Урок домашнего чтения по произведегию А. Конан Дойля для 10 класса.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Урок домашнего чтения по произведегию А. Конан Дойля для 10 класса.
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Урок домашнего чтения на анг яз в 10 классе по рассказу
А. Конан Дойля “Скандал в Богемии”
Цель: Совершенствование навыков чтения и говорения.
- - проанадизировать произведение А. К. Дойля “Скандал в Богемии”;
- - развивать умения чтения и иноязычного говорения;
- -развивать у учащихся читательские потребности, т.е. потребности чтения литературы на иностранном языке во внеурочное время.;
- - развивать память, механизмы восприятия и узнавания изучаемого языкового материала.;
Ход урока
Good afternoon! You may take your seats! I am very glad to see you today!.
1 Introduction:
Today we have a lesson of home reading. We ha ve started reading a new book. It is a collection of SHORT STORIES by a well-known English writer Arthur Conan Doyle . You’ve read it at home and have prepared some tasks for you. Do you like it? Why? What is the genre of the story? ( На столе предметы ; Шарф . лупа . кепка . розовый лист)
Thank you for your answers. I hope you have spent your time with pleasure reading this story.
2And now look at the screen . What are you going to read ? You are right Read the biography and be ready to answer the questions.
1What was he famous for? | |
2What did he inherit from his mother? | |
3Did his classmates enjoy listening to his stories? | |
Who influenced his decision to be enter the Medical university? | |
5What years of his life are related to his medical career? | |
6When did he seriously take up literature? | |
7When did he decided to concentrate on writing? | |
8What did the magazine Strand ask him to do? | |
9What was the reason of his death? |
Thank you for your exact answers .
Let’s sum up. You can see the dates of his life, give the summery of the text using the dates.( работа в парах) 1 ученик
3 Before discussing the text we’ll repeat the wods
Mistery Civil Deduce Explanation Accent Engagement Receipt Majesty Murmur Recognize clergyman Alter Sovereign Scissors Recess Scandal
Thank you ,pay attention to this words while analyzing the text.
4 We are going to concentrate on reading and discussing the text.
What is the story about?
And now look at the lustration
( Беседа по иллюстрации) Приложение №1
I agree with you Good job!
We pass over to the vocabulary and grammer.
At the screen you can see word cmbinations.
5 Please find a synonym form to my phrases. Sometimes Neither date nor name Listen carefully Came intoWith his eyes closed Let you know to advise me sit down
( Make up your own sentences делю по колонкам ) I like your sentences They are quite interesting)
1About 5 years ago I met Irene Adler.
2Our visitor looked at us with surprise one of the man ran forward to open the door.
3They left Baker Street at half past 6.
This grammar will be important for the next task It’s very important not to forget about grammar while retelling the story
Match the words in two columns to make words combination then use them in the sentences of your own to describe the events of the story(Работа в группе)
7Let’s discuss the text
( ответы на вопросы из книги) 1 3 6 7 8 9 12
this case is interesting Add more details to it ( работа в парах)
ex 4 p28 инсценировка
The main idea of the text is connected with the 4th character what’s her name?
who was she
who was her only visitor
ex4 p28
p34 ответы на вопросы
Пересказ (1 ученик)
8 Conclusion: we have discussed the story What is the main idea of it?
На экране слова Киплинга Prove the words , using the text
A woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty. Rudyard Kipling
Hope you have enjoyed it. Will you write the home assignment for the next lesson.
(The teacher gives the home assignment and finishes the lesson).
Thank you for the lesson and good-bye.
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