Урок регионального содержания при изучении темы “Traditions and manners” "Культурные особенности, традиции и обычаи родной страны и страны изучаемого языка», УМК В.П.Кузовлев, в 8 классе (Unit 2, )
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Представляю пример урока регионального содержания при изучении темы “Traditions and manners” "Культурные особенности, традиции и обычаи родной страны и страны изучаемого языка», УМК В.П.Кузовлев, в 8 классе (Unit 2, ) Урок №21- Он является уроком обобщающего повторения, предполагает подготовку к защите проектов.
Цель данного урока: систематизировать и обобщить коммуникативные умения учащихся по теме: «Культурные особенности, традиции и обычаи родной страны и страны изучаемого языка».
Социокультурная компетенция: воспитывать потребность и способность представлять культуру родной страны на ИЯ; воспитывать общечеловеческие ценности, такие как: ответственность, уважение к старшим, доброта, толерантность.
Речевая компетенция: развивать умение рассказывать об особенностях, праздниках, традициях и особенностях своего хутора; активизировать лексические навыки говорения по теме в речи. Языковая компетенция: развивать навыки говорения, систематизировать ранее изученные языковые средства; продолжать развитие умений навыков говорения;
Учебно-познавательная компетенция: развивать умение сравнивать и обобщать информацию; Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать способность к догадке, Развивать умение выходить из трудного положения за счет использования контекстуальной догадки, переспроса, словарных замен;
Применяемые технологии:
- технологии коммуникативного обучения;
-технология проектного обучения.
-ситуативная технология (представьте себя на месте Платовских учащихся)
-здоровьесберегающая технология была реализована через движение учащихся во время выполнения речевых упражнений.
Использовался поисково-исследовательский метод ( работа с текстом с целью поиска новых сведений), метод наглядности, принцип новизны.
Считаю, что цель урока достигнута, работа по составлению текста письма проведена. Дети составили план рассказа о казаках, представили результат своей деятельности на уроке - сравнение казачьих и зарубежных праздников.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Представляю пример урока регионального содержания при изучении темы “Traditions and manners” "Культурные особенности, традиции и обычаи родной страны и страны изучаемого языка», УМК В.П.Кузовлев, в 8 классе (Unit 2, ) Урок №21- Он является уроком обобщающего повторения, предполагает подготовку к защите проектов.
Моя Рабочая программа составлена на основе УМК Кузовлева. В учебнике и в Рабочей тетради для 10-11 классов, как и в УМК для 5-9 классов, имеется специальная группа упражнений под рубрикой “In Your Culture”, которая целенаправленно из урока в урок учит рассказывать на английском языке о родной культуре. спланированные уроки учебника составляют приблизительно 75%. Остальные уроки – резерв учителя, который он может использовать по своему усмотрению. В своей Рабочей Программе резервные уроки, предоставленные авторами учебника, я использую на реализацию регионального компонента. Сведения регионального характера я сообщаю фрагментарно, в связи с изучаемой темой, отводя для этого 3-5 минут урока.
Цель данного урока: систематизировать и обобщить коммуникативные умения учащихся по теме: «Культурные особенности, традиции и обычаи родной страны и страны изучаемого языка».
Социокультурная компетенция: воспитывать потребность и способность представлять культуру родной страны на ИЯ; воспитывать общечеловеческие ценности, такие как: ответственность, уважение к старшим, доброта, толерантность.
Речевая компетенция: развивать умение рассказывать об особенностях, праздниках, традициях и особенностях своего хутора; активизировать лексические навыки говорения по теме в речи. Языковая компетенция: развивать навыки говорения, систематизировать ранее изученные языковые средства; продолжать развитие умений навыков говорения;
Учебно-познавательная компетенция: развивать умение сравнивать и обобщать информацию; Компенсаторная компетенция: развивать способность к догадке, Развивать умение выходить из трудного положения за счет использования контекстуальной догадки, переспроса, словарных замен;
Применяемые технологии:
- технологии коммуникативного обучения;
-технология проектного обучения.
-ситуативная технология (представьте себя на месте Платовских учащихся)
-здоровьесберегающая технология была реализована через движение учащихся во время выполнения речевых упражнений.
Использовался поисково-исследовательский метод ( работа с текстом с целью поиска новых сведений), метод наглядности, принцип новизны.
Считаю, что цель урока достигнута, работа по составлению текста письма проведена. Дети составили план рассказа о казаках, представили результат своей деятельности на уроке - сравнение казачьих и зарубежных праздников.
Приложение. Тексты о казачьей истории, электронная презентация.
Ход урока.
На доске -тема урока: "British and Cossack customs, traditions and holidays" 1.Организационный момент. Teacher: - I’m glad to see you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Petrovna. I work as a teacher of English at the Cossack school. Both the village and the school which is located there are named in honor of the great ataman M.I.Platov. In my Cossack school instead of "Hello!" or "Good morning" I say "Have you got a good night?" It means "Здорово ночевали!" And my students say "Thanks God" It means "Слава Богу". Then we cross ourselves.
Today you have to imagine yourselves my Cossack students. So let's greet each other. Teacher:"Have you got a good night?"
Students: "Thanks God"
2.Постановка учебной задачи.
Teacher:- After reading the poem you will understand what about we are going to talk about.
What a happy day today!
Boys and girls are very gay!
They dance and play.
What a happy day!
It`s a …( holiday)
Teacher: - What shall we talk about? Yes, you're right. We'll talk about holidays. But guess what kind of holidays are we going to talk? Yes, we'll speak not only about foreign holidays but about Russian ones as well. If you think that we should concentrate on Cossack holidays, then you're right. It's time to come into the world of Cossack history. We'll compare British and Cossack customs, holidays and traditions. As I have already told you, I'm a teacher at the Cossack school. Look at my head. You see it is covered with a scarf. It's an old Christian and Cossack tradition for women to cover their hair. Cossack are Christians and Russians by nature. But have you noticed any changes in my scarf? Yes, you're right, its color has been changed. It's not orange or grey or green. It's white! Because it's also an old tradition for Christian women to put on their white scarves on when it is a holiday. Today we're going to talk about holidays, then it's a holiday for me.
3. Фонетическая разминка. - So let`s start our meeting with a phonetic exercise. Please remember the pronunciation. Look at the whiteboard, read these words after me. (слайды 5-12)
“Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary ”
the Great Army of the Don
the custom of hospitability
Victory Day
Remembrance Day
4. Речевая зарядка: Teacher: - Before speaking about holidays, let’s remember some words and phrases. Match the words in the left and in the right columns: (слайд 13)
1) to search 2) to gain glory 3) to be associated with 4) customs 5) the custom of hospitability 6) to celebrate holidays 7) to be friendly to strangers. 8) to have inner beauty 9) deeds | a) ассоциироваться с b) обычаи c) искать d) прославиться e) обычай гостеприимства f) отмечать праздники g) быть дружелюбным к незнакомцам h) иметь внутреннюю красоту i) поступки |
Keys: 1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) b, 5)e, 6) f, 7)g, 8) h, 9) i
5. Актуализация полученных знаний. Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: - We received a letter from our pen pals which we read at the previous lesson. They failed to search our native village on the map of Russia. They understood that it was in the Rostov region but they only knew Azov, Novocherkassk and stanitsa Veshenskaya because they were connected with Cossack history. They asked us to explain where it was situated one more time. They were also interested in some peculiarities of our village, customs, traditions, celebrations. Here is the text of the letter.
Dear friends,
Thank you for your letter. It was interesting for us to know that you lived in a Cossack village but we failed to search your native place on the map of Russia. We understood that it was in the Rostov region but we could find such Cossack places as Azov, Novocherkassk and stanitsa Veshenskaya. Could you explain where it is situated one more time. Please write us about some peculiarities of your village, customs, traditions, celebrations.
Write back soon!
With love,
Your foreign friends.
Teacher: -The purpose of the lesson is to think how we can respond to our foreign friends' letter.
The next part of the lesson is devoted to solving this problem. Let's decide together what we are going to write in it. (слайды 14- 31)
Task 1. Teacher: - While I'm telling you some facts about Cossack history, you'll make a brief plan or of our future letter. And then we'll decide what you'll tell our foreign friends about my native village.
Teacher: At first my students were shocked when they had received a letter. Really there were not so many facts to write about. That’s why it was a problem for us. What could we write? “Our village is not very large but we like it very much!” There were only 4 or 5 streets with some shops, a club, a school and a Cossack museum. And suddenly we understood that Cossack history was our pride. The village of Platovo was named in honor of the great Cossack ataman M.I.Platov. We were proud of A.I.Doroshev.
Now listen please a little story about him. During the first World War he was a brave officer. After the revolution he worked as a teacher at Platovskaya school. A terrific time of Cossack repression started. In 1930 he was sentenced to repression for his past. His brother’s grandson Donald Doroshev, who lived in Canada, came to Platovo in 1978. Donald told that his granddads were well-educated persons. They were very smart. He knew that Cossacks were famous for their courage and stoic character, for their reliability in battles. When being in Canada his granddad said: “It's impossible to forget this miraculous country Russia, Imperial Russia - a country of Liberty and Orthodoxy.” He also said: “My most remarkable memories are connected with holidays: Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas, Easter and others” He told that Cossacks had always been very hospitable people. There was a small house in the backyard with a bench and a covered table in one of the rooms. The door of the room was always opened. Any visitor could come in and have a meal and a rest and then he could continue his way.
So thanks to Cossack history we understood how beautiful our village was. You could enjoy natural beauty at its best. Flowers and feather grass made surroundings of Platovo an attractive area.
Teacher. You've done some notes. Tell me please what would you write about?
(Students read their suppositions)
Checking homework.
Task 2. You were given texts about our native place. Make your answers based on them. You also had to do some tasks at home. It's time to check your homework.
Answer the following questions.
1. Why do you think our foreign friends know such big cities as Azov, Novocherkassk?
2. Describe the custom of hospitability.
3. Are there any persons you'd like to tell about?
4. Do you think it is important to have deeds of our countrymen as good examples in our everyday life?
5. Which Cossacks traits are worth telling? Why?
(For their answers students use the information from the texts given at the last lesson)(см.Приложение)
Teacher: -Before answering the next question let's do some exercises.
Match adjectives with nouns. Then check your answers.
Hospitable гостеприимный sensitivity
Proud гордый Intelligence
Friendly дружелюбный reliability
Honest честный confidence
Confident уверенный honesty
Responsive ответственный responsiveness
Reliable надежный friendliness
Sensitive отзывчивый hospitability
Intelligent воспитанный pride
Teacher: Now you're ready to say which Cossack traits are worth telling about? Don't forget about such traits as: a capacity for voluntary actions, compassion,
courage. Use the example:
e.g. Their compassion is worth telling. Because they share food, help to build each other’s houses.
Possible pupils’ answers:
Their courage is worth telling. Because they have always been famous for their stoic character.
Their reliability is worth telling. Because they were famous for their reliability in battles.
Their honesty is worth telling. Because at first they were greedy but then they corrected their mistake and built a cathedral made of stone as they promised God.
Their hospitability is worth telling. Because they met any visitor and considered him to be the representative of God.
Their capacity for voluntary actions is worth telling. Because they were ready to give a helping hand. They were helpful.
6. Введение нового материала.
Teacher: - I suppose you know now which Cossack holidays you’d write about? I like your excellent answers. But you have mentioned only one Cossack holiday - “Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary.” Do Cossacks take part in other occasions? The goal of the next period of the lesson is to answer this question.
Teacher: We'll be able to write after doing some exercises.
1. Teacher: Match pictures with holiday names.
- Pancake Day
- Remembrance Day
- Thanksgiving
- Shrovetide
- Victory Day
- A custom of hospitability
- Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary
2. Teacher: Say which item is a symbol of each holiday. Match pictures with symbols. Use the example:
e.g. A dummy made of straw is a symbol of.......
a dummy made of straw
a red paper poppy
the Saint George's ribbon
a turkey
a hospitable woman
3. Teacher: British and Russian occasions have some similar peculiarities. Guess which they are. Use the example:
British occasions
- Pancake Day
- The Chelsea Flower Show
- Guy Fakes’s Night
- The New Year
- Remembrance Day
- Thanksgiving
e.g. - I think Pancake Day in Britain and Shrovetide in Russia have similar things. Both occasions are famous for.... unusual contests, races.
baking pancakes or blini
burning a straw guy on a bonfire
funny races
unusual contests
honoring soldiers
tasty dinner
4. Teacher: Cossacks are considered to be warriors\ to be religious\ to be hospitable\to preserve traditions.
Guess which occasions and customs they also honor? Use the example:
e.g. Cossacks are considered to be... They also honor...
Victory Day
A custom of hospitability
Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary
7. Актуализация полученных знаний.
Teacher: -It’s time to work in groups. You should write some information about holidays. Then you'll present your projects.
Task 1.Open your students' books at page 56, ex.3.Look at the pictures and describe them. Say which of the celebrations or festivals are important\ popular\most favorite for you. Compare them with foreign ones. Don't forget about the information of the exercise in AB p.16 ex.2
Express your attitude to the events shown in the pictures. Use this example (SB р.56, ex.3)
I think it's great to
Many people..
Task 2. You have a chance to make your own book where you can compare British and Cossack holidays. At the first page of it you see the beginning of the sentences. In the envelops find the end of each sentence and stick it. Then staple the names of the holidays and its symbols. Read the information of your book. Expressing your attitude you may use these phrases:
I think it's important to honor veterans.
I think it's great to preserve old traditions.
I think it's nice to be hospitable.
I think it's necessary to thank people.
Here are the examples of books.
Here are beginnings of the sentences
Book 1
Victory Day
We can see old men and a woman...
They ...
They are happy...
They celebrate...
Remembrance Day
We can see our foreign friends..
The British, Americans...
In contrast, in Russia...
The British have Remembrance Day on the 11th of November..
Both occasions are famous for
And here are the ends of them.
Victory Day
who have come to the parade.
wear George ribbons.
to get together.
the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
Remembrance Day
who wear a red paper poppy.
commemorate the dead soldiers of both World Wars and of more recent conflicts.
we celebrate the victory in the Second World War.
while in Russia we have Victory Day on the 9th of May.
honoring soldiers.
Book 2
Here are beginnings of the sentences
In the picture we can see..
It's an old Russian tradition...
In the center ...
Before the camera there are..
I think after that...
Pancake Day
I can see some people..
They are...
After Pancake Day..
Both occasions are famous for
And here are the ends of them.
Shrovetide in Russia.
to get together on this day.
a dummy made of straw is burning on a bonfire.
many people.
are singing songs, dancing in a khorovod.
they will build snow hills, organize snow fights.
unusual contests, races, baking pancakes or blini.
Pancake Day
who are running through the streets.
are holding a frying pan and throwing the pancake in the air.
the Christian period of Lent begins.
unusual contests, races, baking pancakes or blini.
Book 3
Here are beginnings of the sentences
The Cossack custom of hospitability
In the picture we can see...
There is...
In the corner..
Cossacks ....
They consider strangers...
Thanksgiving Day
In the picture we can see...
Thanksgiving Day...
This holiday..
First, Indians...
Then the English
And here are the ends of them.
The Cossack custom of hospitability
a room in the Cossack house.
a covered table in it.
there are icons with a candle.
are friendly to strangers.
to be representatives of God.
Thanksgiving Day
a big turkey as a sign of Thanksgiving Day.
is celebrated on the last Thursday in November.
was introduced 400 years ago.
helped people who came from England.
invited the Indians to a thanksgiving dinner.
8. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: -I think you'll agree with me that it is important to have deeds of our countrymen as good examples in our everyday life?
Teacher: Today we've supposed what we could write to our foreign friends. At home you should write a letter using the information of the lesson. What would you tell your foreign friends about your home village. Tell them what is special about it.
Students are given cards with recommendations:
Teacher's card with recommendations:
Writing. Remember to write:
a) why foreign friends knew such places as Azov (write the history of the event in brief)
b) how Cossacks built Novocherkassky cathedral.
c) What Cossacks are famous for.
d)Which Cossack traits are worth telling. Why?
Use the examples:
1.Their compassion is worth telling. Because...
2. Cossacks are considered to be warriors\ to be religious\ to be hospitable\to preserve traditions.
e) about Cossack holidays, customs and traditions.
Express your attitude to described events:
I think it's important to honor veterans\ to preserve old traditions\ to be hospitable\ to thank people.
In conclusion say if it is important to have deeds of our countrymen as good examples in our everyday life?
Preparation for projects:
Teacher: Don't forget about preparation for projects. With the help of the task given in АВ р. 106 you should make small projects: "My favorite celebrations". In addition use pictures, photos and the following phrases:
Have a look at the photos of ...
In the first photo you can see.
In photo No.2
The last photo shows us
Don't forget to tell why have you chosen this celebration.
Teacher: For the test 2 you should also do a task in speaking which the author of this book offers you at p.62 or a project at p.61
Time to say good-bye.
Teacher: It’s an old tradition to say good words to each other at the end of the meeting. Thank you for your active partcipation. You are sensitive, hospitable, nice children! Please say how do you like this lesson. What new things have you learnt during this lesson. What was interesting for you to know. Use the example:
e.g. I like the information about….
e.g. It was interesting for me to know that…
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