Тест по теме "Celebration" 9 класс
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
· Проверочная работа с ключами для проверки по теме "Celebration", модуль 1, «Английский в фокусе» Spotlight 9 класс.// Ваулина Ю.Е, Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. – М: Просвещение, 2018;
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Modular test №1 (9 form)
Mark _________________
44 Time (20 minutes)
I Fill in and write down collocations: strong, idea, colourful, luck, enter, raise, cooking, exchange
1. Having a fancy dress party for your birthday is a very bright …
2. I believe it is a bad… to break a mirror.
3. This …festival attracts people from all over the world!
4. The organisers of the festival hope to …enough money to build a playground.
5. Why don’t you …the …contest? You’re a wonderful cooker!
6. Christmas is a time when all the members in my family like to .. gifts.
7. It’s been a … tradition to have a sweet sixteen party for young girls in the USA.
Marks __
(1*7) 7
I.I Translate the collocations (used in the first task)
Marks __
(1*7) 7
II Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets:
- One of the most popular events at the festival (be) the fireworks display.
- (You find) a costume for the fancy dress party yet?
- I don’t think the parade will take place. It (rain) for two days now.
- I just (see) a shooting star! Let’s make a wish!
- Emma (buy) Christmas presents at the moment.
- I (always /love) creepy thrillers!
- What time the party (start)?
- He still (work) at his dad’s shop after school?
- This cake (taste) delicious!
- Sarah usually (hang out) at the shopping centre on Sundays.
Marks __
(2*10) 20
III Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in brackets
1. I’ve been to some of the most (amaze) places on earth!
2. Aren’t you (bore) with going to all these celebrations?
3. I am (disappoint). The film is really (bore)!
4. Every time I visit a new festival I feel (excite).
5. He seems to get (please) that they have the chance to enter the competition.
Marks __
(1*5) 5
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct relative:
- Maslenitsa…takes place around the end of February, celebrates the end of winter and the beginning of the spring.
- Sally…has been digging in the garden since morning looks exhausted.
- October 31st…Halloween takes place, is also my sister’s birthday!
- Sue…mother is a doctor, is my classmate.
- The Tretyakov Gallery…you can see many famous artworks, is in Moscow not far from the Kremlin.
Marks __
(1*5) 5
I Vocabulary
1. idea
2. luck
3. colourful
4. raise
5. enter…cooking
6. exchange
7. strong
1. умная мысль
2. плохая примета
3. красочный фестиваль
4. собрать деньги
5. принять участие в кулинарном соревновании
6. обмениваться подарками
7. устоявшаяся традиция
II Grammar
1. is
2. have you found
3. has been raining
4. have just seen
5. is bying
6. has been calling
7. does …start
8. have always loved
9. tastes
10. hangs out
1. amazing
2. bored
3. disappointed…. boring
4. excited
5. pleased
1. which
2. who
3. when
4. whose
5. where
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