmers don't agree to that price, supermarkets start to look for the cheapest possible products abroad instead.
The consumers are of course happy to get cheaper products, but they should also keep in mind the influence supermarkets have on the environment. First of all there's packaging. Supermarkets like all the products to be packed because it makes it easier to put them neatly on the shelves. Consequently, supermarkets produce nearly 10 million tons of waste packaging in the UK every year, less than 5% of which is recycled. Some supermarkets put large recycling bins in their car parks, trying to create the image that they are environmentally friendly. However, that is just an image.
To reach the supermarket shelves the products often have to travel half the globe. Due to preservatives even milk products can stay unspoiled for months. It's a great advantage for the supermarket as yoghurt bought from a farmer can't be kept for longer than 2 days. That is why many small farmers do not even get a chance to compete with long-lasting imported goods.
When a new supermarket is planned, everyone says that a lot of new jobs will be created. In reality the number of jobs lost in the area is greater than the number of new positions in the supermarket. Within a 15km radius of every new supermarket that opens the number of people working in the food business goes down. It happens because all the small shops nearby are forced to close.
- The first supermarkets appeared in the USA.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
- Most British people buy their food in supermarkets.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
- Supermarkets offer local farmers good prices for their products.
1) False
2) True
3) Not stated
- People prefer to buy food in bright packages.
1) Not stated
2) False
3) True
- All the waste packaging of supermarkets is recycled.
1) False
2) True
3) Not stated
- Supermarket managers change the price of the products every month.
1) Not stated
2) False
3) True
- Supermarkets prefer fresh products from local farmers to imported goods.
1) False
2) True
3) Not stated
- New supermarkets reduce the number of jobs in the local food industry.
1) True
2) False
3) Not stated
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.
Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often _________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of _____(WE) trip the weather was fine. There ______(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge _________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people ____________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I _________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists ____________(SOLVE) it in the near future.
- a) most interesting, b) interesting, c) more interesting
- a) first, b) second, c) last
- a) went, b) was going, c) have gone
- a) our, b) us, c) their
- a) was, b) will be, c) were
- a) has become, b) became, c) becomed
- a) are allowed, b) allowed, c) will be allowed
- a) had, b) has, c) have
- a) will solve, b) solved, c) are solving
Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в правильном времени.
1. Water (to boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade.
- boils
- is boiling
- boiled
2. We (to meet) twice a week.
- meet
- met
- meets
3. The clock (to strike), it is time to go home.
- is striking
- was striking
- strikes
4. He (to take) his English lesson: he always (to take) his lessons in the morning.
- is taking, takes
- takes, is taking
- took, will take
5. Where is John? He (to prepare) his lessons; he usually (to prepare) them at that time.
- is preparing, prepares
- is preparing, prepare
- preparing, is prepares
6. I (not to understand) your remark.
- do not understand
- am not understand
- have not understood
7. You (to know) that we need hundreds of thousands and even millions of skilled workers.
- know
- knew
- are knowing
8. Can you hear what I (to say)?
- am saying
- said
- will say
9. After a whole week of clear weather, it (to begin) to rain in earnest.
- has begun
- began
- beginning
10. Down by the pine wood they (to lay) a new road.
- are laying
- lay
- has laid
Предварительный просмотр:
Вариант 1
1. Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу буквами А-Е. Одно предложение лишнее.
Sandwich generation
There are different families in terms of size and number of generations. There are so-called nuclear families, which consist of parents and dependent children, that is, children who are not old enough to take care of themselves in financial terms. There are also extended families, which also include grandmothers and grandfathers, sometimes even aunts and uncles with their spouses (spouse — супруг, супруга) and kids. They all live together and form one household.
In the past, most families in Russia and other countries were extended families, and three or more generations used to live together. (1) The first refers, mainly, to the young generation — when young people become independent financially and are able to support themselves, they usually leave their parents’ house. The latter is about elderly people — grandparents often want their own personal space too and live apart from their grown-up children as long as they are able to take care of themselves.
However, a new trend of the contemporary society has been spotted recently by western researchers. Statistics say that more and more people turn back to extended family lifestyle, when several generations live in one household. Young people tend to stay with their parents even when they become adult. Grandparents, who live longer than they used to, also prefer to share a flat or a house with their children and grandchildren, as they need support and company of other members of the family. But the main reason for that is, certainly, money. (2). It saves money and makes life easier as the household chores (домашние обязанности) can be distributed among several members of the family according to their likes and abilities.
Along with those indisputable advantages there are some disadvantages — different generations have different values, habits and interests, they often get on each other’s nerves, which leads to conflicts. (3). A new term “the sandwich generation” has appeared to denote these people. The sandwich generation are those who take care of the elderly and the young, and rule the family in general. (4).Life is quite tough to her. To survive and to maintain a happy family she needs to exercise the extreme tolerance when looking after both children and parents. It would be nice of the other members of the family to appreciate it.
- There should be someone who is able to resolve conflicts, bridge different interests and take care of others.
- Lots of people prefer extended family because it gives them comfort and support.
- Nowadays the situation is different and many people prefer living on their own, if, of course, can afford it and if their health allows them to do it.
- In most cases this is the daughter of the elderly generation and the mother of the young generation.
- It’s obvious that one big household is more economical than three little ones.
Номер | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Буква |
2. Вставьте слово в правильной форме.
Do you believe that some jobs are more ____________1 (suit) for men and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Tailor about it! He is a teacher in a nursery school and loves his job very much.
He took up that job as a temporary one, and at first he didn’t take it _____________ 2 (serious). Bringing up and _____________3 (teach) young children is a good job for women – this is the stereotype. John applied for the job ____________4 (main) because he needed money and because he hadn’t been able to find anything appropriate for several months. «It’s a prejudice», says John Tailor, “to think that men are not as good with little kids as women are. This prejudice ____________5 (courage) many men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how interesting, ____________6 (demand) and rewarding this job is. Kids can’t forgive lies and indifference, they never justify ____________7 (betray) and unfairness. They bring me up too – every minute and every day. Very often I have a feeling as if I were taking an exam. A «good guy» qualification exam! And I feel a great job____________8 (satisfy). Being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and _____________9 (ambition) men.
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
«Doing anything special this weekend? » there was a funny note in Julia’s voice which ________ (1) me turn down the volume of the TV and look up at her.
«No, nothing special. Two or three good films are going to be on. But why do you ask? »
«I have absolutely nothing to wear, » said Julia. At that moment she ________ (2) trendy jeans and a black and silver jumper, which she _______ just _______ (3).
«I’m going shopping on Saturday. ________ you_________ (4) with me? »
I don’t like shopping very much. And I ________ (5) shopping with Julia. But we _______ (6) friends for many years and I didn’t want to disappoint her. So, I _______ (7).
On Saturday morning Julia _______ (8) to pick me up. By the afternoon we ________ (9) a dozen of shops and lots of different clothes _________ (10). Some of them were too conservative, some too dull, some too silly to Julia’s taste. We bought nothing at all, and on the way home I had to listen to Julia complaining about how tired and stressed out she was.
- a) makes b) made c) was made d) had made
- a) was wearing b) had worn c) had been wearing d) was worn
- a) is…bought b) has… bought c) were…bought d) had…bought
- a) are…coming b) shall…come c) do…come d) have…come
- a) hate b) am hating c) have hated d) was hated
- a) are b) were c) have been d) will be
- a) agree b) agreed c) had agreed d) will agree
- a) drop by b) drops by c) has dropped by d) dropped by
- a) toured b) have toured c) had toured d) had been toured
- a) were tried on b) are tried on c) have been tried on d) had been tried on
4. Вы получили письмо от своего друга Майка, который написал:
…Yesterday, when I was busy doing my homework, my Mum asked me to look after my younger sister who’s five. I really like her, she’s so funny, but she talks all the time and asks 100 questions a minute! Do you have brothers or sisters (or maybe cousins)? How much time do you spend together, if at all? Would you like to be the only child in the family?
Oh, before I forget, I have just finished reading the last book about Harry Potter.
Напишите письмо Майку. В вашем письме должно быть:
— ответ на вопрос
— задайте 3 вопроса о книге
Напишите 100-140 слов.
Вариант 1 Ответы:
1. 1-C 2-E 3-A 4-D
2. 1-suitable 2-seriously 3-teaching 4-mainly 5-discourages
6-demanding 7-betrayal 8-satisfaction 9-ambitious
3.1-b 2-a 3-d 4-a 5-a 6-c 7-b 8-d 9-c 10-d
Вариант 2
1. Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу буквами А-Е. Два предложения лишние.
Robot technologies in our home
There are lots of science fiction books and films about robots. Nice and humanlike metal and plastic creatures often become children’s friends there. Robots learn how to distinguish between good and evil, and how to become a friend to a human being. To our surprise and delight we find out that robots are able to experience feelings — they can feel happy, upset, and even angry. (1) They can even risk their life, (2), for someone they love.
Is artificial intellect a pure fantasy or are there any scientific discoveries behind this idea? (3) What we know for sure is that robotics is a rapidly developing technology, and soon we can expect robots to enter our houses and stay there for a long time. It’s already happening in Japan, where machines of all shapes and sizes are widely used. Besides being used in different industries, robots do lots of housework: they clean the house, serve tea and wash up after that. (4) These robots wake people up in the morning, inform them about the weather and ask questions about their health. The robots are able to recognise faces, keep eye contact and maintain conversations. In Japan, (5), humanoid robots have already become friends for lots of elderly people.
Robots for households are usually designed in a humanlike manner and resemble human beings — they have a head, arms and legs. Japanese scientists believe that in several years robots will be common in every household and feel very enthusiastic about it.
- in robots’ terms they risk being destroyed or reprogrammed
- Amazing but robots can take care of disabled or aged people!
- Some rescue robots, which can dig deep after earthquakes, have already been created.
- It’s still difficult to answer this question.
- We can see robots break the technological law of logic and rational to defend human beings.
- Elderly people often feel lonely and need some company.
- which has the largest percentage of aged people in the world
Number | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Letter |
2. Вставьте слово в правильной форме.
Some people think that wars are __________ (avoid), and that people will always be fighting with each other. I’m more ___________ (optimist) on this point. The process of ___________ (integrate) is going rapidly and soon we may find ourselves living in one huge country. We’ll be wearing the same clothes, listen to the same music. And watch the same films. We certainly risk losing ___________ (ethnicity) and cultural diversity, which is not good news, but on the other hand, this means that there will be no grounds for ___________ (religion) and ethnic discrimination. There will be no boarders which need ___________ (protect). If the police work well and the law is fair and clever, we’ll get rid of criminals very easily. Former policemen may work as firemen or in schools and it will prevent any ___________ (bully) or (fight) __________ there.
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
I _____ (1) that emergency call nearly midnight. A worried male voice informed the emergency service that his three kids _____ (2) not at home yet. The man explained that his two sons, Allan, 15, and Johnny, 13, and their twelve-year-old cousin Gabrielle _____ (3) for a bicycle ride and there was no sign of them yet. The man sounded very nervous, as he suspected that something _____ (4) to the boys. No doubt, our help _____ (5). I had to ask some questions to understand the details. It turned out that the kids liked to ride down the hills which were four kilometers away from their house. The rescue party headed right there.
The rescuers saw the boys soon. They _____ (6) the hill. They were walking very slowly. Two of them were helping the third boy – his leg _____ (7) and he was screaming with pain. Later he told us that they had been practicing extreme cycling.
Unfortunately, things like that happen quite often. I ____ (8) for the emergency center for more than five years and have seen lots of kids suffering the consequences of their extremes. They often ignore safety rules, and get _____ (9) or worse. They cannot realize that without a very careful preparation any extreme sport is a _____ (10) activity.
- a) receive b) received c) have received d) had received
- a) are b) was c) were d) had been
- a) left b) was left c) have left d) had left
- a) happened b) had happened c) is happened d) has happened
- a) needs b) needed c) is necessary d) was necessary
- a) move down b) are moving down c) had moving down d) were moving down
- a) was broken b) has been broken c) is broken d) broke
- a) work b) am working c) was working d) have been working
- a) injured b) injure c) injuring d) be injured
- a) danger b) dangerous c) dangerously d) endangered
4. Вы получили письмо от своей подруги Лизы, которая написала:
…For me it’s fun to go somewhere I’ve never been to, to see other places, to mix with new people and to get new experiences. So far I haven’t travelled abroad, but I hope to go to France this summer. What about you, where would you like to go to if you could choose? Have you travelled a lot in Russia? Who do you prefer to travel with?
Just imagine our drama teacher wants us to stage a comedy…
Напиште письмо Лизе. В вашем письме должно быть:
— ответьте на вопрос
— задайте 3 вопроса о книге
Напишите 100-140 слов.
Вариант 2 Ответы
1. 1-E 2-A 3-D 4-B 5-G
1. unavoidable
2. optimistic
3. integration
4. ethnic
5. religious
6. protection
7. bulling
8. fighting/ fight/ fights
3. 1-b 2-c 3-d 4-b 5-d 6-d 7-a 8-d 9-a 10-b
Предварительный просмотр:
Task 1. Britain and the British studies test.
- What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland
- The Commonwealth of Great Britain
- Great Britain
- Britain
- How many countries does the U K consist of?
- 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
3. What state system does the UK have ?
a) a constitutional monarchy
b) a parliamentary republic
c) a parliamentary monarchy
d) a limited monarchy
4. What is the name of the British national flag?
a) the Union Jack b) the Stars and Stripes
c) the Maple Leaf
5. Whose emblem is the dragon?
a) Wales b) England c) Scotland 4) Nothern Ireland
6 .What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?
a) The House of Lords and the House of Commons
b) the Senate and the House of Representatives
c) the Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet
d) the Duma and the Soviet of Federation
7. Where does the British Prime- Minister live and work?
a) at 10 Downing Street b)in the Houses of Parliament
c) in Buckingham Palace d) at 10 Baker Street
8. What natural resources bring the most profits to the British economy?
a) coal resources b) oil resources
c) gas resources d) water resources
9. At what age do the British kids go to school?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
10. Which of the following stages of British education is not obligatory?
a) nursery school b) primary school
c) secondary school d) high school
11. What is the highest mark in British schools?
a) A b) 5 c) 10 d) 100
12. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK?
a) Oxford and Cambridge b) London and Bristol
c) Red-brick Universities d) Belfast and Edinburgh
13. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth 2?
A) Buckingham Palace b) Windsor Castle
c) Westminster Palace d) the Tower of London
14. The ravens are a famous sight of …
a) the Tower of London b) London Zoo
c) Covent Garden d) Hyde Park
15. What is the Scottish national costume for men?
a) the kilt b)black trousers
c) the tuxedo d) the bearskin
16. The kilt is …
a) a skirt b) a shirt c) a pair of trousers d) a T- shirt
17. The highest mountain in the UK is …
a) Ben Nevis b) Mont Blanc c) Mount McKinley d) Everest
18. The famous Loch Ness monster is from…
a) Scotland b) Wales c) England d) Ireland
19. Stonehenge is about … years old.
a) 4000 b) 400 c) 40 d) 40000
20. British kings and queens are crowned at…
a) Westminster Abbey b) St Paul’s Cathedral
c) Buckingham Palace d) Westminster Palace
21. Madam Tussauds’s is a museum of …
a) wax figures b) western paintings c) ancient coins d) sculptures
22. Nelson’s Column is situated in…
a) Trafalgar Square b) Piccadilly Circus
c) Downing Street d) Baker Street
23. The London Underground is often called…
a) the tube b) the box c) the channel d) the metro
24. The Tower of London was started by…
a) William the Conqueror b) Henry 8
c) Julius Caesar d) Edward 4
25. Sir Christopher Wren built …
a) St Paul’s Cathedral b) the British Museum
c) Buckingham Palace d) the Clock Tower
26. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the …
a) 5th of November b) 31st of October
c) 24th of December d)4th of July
27. The famous Globe Theatre is situated in …
a) Stratford-upon-Avon b) London c ) Glasgow d) Liverpool
28. What is the most famous sport event of Scotland?
a) the Highland Games b) the Commonwealth Games
c) the Wimbledon Championship d) Royal Ascot
29) Who do these lines “My heart is in the Highland, my heart is not here” belong to?
a) George Byron b) Robert Burns c) W. Shakespeare d) Bernard Shaw
30. “William the Great” (Shakespeare) wrote his play “The Comedy of…”
a) Misunderstanding b) Errors c) Mistakes d) England
31. Who was Scotland’s national poet?
a) Robert Burns b) Lord Byron c) H. Longfellow d) W. Shakespeare
32. Who created Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple?
a) Agatha Cristie b) Oscar Wild c) JRR Tolkien d)Charles Dickens
33. Which romantic poet died in Greece while fighting against the Turks for Greek Independence?
a) Lord Byron b) John Lennon c) Robert Burns d) Sir Elton John
34.Who was a famous comic actor with a small black moustache, a bowler hat and a funny way of walking?
a) Charles Chaplin b) David Copperfield
c) Pier Riсhard d) Yuri Niсulin
35. Which museum is situated in 221B Baker Street?
a) Sherlock Holmes Museum b) Tate Museum
c) Madam Tussaud’s d) the British Museum
36. Who sang this famous song?
a) the’ Beatles ‘ b) Madonna c) Elton John d)’ Deep Purple’
37. What building is it? (на картинке здание собора св. Павла)
a) St Paul’s Cathedral b) Buckingham Palace
c) the Tower of London d) the Houses of Parliament
38. Whose picture is it? (картина Т. Гейнсборо « Портрет герцогини де Бофор»)
a) Th. Gainsborough b) J. Turner c) J. Constable d) J. Reynolds
39. Who is this celebrity? ( портрет Д. Бэкхема)
a) D. Backham b) Prince Charles c) P. McCartney d) Ch. Dean
40. Where is it? (на картинке дом Шекспира)
a) Stradford-upon Avon b) Liverpool c) London d) Glasgow
Task2. Read the text and do the task below.
Half a mile from home, at the far edge of the woods where the land was highest, a great pine tree stood. The top of this ancient tree towered above all the others and made it visible for miles and miles. Sylvia had always believed that whoever climbed to the top of it could see the ocean. Now she thought of the tree with a new excitement. Why, if she climbed at dawn, would she not be able to see the whole world, and discover where the white heron flew, and find its hidden nest?
What an adventure! As she lay awake in her bed, she thought of the glory and triumph of telling everyone the secret of where the heron hid. Sylvia knew her mother and her quests were fast asleep, so she crept out of the house and followed the path through the woods. The air was filled with the sleepy songs of half-awakened birds.
There was the huge tree, seeming to sleep in the fading moonlight. Sylvia bravely began to climb, the blood racing through her veins, her bare hands and feet gripping the bark. First she had to climb the oak tree that grew alongside. Sylvia felt her way easily. She had often climbed there before, and knew that higher up one of the oak’s upper branches rubbed against the pine trunk. When she reached it, the way was harder than she had thought. The sharp twigs scratched her and the sticky sap made her little fingers clumsy and stiff.
The tree seemed to grow taller as she climbed, and she began to doubt if she could reach her goal before dawn. But Sylvia passed the last thorny branch, her face shining with triumph as she stood at the very top, weak and shaking with exhaustion.
There was the sea, dazzling in the first morning light. Two hawks flew east, so far below her, she felt she, too, might fly away among the clouds. The birds sung louder and louder until the sun came up.
This beauty almost overwhelmed little Sylvia, but she did not forget her mission. Where was the white heron? She looked down to the green marsh where she had seen him before. There he was. Rising and sweeping towards the great pine tree.
He landed, and Sylvia froze as she watched the heron, perched two branches below, calling to his mate, cleaning his feathers for the new day.
41. Where was the tree located?
1. at a high point near Sylvia’s house
2. at the bottom of a hill
3. next to Sylvia’s house
4. in the middle of the forest
42. What made the pine tree so special to Sylvia?
1. Sylvia was fascinated by its height
2. It was Sylvia’s hiding place
3. Sylvia had built a tree house in it
4. Sylvia dreamt of it every night
43. Why did Sylvia decide to climb the pine tree?
1. Because she wanted to know where the white bird hid.
2. Because it seemed an easy thing to do.
3. Because she had climbed it before.
4. Because it was next to an oak tree she used to climb.
44. What feeling overwhelmed Sylvia when she stood at the top?
1. exaltation
2. exasperation
3. disappointment
4. fear
45. How did she feel while climbing the pine tree?
1. She thought she might never make it in time.
2. She thought of giving up because she was hurt.
3. She felt disgusted because of the sap.
4. She was terrified of falling.
46. How did she feel when she reached the top?
1. She was delighted but felt very tired.
2. She was so frightened of falling that her body shook.
3. She was delighted, but disappointed that the birds nest was not there.
4. She was so delighted that she did not feel tired.
47. What did the bird do when he reached the tree?
1. He settled on a lower branch.
2. He sat down next to her.
3. He shouted for help.
4. He flew past her.
48. What does the word “ glory” mean here?
1. great honour
2. great desire
3. certain dis appointment
4. certain achievement
49. What does the phrase “ shining with triumph” imply?
1. to be very happy
2. to be very tired
3. to be quite exhausted
4. to be quite clumsy
50. What does the word ‘ goal’ mean?
1. aim
2. top
3. nest
4. edge
Task3. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
51.There isn’t --------------sense in what you suggest.
a. much b. many c. few d. a few
52. Everybody --------------that smoking is dangerous .
a. knows b. is knowing c. know d. is known
53. She has only got--------------daughter.
a. a ten-year-old b. a ten-years-old c. a ten-years d. a ten-year-aged
54. I’m going to my dentist----------------.
a. one of these days b. another day c. the other day d. another of these days
55. Of two evils choose the ----------------.
a. least b. fewest c. less d. little
56. I’d like ---------------overnight.
a. you to stay b. that you stayed c. you stay d. you staying
57. “ Hey, Jack! How are getting--------------?’-‘ Fine, thanks.’
a. on b. off c. of d. over
58. I think that John Lennon is------------musicians in the world.
a. one of the greatest b. one of greatest
c. greatest one d. the greatest one
59. This newspaper isn’t very popular -----------young people.
a. with b. for c. about over
60. I wonder what our children ------------when we come back.
a. will be doing b. are doing c. will do d. have done
Task4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below.
One morning Hugie visited a painter, Alan. He 61------------by Hugie at first because of the young boy’s charm. However, after he 62-----------Hugie better, he liked him quite as much for his generous nature.
When Hugie came in, he found Trevor 63------------a wonderful picture of a beggar-man. The beggar himself 64---------on a platform in a corner of the studio. He was an old man with a very unhappy expression. Over his shoulders there was a dirty coat; his thick boots 65-----------, and in one hand he had a rough stick, while with the other he 66----------- his hat for money.
‘What an amazing model!’ whispered Hugie.
‘Oh, yes!; shouted the painter. ‘Such beggars as he 67----------every day’.
‘Poor old chap!’ said Hugie. ‘How miserable he 68--------------! How much does a model get for sitting?’ asked Hugie.
‘A shilling an hour’.
‘Well, I think the model should have a percentage’, cried Hugie; ‘ they 69----------quite as hard as you do’.
‘Nonsense, nonsense!’ said Alan and left the room for a minute.
The old beggar-man looked so tired and miserable that Hugie could not help 70--------- him. He felt in his pockets 71------------what money he had. All he could find was a coin. ‘Poor old fellow’, he thought to himself, ‘he wants it more than I do’. And he threw a coin into the beggar’s hat.
61. a) had been attracted 66. a) Held out
b) had attracted b) hold out
c) attracted c) was held out
d) was attracted d) had held out
62. a) knew 67. a) are not met
b) had known b) don’t meet
c) was known c) have not met
d) know d) isn’t met
63. a) finishing 68. a) looks
b) finish b) is looking
c) was finished c) looked
d) to finish d) looking
64. a) was standing 69. a) work
b) standing b) are working
c) stood c) have been working
d) stands d) have worked
65. a) were worn 70. a) pitying
b) were wearing b) pity
c) had worn c) pitied
d) had been worn d) to pity
71. a) to see
b) saw
c) to seeing
d) see
Task5. Fill in the gaps with the words below.
72.-------- making money, the company aims to set high standards of quality and design.
- besides b) unlike c) along with d) except
73. ‘--------- kind of you to visit us!’ Jennifer exclaimed.
a) How b) so c) such d) what
74. She could hardly ------------herself out of the chair.
a). raise b) rise c) arise d) arouse
75. My main interest ----------- in the development of new technology.
a) lay b) lie c) laid d) lain
76. If there is a problem, we ------------ the manufacturer directly.
a) suggest contacting b) suggest to contact
c) offer to contact d) offer contacting
77. Foreign ---------- never really appealed to him until he retired.
a) travel b) voyage c) journey d) trip
78. He has already tried to ---------- sense into Liza.
a) talk b) speak c) tell d) say
79. ----------- half of the money will be provided by the government.
a) the other b) others c) other d) another
80.I walked along the wall---------- close to the side.
a) keeping b) remaining c) holding d) staying
81. I----------- gardening but I don’t have time for it now.
a) used to enjoy b) used to enjoying
c) was used to enjoying d) was used to enjoy
82. Dad bought a ---------- of glass and repaired the window himself.
a) sheet b) piece c) slice d).lump
83) Four police officers suddenly---------- their house.
a) arrived at b) arrived to c) came in d) came to
84. He ----------- Yale University in 1936.
a) graduated from b) left from c) graduated d) finished
85. Janet is -----------for a degree in history.
a) studying b) teaching c) learning d) taught
86. The police are determined ----------- who killed Louise.
a) to find out b) to learn c) to know d) to recognize
87. It was a difficult time but we never ----------- hope.
a) gave up b) gave in c) refused d) denied
88. News------------ him that his wife and child were safe.
a) reached b) achieved c) arrived d) got
89. I didn’t mean anything serious, I was just pulling your----------.
a) leg b) foot c) arm d) hand
90. Dinner is usually our main------------ except on Sundays.
a) meal b) plate c) dish d) food
91. I have ------------- late at work every Thursday.
a) to stay b) to remain c) to leave to stand
92. What do you want ----------?
a) me to do b) that I do c) me do d) that I do
93. Tom said that he -----------.
a) had never been to Disneyland
b) has never been to Disneyland
c) was never in Disneyland
d) was never been in Disneyland
94.It’s a good idea. Let’s do everything together, ------------?
a) shall we b) do we c) are we d) don’t we
95.I haven’t seen the film yet and ------------.
a) neither has my brother b) my brother has neither
c) neither saw my brother d) neither did my brother
96.There are a lot of legends about the English king William 1, who is known -------
William the Conqueror.
- as b) like c) for d) to
97.You can find all necessary information. Just turn --------- the page.
a) over b) into c) off d) down
98. Not all students in the class get--------- well with one another.
a) on b) out c) to d) back
99. Little Jimmy was looking ---------- his coming birthday.
a) forward to b) for c) up d) through
100. Walking in the street Mary suddenly came --------- her former school friend.
a) across b) over c) up with d) on
101. On the 31st of December all people of the world see the Old Year ------------and the New Year ----------.
a) off, in b) in, off c) at, out d) out, at
102. She put ---------- the invitation to the party because she had no time.
a) off b) on c) down d) up with
103. A.Yagudin is said to give ---------- ‘big sport’ many years ago.
a) up b) in c) back d) out
104. If athletes today (not/ take) their training so seriously, sport (not/ be ) so exciting to watch.
a) don’t take, won’t be b) didn’t take, won’t be
c) don’t take, wouldn’t be d)don’t take, isn’t
105. If Bill Gates (not/ be) in the right place at the right time, he (not/ be) the richest man in the world now.
a) hadn’t been, wouldn’t be b) hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been
c) wasn’t , won’t be d) weren’t, wouldn’t have been
106. If John Lennon and Paul McCartney (not/ meet), the Beatles (never/ be/ formed).
a) hadn’t met, would never have been formed
b) didn’t meet, would never be formed
c) hadn’t met, would never be formed
d) didn’t meet, would never have been formed
107. Tom Brown went to university so that he---------good education.
a) could/would get b) got c) can/ will get d) is getting
108.They are building a new speedway to Liverpool in order ----------- the coast much more quickly.
a) to reach b) reaching c) reach d) being reached
109. The Dnieper is ---------- longer than the Thames.
a) a lot b) more c) many d) a much
110. You can always buy this medicine at the ----------.
a) chemist’s b) chemist c) chemists’ d) chemists
Task 6. Put the words in the correct order to make up a sentence.
111.lawyer/not /anything/My/ police /advised/the /to/ me/ say /to.
112. call/early/ to/We/ him/ us/ didn’t/ so/ expect.
113.sooner/ we/ Bad/ us/ than/ weather/ return/ expected/ made/ to.
114. him/ give up/ of /to/ bad/ smoking/ Everybody/ promise/ this/ heard/ habit.
115.animals/ to use/ the ability/ language/ people/ distinguishes/ from.
116. in/ of making/ negative/ statements/ all/ there/ languages/ are/ ways/ positive/ and.
117.without/ no/ rules/ there/ languages/ are.
118.every/ ways of/ showing/ language/ and/ past/ present/ future time/ in/ there are.
119. questions/ have/ ways/ all/ of making/ languages.
120. any/ language/ children/ is used/ of any race/ around/ are capable of/ them/ learning/that/.
111.My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.
112. We didn’t expect him to call us so early.
113. Bad weather made us return sooner than we expected to .
114. Everybody heard him promise to give up this bad habit of smoking.
115. The ability to use language distinguishes people from animals.
116. There are ways of making negative and positive statements in every language.
117. All languages have ways of making questions.
118. In every language there are ways of showing past, present and future time.
119. All languages have ways of making questions.
120. Children of any race are capable of learning any language that is used around them.
Task 7. Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.
121. An opening from which liquid comes out, such as a tube or pipe-s-- -- -- t
122. A person who loves his / her country--- p-- -- -- -- -- t
123. A period of very cold weather --- f -- -- -- -- e
124. A long narrow piece of material for binding round a wound –b -- -- -- -- -- e
125. A group of people elected to govern a town—c -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --n
126.The use of strength, trying hard – e -- -- -- --t
127. A noble soldier on horseback—k -- -- -- -- t
128. A long speech, part in a play or film, spoken by one person only—
m -- -- -- -- -- -- --e
129. A very common reddish- yellow round fruit with a bitter sweet taste and a thick skin – o -- -- -- -- e
130. A formal decision made by a group vote – r -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n
Keys: 1. Spout 2. Patriot 3. Freeze 4. Bandage 5. Corporation 6. Effort 7. Knight 8. Monologue 9. Orange 10. Resolution
Предварительный просмотр:
- Take your pen ___ ___ your bag and write this sentence.
- We often write ___ the blackboard ___ class. We usually write ___ our exercise-books ___ home.
- "What do you usually do ___ your English lessons?" "We read, write and speak English ___ our lessons."
- Are you going ___ the office or ___ your lesson?
- We live ___ Moscow.
- They work ___ the Ministry ___ Foreign Trade.
- I usually go ___ the office ___ the morning.
- Do you speak English or Russian ___ your teacher?
- "Where's your pencil? Is it ___ the table?" "No, it's ___ the floor ___ the table."
- Don't go ___ that room.
- Look ___ the blackboard, please.
- ___ What language do you speak ___ classes?
- Peter is always ___ time ___ his lessons.
- We often go ___ the blackboard ___ class.
- We write a lot ___ sentences ___ the blackboard.
- "Where does he usually go ___ work?" "He usually goes ___ home".
- I like to speak English ___ my sons.
- Please tell her ___ your friends.
- Please translate this text ___ Russian ___ English.
- What do you usually speak ___ ___ class?
- How often do you write ___ your friends?
- When do you usually get ___ home?
- How do you get ___ your office?
- He's going to write ___ me ___ a week.
- "Do you work ___ an office?" "No, I work ___ a factory."
- "Do you live far ___ the factory?" "Yes, I live a long way ___ it."
- Mary lives near ___ a large park. She often takes her son ___ ___ a walk ___ the park. ___ Saturdays her sister Ann usually comes to stay ___ Mary ___ the week-end.
- I usually get ___ home ___ six ___ the evening.
- This is a letter ___ my sister. I'm going to answer ___ it now. She's coming ___ Moscow. I'm going to meet ___ her ___ Tuesday evening ___ seven.
- Nick works hard ___ his English. He does a lot ___ exercises ___ class and ___ home.
- "What are you going to do ___ the week-end?" "We're going ___ Klin ___ the week-end".
- Are you going to stay here ___ the week-end?
- Do you often stay ___ the office ___ work ___ your English lessons?
- A lot ___ students go ___ college every year.
- My friend's son is ___ college now, and my son is going ___ college next year.
- I don't like playing ___ football, but I often play ___ tennis ___ work ___ weekdays, and ___ the week-end too.
- Ann's children were ___ hospital last week. They are ___ home now, and they are doing very well.
- "When did you discuss ___ those questions last?" "We discussed ___ them the day ___ yesterday."
- Peter is going ___ hospital ___ two days.
- I stayed ___ home ___ ten yesterday morning.
- My friend likes playing ___ chess. He spends a lot ___ time ___ it. Yesterday he played chess ___ six ___ the evening and only got ___ home ___ ten.
- We spent Sunday ___ the country. We went ___ there early ___ the morning and got back ___ town late ___ the evening.
- We decided to ask our friends ___ dinner tomorrow. ___ dinner we're going ___ Central Park.
- What are we having ___ dinner today?
- My friend lives ___ the country and he likes it very much. His house is a long way ___ his office. He goes ___ town every morning. He is always ___ time ___ work.
- I don't want to go ___ the cinema tonight. My wife and I are going ___ a walk.
- Does your friend play ___ chess well? I am going to have a game ___ chess ___ him.
- "When did the meeting finish?" "It finished ___ four." I got ___ home late yesterday evening and went ___ bed ___ once.
- Peter spends a lot ___ money ___ books. I often ask him ___ books to read.
- Mary Petrova is a woman ___ 30. She graduated ___ the Institute ___ Foreign Languages eight years ago. She's a lecturer now. She teaches English ___ an Institute. She usually goes ___ the Institute ___ eight o'clock ___ the morning and gets ___ home ___ three ___ the afternoon. Her daughter Ann is a girl ___ ten. She goes ___ school. She spends four hours ___ school every day. ___ home she does her homework and helps ___ her mother. Mary's son is a boy ___ four. Her husband takes the boy ___ a nursery-school every morning. Mary's parents do not live ___ her. They live ___ the country, a long way ___ Moscow. ___ the summer Mary takes her children ___ the country and they stay ___ their grandfather and grandmother. Next week Mary and her children are leaving ___ Moscow. Mary is only going to spend two weeks ___ her parents. Then she's returning ___ Moscow again.
- We're going to have a test ___ the 3rd ___ December. Some ___ my friends are coming this evening and we're going to revise the grammar rules ___ the test.
- "Could you come to see me ___ Saturday evening?" "I'd love to."
- We live ___ a block ___ flats ___ the centre ___ Leningrad. Our flat's ___ the ground floor. There are three rooms ___ it. There isn't a table ___ the middle ___ our living-room. The table's ___ the corner. There's a piano ___ the left ___ the table and a small table ___ a radio set ___ it ___ the right.
- My daughter likes (loves) playing ___ the piano. Some ___ her friends often come to listen ___ her ___ the evening.
- "Where's the Ministry ___ Foreign Trade?" "Go ___ the right. It's ___ the corner ___ the street."?.
- I'm going to speak ___ him ___ the telephone tonight.
- What did you hear ___ the radio yesterday?
- When I watch TV or listen ___ the radio I usually sit ___ my new arm-chair, it's very comfortable.
- What can you see ___ this picture?
- I went to the Library of Foreign Literature yester day. There were a lot ___ people ___ it. I wanted a book ___ Oscar Wilde and asked the librarian to show ___ me some ___ his books.
- "These books are too difficult ___ me.. What else could you bring ___ me?"
- "I don't think you are right, you can take any ___ these books. They're all very easy."
- They were all sorry ___ him.
- He hasn't seen the doctor vet, and I'm very sorry ___ it.
- They've all gone ___ ___ the summer, and have left their dog ___ me.
- My son is doing very well ___ History and Geography.
- I'm hurrying ___ the Institute.
- My friend's going to give a talk ___ English History and I want to listen ___ him.
- "What's the matter ___ you?" "I feel I've got a temperature and I can't even talk ___ you. I must see my doctor."
- "How do I get ___ your brother's?" "I think you can get there ___ bus. Hurry ___. I'm afraid you are late already."
- Why do you always forget to put all these books back ___ their places after you have used them?
- I wanted to talk ___ him ___ the lecture when I saw him ___ the trolley-bus stop, but I forgot.
- He always makes notes ___ all the lectures. If you want to use his notes, talk ___ him ___ it.
- What is he afraid ___?
- I had an interesting talk ___ them. I was sorry you were not there.
- "Shall we meet ___ my place?" "___ what time?"
- My friend and I always prepare ___ our examinations together. I took my English exam the day ___ yesterday, and got "good" ___ it. My friend's going to have his exam ___ two days' time. I hope he'll do well ___ it, too. I'm going ___ the seaside ___ my holiday ___ this year. I always spend my holiday ___ the sea. When I was away .. .holiday last year, I swam ___ the sea and sunbathed three hours a day. The doctor says I shouldn't stay ___ the sun ___ twelve o'clock. As I'm going to stay . the seaside, I'll go ___ the beach early ___ the morning, and be back home ___ eleven. My sister's a teacher, so she usually has two months' holiday ___ the summer. She's away ___ holiday now. She usually finishes work ___ the end … June and leaves ___ Moscow early ___ July. I haven't had any letters ___ her yet, but I hope to hear ___ her soon. She'll be back ___ Moscow late … August.
- I think I'll be able to speak ___ him ___ it ___ the telephone.
- Every time I have to speak English ___ a foreign firm, I remember my first English teacher.
- You can send your telegram___ telephone if you like.
- Have you heard all ___ it already? Who from?
- Why weren't you ___ time ___ the lecture yesterday morning?
- "How long will it take me to get ___ the theatre?" "It won't take you long if you go ___ the 31 bus."
- "Will you be able to go ___ the country ___ the week-end?" "I'm afraid I won't. I've got a lot ___ things to do ___ home." "I'm sorry ___ you. I never leave any work ___ the week-end and don't advise you to do so either."
- "What are you going to do ___ the week-end?" "I'm going to stay ___ town, but I'm not sorry ___ it at all.
- My brother's leaving Leningrad ___ Moscow. I think he'll be here ___ Saturday."
- We heard a lot ___ interesting things ___ the radio yesterday evening.
- How often do you listen ___ the radio?
- Could I talk ___ you ___ classes?
- I've just had a talk ___ my teacher.
- My brother is ___ ___ holiday now. He always goes ___ the seaside ___ his holiday. I hope I'll hear ___ him soon.
- "How is your son doing ___ music?" "Very well, thank you."
- Which book are you working ___ now?
- Do you still work ___ a factory?
- All of us work hard ___ our English.
- We'd like you to come ___ dinner. Can you?
- I can't find you ___ the picture. Which ___ them is you?
- Who's going to give a lecture ___ History today?
- Why did you miss the last lecture ___ Literature?
- What's he afraid ___?
- We'll get ___ the place ___ time.
- The old woman says her husband retired ___ sixty-five.
- I wonder which hotel your friend is staying ___.
- Why hasn't he written to tell you?
- ___ my first visit ___ Leningrad I spent three hours sightseeing every afternoon.
- "Which street does he live ___?" "He lives ___ Green Street. It's a long way ___ here."
- I met ___ a friend ___ the way ___ the factory yesterday. He told me that he had got a new flat ___ a new district ___ the suburbs.
- ___ a holiday there are always a lot ___ people ___ the streets and squares.
- My grandparents work ___ a collective farm which is not very far ___ Moscow.
- Is your grandfather still ___ hospital?
- "Did your friend have to go ___ hospital?" "No, he only stayed ___ home a week or two."
- My grandfather is quite an old man, but he doesn't want to retire. He still works ___ a collective farm.
- "Do you like packing things?" "I like it very much. I'm leaving Moscow the day ___ tomorrow. I've left college and am going to work as a doctor ___ Vologda. I'm going to pack my things tomorrow. I'll put my suits, shirts, shoes, books and other things ___ my suit-cases and take them ___ the railway station ___ a taxi. Several friends are coming ___ my place ___ the evening the day ___ tomorrow to say good-bye ___ me. We'll go ___ the railway station together ___ half ___ nine. My friend Nick Petrov isn't coming ___ my place because he'll be busy, so he'll go ___ the station and wait ___ us there. I'll be ___ Vologda ___ two days and as soon as I know my new address, I'll send it ___ my friends. I hope they'll write ___ me sometimes and perhaps come and see me."
- The captain ___ the steamer made his first voyage ___ South America about twenty years ago.
- There are people who don't like travelling ___ ship.
- The man was talking ___ a loud voice, but we didn't understand what he was saying because he spoke ___ a strange language.
- We thought that we were going ___ the river, but when we asked a man how long it would take to reach ___ it, he said that we were going ___ the wrong direction.
- I was told there was a beautiful forest ___ the east ___ your town.
- They'll be going ___ the East one of these days.
- When all the letters and telegrams had been looked ___ he went ___ ___ his work.
- The captain looked ___ his glasses and saw a man ___ the sea not very far ___ the ship. He ordered his men to sail ___ that direction. "Don't be angry ___ me," the captain cried ___. "I didn't know you were making a record voyage."
- Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it ___ her.
- Please buy ___ me some bread and sugar, will you?
- I wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures ___ the museum.
- The man didn't sell his pictures ___ the museum, he just gave them away without taking any money ___ them.
- Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too expensive ___ her. "I can't pay so much ___ a pair ___ shoes", she said ___ the shop-assistant.
- Won't you have another look ___ these shoes? I think it's just the pair ___ you.
- He looked ___ all the telegrams quickly, gave them ___ the secretary to send off and also asked her to ring ___ Mr Brown and tell ___ him that he could come ___ 10 if the time was suitable ___ him.
- "Would you like to buy any ___ these watches?" "No, I'm just looking ___."
- "Excuse me, how do I get ___ the bookshop?" "It's ___ there ___ the right".
- Will you please ask that man what time it is ___ his watch. I'm afraid mine is ___ five or six minutes slow.
- Could you ask your friend to take part ___ our meeting?
- It's more difficult ___ me to learn something ___ heart now than it was a few years ago.
- Do you mind if the children have part ___ their classes ___ the open air?
- I enjoyed travelling ___ ship.
- We got ___ the bus and ___ five minutes it started.
- Will you help the old woman to get ___ the bus, please?
- It's very cold outside. I think we'll have to put ___ warm (warmer) things.
- Shall we take ___ our hats and coats? It's very warm in here.
- I wonder what they were laughing ___ when I came ___ the room.
- Are you going to invite any ___ your friends ___ dinner ___ Sunday?
- Your friend will be pleased ___ his new work. I'm quite sure ___ it. I've talked ___ him ___ it and told him that the work is difficult, but very interest ing, and he agreed ___ me.
- I wonder why you don't agree to go ___ Batumi ___ plane. It'll take you much less time.
- The Caucasus is famous ___ its holiday centres.
- When we were travelling ___ the Crimea, we stopped one day ___ a nice little village ___ the mountains.
- Are you travelling ___ business or ___ pleasure?
- I like travelling ___ train, because when the train passes ___ beautiful places, I can see them ___ ___ the window.
- As we were flying ___ my home town, I could see how large it had become.
- ___ the way ___ Italy the plane flew ___ many European countries.
- The book I advise you to read consists ___ three parts.
- When Dickens was a boy ___ four, his father showed him a beautiful house ___ the place where they were living ___ that time. "Why can't we live ___ a fine house like that?" the boy asked his father. "We're rather poor, and can't pay ___ it," his father answered. Little Charles often went ___ that place. He liked to look ___ the house and play outside it. Many years later he really moved ___ that house and lived there ___ a long time.
- Theodore Dreiser, the great American writer, was born ___ the 27th ___ August, 1871 ___ a small town ___ America.
- When Jack London was a boy ___ ___ ten, he sold newspapers ___ the streets and ___ this way helped ___ his parents. Which novels ___ Jack London are popular ___ the Soviet reader?
- The boy learned to read ___ the age ___ five.
- I wonder why they haven't kept their promise to be here ___ five. Something unexpected has probably happened ___ them, or perhaps something went wrong ___ their car.
- A lot ___ people ___ different countries fight ___ war because they want to live ___ peace.
- ___ 1943 my father was ___ the front. He took part ___ many fierce battles.
- The Soviet people were fighting ___ the freedom and independence ___ our country, defending it ___ the German fascists.
- ___ the 25th of August, 1812 Napoleon's army was defeated ___ the village ___ Borodino ___ Moscow.
- "We've been invited ___ the Browns' housewarming party," Robert said to his wife. "I'm glad I'll be able to introduce you ___ Mrs Brown."
- "Will you turn ___ the radio, please," said Helen. "I think someone's knocking ___ the front door."
- "I hope you've realized the importance ___ an education," the father said ___ his son.
- ___ first he thought that his friends were joking ___ him, but then he realized that they weren't.
- It's very dark ___ here. Will you turn ___ the light, please?
- When our village was liberated ___ the enemy, my elder brother, who was sixteen ___ the time, joined ___ the Soviet army.
- "What do you mean ___ watching ___ me all the time?" the young girl asked angrily, turning ___ the man who was sitting next ___ her.
- ___ my surprise I found out that all those nice things were meant ___ me.
- Do you mind if I only see you ___ the corner ___ the street?
- Please don't interrupt each other, speak ___ turn. I won't be able to make ___ what you are saying.
- The passengers stood ___ a queue, waiting ___ their turn to get ___ the plane.
- "If you're sure ___ your ideas, you should fight ___ them," the professor said ___ the young man.
- The doctor asked me if I could take care ___ my friend, who was ill. He wasn't able to go ___, and there was nobody else but me to look ___ him.
- ___ first the article seemed awfully difficult___ the student, but when he had read it several times, everything became clear ___ him.
- I hope the rules have already been explained ___ all the first-year students and are quite clear ___ them.
- I'm grateful ___ you ___ reminding me ___ the lecture.
- Doesn't this girl remind you ___ anyone?
- ___ the one hand, it's not a bad idea, ___ the other, it's too early to think ___ it now.
- I'd like all ___ you to read this article. It'll give you a very good idea ___ the subject we're discussing.
- It has just been announced ___ the radio that a famous French actor is arriving ___ Moscow ___ a few days.
- Jane is ___ a very good mood because the doctor told her yesterday that her father's life was ___ ___ danger.
- The boat is expected to arrive ___ the port ___ the 20th of October.
- When did World War II break ___?
- When the audience saw the famous singer appear ___ the stage, they greeted her ___ a storm ___ applause.
- When the ship was approaching ___ Leningrad, all the tourists went out to look at the great city that could already be seen ___ the distance.
- I wonder what school this writer belongs ___?
- The children jumped ___ joy when they saw the New-Year tree ___ the middle ___ the room.
- Nick said he would be waiting ___ me ___ the corner ___ the street. I hurried ___ the place and reached ___ it___ time, but ___ my great surprise I didn't find him there. I couldn't believe ___ my eyes because I knew that he always kept his promise. The street was crowded, so I thought perhaps he was standing somewhere ___ a quiet corner. I looked ___, but couldn't see him anywhere, so I went ___ home, thinking that something unexpected had happened ___ him.
- I was seriously ill, but now I'm getting better and better every day. I'm very grateful ___ the doctors ___ all they've done ___ me.
- Someone's knocking ___ the door. Please go and ask him ___ I'm still so weak that I can't do it myself yet.
- I am ___ five years younger than my husband.
- ___ our way ___ the Far East we passed ___ many Siberian towns and villages.
- He entered ___ the room and greeted everybody.
- A lot of people passed ___ a small picture painted ___ the young artist without stopping to look ___ it.
- Jim owes ten shillings ___ Bob and five ___ Nick.
- How much do I owe ___ you ___ this coat?
- No wonder Petrov has made much progress ___ his English.
- It's a pity nobody has warned him ___ smoking so much.
- The signal warned the partisans ___ the coming danger.
- ___ 1941 our country was attacked ___ fascist Germany ___ any warning.
- If you're interested ___ this subject, come to listen ___ Comrade Klimov's talk ___ the week-end. I'm sure he'll give a lot ___ new facts.
- The lecture was followed ___ an entertainment, which everybody enjoyed.
- You should follow our advice and stop worrying ___ your nephew. The doctor who had operated ___ him said that he hadn't felt any pain, and would be getting better soon.
- I wonder how the boy could climb ___ that tall tree. I'm afraid we'll have to help him to climb ___ if we don't want him to fall.
- I can't play ___ the piano myself, but I'm fond ___ going to concerts. I always enjoy ___ them very much.
- Comrade Petrov explained ___ me that he was late ___ classes because he had missed ___ the seven o'clock train he usually took.
- I'm afraid you won't be able to catch ___ the five o'clock train, and if you go ___ the next one, you won't be able to reach ___ the place ___ time.
- "We've neither been ___ the theatre, nor ___ the cinema ___ a long time. Let's go ___ the theatre tonight, shall we? ___ the way, do you know what's ___ ___ the Maly Theatre?" "No, but it's all the same ___ me. I always enjoy everything there. It's one ___ the best theatres ___ Moscow.
- " I'm always angry when people come ___ the theatre after the lights have gone ___.
- When this actress appears ___ the stage, the audience always greet her ___ a storm ___ applause.
- I don't want to see the play. I neither like the play itself nor the novel it's taken ___.
- Why is Gleb late? He's either missed ___ the nine o'clock train or something really serious has happened ___ him.
- My son came ___ Leningrad yesterday. He said that the city had made an unforgettable impression ___ him.
- If I manage to finish my work ___ time, I'll be glad to join ___ you.
- If you go ___ Kiev ___ business, take every opportunity to visit all the museums there.
- When this actress plays the part ___ Eliza, the theatre's always packed.
- The other day a man came ___ ___ me ___ the street and asked me to give him a light. It was an old friend, and I was surprised that he hadn't recognized me ___ once.
- I advise you to hide the matches ___ ___ the children.
- I wonder why Nick is behind Mary ___ his English. I always thought he was very good ___ languages.
- The man spoke ___ a whisper, and there was a strange expression ___ his eyes.
- The expression ___ the child's face said that he didn't believe a single word ___ the story.
- "It was silly ___ Mr Winter to lend ___ the man so much money. Doesn't he know that he has already borrowed large sums ___ many other people and never returned them so far?" said the old lady.
- The young man saw the old woman's gloves fall ___ ___ her bag and hurried to pick them ___ ___ her.
- You can't make the boy obey ___ you by shouting ___ him all the time.
- I don't think you've lost your note-book. Let's look ___ it carefully, and I'm sure we'll find it.
- Will you throw that little box over there ___ me, please? Don't be afraid. Nothing will happen ___ it even if it falls ___ the floor.
- I'd like this letter to go ___ air mail.
- I wonder why you aren't pleased ___ your son's progress. I find he's doing quite well ___ many subjects.
- "I'm afraid I haven't got any small change ___ me. Can you give me change ___ a pound note?" "Certainly, here you are."
- I got the impression that he was troubled ___ something, but he avoided answering ___ my questions.
- The old man made the boy pick ___ a piece ___ paper he had dropped ___ the ground, saying, "Never throw anything ___ the ground."
- I think I'll drop ___ ___ the post-office on my way home. I must buy some envelopes and make ___ a money-order.
- He explained ___ me that I should take the second turning ___ the left and I would find the house immediately, because it was just ___ the corner.
- The boy was so good ___ mathematics that he was soon far ahead ___ the rest ___ the class.
- The clerk handed me two forms to fill ___.
- When I went ___ the desk to fill ___ a telegram form, I remembered that I had no money ___ me, so I had to go ___ home ___ it.
- This is an extract ___ the last book written ___ Cronin.
- My brothers go in ___ various kinds ___ sport.
- Both ___ them are very good ___ sports.
- Can you answer ___ this question ___ the sport?
- They replied ___ the letter ___ the same day.
- She only smiled ___ answer ___ our question ___ her progress ___ tennis.
- ___ reply ___ your letter we are sending you the information you need.
- The old man's voice trembled ___ excitement when he spoke ___ his youngest daughter.
- He said he couldn't play ___ the piano ___ us because he was ___ ___ practice.
- He raised the glass he was holding ___ his left hand and said, "Here's ___ your success."
- She came ___ the room holding a little girl ___ the hand.
- You should pay more attention ___ your spelling.
- The man shouted something, but nobody took any notice ___ him.
- When Mary opened a meeting___ the first time ___ her life, her voice shook ___ nervousness.
- The young scientist shook hands ___ his friends, who had come ___ the airport to see him ___.
- I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy.
- It's a pity he only takes ___ his mother ___ looks!
- Ask Kate to join ___ our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very jolly ___ nature and is fond ___ singing and dancing.
- Since more and more people are going ___ ___ winter sports to-day, skis are usually ___ great demand when winter approaches. There is also a great demand ___ skates.
- I know ___ my own experience that to gain a good knowledge ___ a foreign language one must work hard ___ it every day.
- Having no experience ___ teaching little children, Comrade Ivanov sat in at other teachers' classes before he himself began to teach.
- ___ spite ___ the fact that he made a few mistakes, everybody liked his talk.
- I don't advise you to allow your son to go ___ the cinema very often. I am sure he does it ___ the expense ___ his studies.
- ___ which year did the Russian people gain the victory ___ Napoleon?
- Which books ___ Jack London have you read ___ the original?
- The workers ___ the factory went ___ strike and the news spread quickly all over the place.
- Many African patriots have been arrested ___ spite ___ the fact that they are not guilty ___ any crime.
- He's only come ___ a short stay, but the news ___ his arrival spread in no time.
- Instead ___ buying something ___ everyday wear, as she had first intended, Mary bought a sleeveless dress ___ better wear.
- Nick used to go ___ the library ___ time ___ time to look ___ articles ___ the subject he was very fond ___.
- I wonder why the waiter has set the table ___ two people instead ___ three.
- While speaking at the production meeting, the manager ___ the factory pointed ___ that each ___ the workers and engineers was responsible ___ carrying ___ the plan.
- She said that the new film was worth seeing, but there was such an expression ___ her face that I thought she was only saying it ___ fun.
- I'm afraid Peter takes ___ his elder brother, who is also fond ___ making fun ___ people.
- Won't you join ___ us? Do come! I'm sure you'll have a lot ___ fun ___ the party.
- Do you mind my turning ___ the radio? I am sick and tired ___ that loud music.
- The young girl looked so good-natured that everybody liked her ___ first sight.
- As the station was three miles away ___ the place where Nick lived he asked his friends not to see him ___, so, ___ shaking hands ___ everybody, he picked ___ his suitcases and started ___.
- The young men stood ___ front ___ the house and watched their friend go ___ the street until they lost sight ___ him.
- Pavlov's scientific activities are known ___ the entire world.
- "This patient will soon be operated ___," the professor said. "We'll do everything ___ our power to help him."
- ___ hearing the sad news, the girl burst ___ crying, but she was soon surrounded ___ her friends, who did their best to cheer her ___ .
- What are you holding ___ your hand? Is it a birthday present ___ Ann?
- I was late ___ classes yesterday because my tram was held ___ .
- I've been trying to get hold ___ him for several days, but he always seems to be ___ .
- This old house is to be pulled ___ next month, and a nursery school is going to be built ___ its place.
- It's unfair of the boys to keep ___ ___ Peter.
- He never meant to make fun ___ anybody.
- It was rather difficult to follow ___ the speaker because he did not always keep ___ the subject.
- You often lose your books because you don't keep them ___ order.
- After comparing the first dress ___ the second one, the girl decided to choose the first.
- I think that a month's stay ___ the South will do you a lot ___ good.
- ___ hearing those words the boy leaned ___ and burst ___ laughing.
- Nick hurt his leg and had to lean ___ my arm.
- "Don't lean ___ the table. How many times have I told you to keep your elbows ___ the table," the mother said ___ an angry voice.
- The girl sat ___ the window leaning ___ a book.
- If you don't keep your word now, you'll be ashamed ___ yourself later on.
- It's very dangerous to run ___ a busy street.
- ___ first I hesitated ___ using these figures, but after checking them once again I decided to include them ___ my report.
- He looked so cross when I ran ___ him ___ the street the other day that he hardly answered my greeting.
- When I was buying this watch, everybody warned me against it. Some said it was ___ ___ fashion, others added that I would have a lot ___ trouble ___ it. But I'm glad to say it's turned ___ quite good.
- When reading an English book ___ the original, you needn't look ___every new word you come ___ ___ the dictionary. You'll soon get tired ___ reading ___ that way. Try to guess the meaning ___ some of the words from the context.
- I haven't been ___ the theatre ___ ages. The other day I booked two tickets ___ a new play which everybody thinks a lot of, and now I'm looking ___ ___ the performance.
- This shop is famous ___ its summer dresses. I advise you to go there if you want one ___ the latest fashion.
- "What's Jane's telephone number?" "Just a minute! I'll look it ___ ___ my notebook. Here you are, it happens to be ___ the first page."
- Fred's ideas did not seem convincing enough ___ his friends and ___ an hour's discussion all his suggestions were finally turned ___ .
- The lecture seemed particularly interesting ___ me because I was familiar ___ the subject.
- I wonder why she preferred their advice ___ ours.
- You must ask ___ permission if you wish to leave early. You may get___ trouble if you don't.
- Comrade Klimov's engaged ___ the young specialists now and cannot see you. Can you come ___ an hour's time?
- I don't think we'll be able to help them ___ their work tomorrow. We'll all be engaged ___ the conference.
- "Look___ your report more carefully," said the teacher. "I'm not trying to find fault ___ it, but some parts really don't make much sense."
- I wonder why you look ___ our son as a little boy, I think he's grown-up enough to look ___ himself.
- I promised Peter not to tell his sister ___ his illness, and found myself ___ an awkward position when she asked me how he was. He's impossible to deal ___! You can never rely ___ him.
- Almost all the countries ___ the world were represented ___ the Film Festival ___ Moscow. That was why it was an event ___ great interest ___ all cinema goers.
- Both the teacher and the students were interested ___ the conference. Everybody looked ___ ___ a fruitful exchange ___ ideas ___ representatives ___ different scientific schools.
- When Peter was twelve, he used to take a great interest ___ foreign stamps. He would often give his friends his books, toys and other things ___ exchange ___ stamps which were ___ interest ___ him.
- "I'll be pleased to help you," the doctor said ___ the old scientist. "But I want to be perfectly honest ___ you: no medicine will help you unless you stop working ___ the expense ___ your health. I can only allow you to work three or four hours ___ a day."
- Mary had been training ___ the race the whole winter.
- Ann was hurt to see that her friend hardly took any notice ___ her, although they had been ___ ___ touch ___ over a year.
- "A lot of interesting books may come out ___ connection ___ the film festival," said the shop assistant. "Keep ___ touch ___ us. We'll let you know if there's anything here ___ interest ___ you."
- It would be wise to take advantage ___ the situation and point ___ ___ the children why their behavior was incorrect.
- Ann had been a nurse ___ three years before she entered ___ the Medical Institute. Her experience gives her an advantage ___ students who haven't had practice.
- I'd advise you to book a seat___ any train if there's no chance ___ getting a seat ___ a fast train.
- If you want your work to be successful, you must first ___ all change your attitude ___ it.
- He stared ___ the letter ___ reading it.
- We insist ___ your giving us your final reply ___ next week. The matter is urgent.
- Highsmith mentioned ___ names and facts ___ his conversation ___ Miss Posie, because he wanted to sound convincing.
- Why do you insist ___ your opinions? Don't you see you're wrong? ___ your place I'd give ___ .
- "What were you thinking ___ giving your wife ___ a birthday present?" "I've got an idea, but I haven't made ___ my mind yet. I'd like to discuss it ___ you ___ private, because I want it to be a surprise."
- "What about making some changes ___ our plans ___ the holidays?" "All right, I'll think it ___ ."
- Why are you thinking ___ something instead ___ listening ___ me?
- You've been complaining ___ bad toothache. Why do you put ___ going ___ the dentist?
- "___ your place I'd ask the boy to apologize ___ you," Ann said ___ her friend. It's ___ me why you allow him to behave like that!"
- Several tourists complained ___ tiredness, so it was decided to put ___ ___ the hotel ___ the hill.
- Mary never keeps her papers ___ order. They are always mixed ___ .
- ___ what way did Highsmith expect to succeed___ getting the part ___ a country lad?
- Many good actors failed to convince Miss Posie ___ their ability, but this did not discourage Highsmith ___ trying again.
- Why don't you lie ___ the shade? You'll get a headache if you stay too long ___ the sun.
- When the car stopped, everybody got ___, and the mother spread a tablecloth ___ the shade ___ a big tree ___ the side ___ the road, while the children started running ___ to stretch their stiff legs.
- If I were you, I wouldn't throw ___ your grammar exercise books. You can make use ___ them while you're preparing ___ the exam, I'm sure.
- What's the use ___ waiting ___ him? If he had been told ___ time, he would have turned ___ long ago.
- Why did you refuse ___ Comrade Petrov's help? Don't you know the matter's urgent?
- Try ___ this dress. It's a chearful shade ___ green. Your new shoes will go nicely with it.
- Why didn't you tell ___ me the time wasn't convenient ___ you? I wouldn't have made the appointment.
- Free at Last
"What is life ___ a man? It is ___ no value ___ him, if he cannot call the woman he loves his wife, if he has no right to bring ___ his own child, if he cannot have a will ___ his own ___ the risk___ being treated like a dog!" These thoughts were passing ___ George's mind as he watched his wife put ___ the man's suit ___ which she intended to make the risky journey. "Well", he said, "you look ___ a nice young fellow. I think even people who have known you ___ years will hardly recognize you ___ this disguise. I wonder if Harry's ready. The carriage should be here ___ a few minutes. "The door opened to let ___ a respectable old woman ___ little Harry ___ her side.
"I've heard," said thewoman, "there's an advertisement ___ a runaway mulatto, and captains down the port have been warned ___ a man, ___ a woman and a little boy."
The carriage had now pulled ______ the door and the friendly Smiths ___ whose house they had been staying crowded around George and his wife to say good-bye ___ them. Everybody found that they were all made-up perfectly and disguised ___ recognition.
Everything was quiet ___ the port ___ an indifferent air the captain watched the passengers coming ___ board ___ the boat. George was paying the fares when fragments ___ conversation reached ___ his ears.
"I've watched every one ___ the passengers," a man was saying. "I am sure they haven't come aboard." "You would hardly tell the woman ___ a white one," said his companion, "and the man is branded on one ___ his hands."
The hand ___ which George was holding the tickets trembled slightly, but he looked ___ the speaker calmly and walked ___ ___ an indifferent air ___ the other side ___ the ship. Eliza was already waiting ___ him. There came the signal ___ departure and George saw the two men hurry ___ .
The ship sailed ___ ___ Canada.
- The other day my sister had an accident while she was driving ___ the country. Luckily nobody was killed ___ the accident.
- ___ what cases are you allowed not to pay duty ___ things you are taking ___ the customs?
- I'm going ___ now. Shall I get something ___ dinner?
- I'm afraid, you can't get___ W. Street ___ here ___ changing buses.
- "I'm going ___ ___ a fortnight tomorrow; I do hope you'll get ___ together while I'm ___ ," the mother said ___ her children.
- The signal had been given ___ the passengers to get ___ the train, and now they were exchanging hurried farewells ___ those who had come to see them ___.
- If you are patient ___ Ann ___ her trouble, she'll get ___ it sooner.
- I don't consider this patient to be a hopeless case. If we treat him at once, he'll get ___ his illness comparatively soon, I'm sure.
- Before starting the game, the children divided the field ___ two.
- I like the way this girl divides her time ___ work and sports.
- The old people had lived side ___ side ___ thirty years, sharing every joy and sorrow.
- When's the train due ___ Manchester?
- I don't want you to check this list now, only make a note ___ it so as not to forget to do it later on.
- The doctor isn't likely to prescribe any special medicine ___ your headaches.
- Why should you argue ___ this mistake when it is obvious ___ everybody?
- ___ a long time the doctor couldn't say exactly what the patient was suffering ___ .
- The exams were such a strain ___ Jane that she began to sleep badly and as a result was found unfit ___ the sports competition.
- The house would suit ___ us perfectly if it weren't so far ___ the centre ___ the town.
- It isn't convenient ___ me to decline ___ their invitation. It may be a disappointment ___ my friend.
- She's learnt two foreign languages ___ rather a short time and very cleverly manages to keep ___ her knowledge ___ listening ___ the radio and reading a lot.
- If you hadn't kept Alice ___ going on the stage, she might have made a good actress.
- During my illness all my fellow-students made so much progress ___ English that now I find it a strain to keep ___ ___ them.
- Does this method differ very much ___ the one suggested ___ your friend?
- ___ the present time one cannot imagine a house ___ electricity.
- The medicine you prescribed ___ the child last time was too bitter. Could you prescribe something else ___ her ___ this time?
- He must be very good at languages, he picks ___ hundreds of expressions.
- Here are some journals ___ you. Pick ___ those which may be useful ___ your work.
- "Your child must have been frightened ___ something!" said the doctor. "That's probably the reason ___ his being so nervous."
- I had been looking forward ___ seeing the game, but ___ my great disappointment the match was cancelled ___ ___ bad weather.
- ___ first the book seemed thrilling ___ me, but as I read further, I grew more and more disappointed ___ the plot.
- Everybody was amazed ___ the taste which the young woman showed ___ clothes.
- I admire the painter's manner. Everything he does is ___ perfect taste.
- I'm afraid they didn't show much taste ___ choosing the pictures ___ their house.
- Have some ___ these sweets. I'm sure you'll find them ___ your taste.
- If I were you, I'd learn to ride ___ a bicycle.
- Let me help you ___ the bus.
- You can go ___ Mary ___ advice. She's a skilled nurse and will certainly help you ___ ___ the difficulty.
- She must have fainted because it's so stuffy here. Don't worry, she'll come ___ ___ no time.
- If you hadn't rushed ___ your translation, you wouldn't have made so many mistakes.
- The work is extremely carelessly done. It must have been done ___ a terrible rush.
- The treatment isn't likely to have much effect ___ you if you don't keep to a diet ___ a month or so.
- It was evident that the girl did not care much ___ clothes; the sight ___ the beautiful dress left her quite indifferent.
- Will you tell Comrade Petrov to attend ___ this matter?
- The cable is addressed ___ the office he is ___ charge ___.
The father ___ Russian science, ___ well___ outstanding poet, founder ___ Russian literature and creator ___ the Russian literary language, is how Mikhail Lomonosov is known. The son ___ a peasant, Lomonosov was born ___ 1711 ___ the village ___ Denisovka (now Lomonosovo), Archangel Gubernia. His thirst ___ learning revealed itself when he was still young, and he easily mastered reading and writing ___ church books. When he was 19, Lomonosov set ___ ___ foot ___ Moscow, where he entered ___ the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy ___ hiding his peasant origin and pretending to be ___ noble birth—the Academy was closed ___ peasants. Here he studied Latin—the language ___ science ___ that time—and mastered it ___ a short space ___ time. ___ this period ___ his life he experienced great want, ___ his only income was a stipend ___ three kopecks ___ a day. He distinguished himself ___ the field ___ science, however, and ___ 1736 was included ___ a group ___ students sent abroad to complete their studies ___ chemistry and metallurgy. While abroad Lomonosov also occupied himself ___ philosophy, physics, mathematics and foreign languages. ___ his return ___ St.Petersburg, he was accepted ___ 1742 ___ an associate ___ the Academy ___ Sciences ___ physics. Four years later he was appointed professor and elected a member ___ the Academy. Long before the French chemist Lavoisier, he formulated the law ___ the conservation of matter. Lomonosov fought indefatigably ___ Russian science and enlightenment, devoting himself heart and soul ___ this work. ___ the words ___ the immortal Pushkin, "Lomonosov was a great man. … He founded the first Russian University: or, to express it more correctly, he himself was our first university. " The last period ___ Lomonosov's activity was connected ___ his scientific investigations ___ navigation and the attempt to find a short sea route ___ the West ___ the East ___ the Arctic Ocean. ___ this field ___ well, Lomonosov was ahead ___ his age. He also proposed the idea ___ opening a route ___ Russia ___ America ___ the Arctic. It remained ___ Soviet men to realize his dream ___ connecting the two continents ___ air ___ the North Pole. Lomonosov was the founder ___ the Russian materialistic philosophy ___ the middle ___ the 18th century. Lomonosov's literary works remain one ___ the most significant pages ___ Russian literature ___ the 18th century. He also laid the basis ___ the scientific study ___ the Russian language and grammar and developed prosody, opening ___ vast horizons ___ Russian literature. The great Russian critic Belinsky wrote ___ Lomonosov: "Our literature begins ___ Lomonosov; he was its father and mother; he was its Peter the Great. " ___ the end ___ his life Lomonosov was elected honorary member ___ the Stockholm and Bologna Academies. Lomonosov is widely known and honoured ___ the Soviet Union. The Soviet Government has named Moscow University ___ him, its founder, and monuments have been erected ___ him ___ Moscow, Leningrad and Archangel.
- My mother's life was that — a long-suffering peasant woman. She brought up her children — a world — tears and suffering. Her older children were forced to go to work as servants or agricultural labourers to make their living when they were still very young. — the age of eight I, too, had to leave my family and go — work. We were all reunited — one roof only — 1927, when my father undertook to organize a kolkhoz — our village. We found our happiness — the kolkhoz. The land generously repaid us — our work. The kolkhoz grew rich, and the well-being — our family increased — year — year. My father is now seventy years old, yet he still tries to help — the farm as much as he can. He was decorated — outstanding work— the Great Patriotic War. The Soviet Government has rewarded my mother — bringing up seven children.--My eldest brother is an agronomist. He has been awarded the Order — the Great Patriotic War and medals — distinguished service. My second brother, Vassili, is a colonel who has eleven government decorations — bravery — action — the battle-field. — her selfless labour — the kolkhoz, my sister Nadezhda received the Order — Lenin, in addition — two medals—service— the Great Patriotic War. My brother Konstantin, who is now chairman — our kolkhoz, also has several Government decorations. The Government has decorated me several times — my work as a tractor driver. I have been twice elected deputy — the Supreme Soviet — the U.S.S.R.—helping to produce a rich harvest—our kolkhoz in 1946, I was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labour. All this our country has given us. It has helped us make our life one — prosperity. That is why our hearts are filled — gratitude — our country as it celebrates the 30th anniversary — Soviet power. (P. Ange1ina, from Soviet Woman.)
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