Презентация проекта учащихся по теме «Нью-Йорк».
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (9 класс)
Презентация проекта учащихся по теме «Нью-Йорк».
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the history of the origin of the city The history of the city begins with a Dutch search quick route to Asia. Henry Hudson, who was looking for an outlet to the Pacific ocean, in 1609 again reached the Bay of new York. He sailed North along the Hudson river to the future Albany and along Manhattan. Returning to the Netherlands East-India company, it was concluded that the ideal place for the construction of the first Dutch colony in America. The first European settlement was on the South side of Manhattan already in 1613. In 1626, the Governor of New Netherlands, Peter Mina purchased the island of Manhattan from the native American tribe of Mannahatta , and settlement on the island was renamed New Amsterdam. 27 may 1647 Peter Stuyvesant became the head of New Amsterdam. The colony received its government in 1652 and was formed as a city in 1653. In 1664 the English conquered New Amsterdam and renamed it new York in honor of the king of England James II . New York was the first capital of the United States on September 13, 1788.
interesting places in new York 1 Chrysler building 2 Lincoln Center 3 Ellis Island 4 Museum of modern art
Chrysler building Chrysler building is a skyscraper, a height of 319 meters, which is one of the symbols of new York. The Chrysler building is located at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and 42 street. The Chrysler building was opened in 1930 and became the tallest building in the world. But after a few months was built the Empire state building to replace the Chrysler building from the first place.
Lincoln Center Lincoln Center was founded in new York in 1959. The construction of the center continues to this day a combination of several different buildings: Cinema (Film Society of Lincoln Center) High school musical "Julliard" (Juilliard School) City public library for the performing arts (New York Public Library for the Performing Arts) Theatre Opera Metropolitan Opera (Metropolitan Opera) New York city Opera New York City Opera) New York city ballet (New York City Ballet)
Ellis Island Ellis island is located at the mouth of the Hudson river in the Bay of new-York Ellis Island (Ellis Island) is a Museum, which we suggest You to visit, as this new York landmark. The Island go special ferries
Museum of modern art Museum of Modern Art (abbreviated MOMA) is one of the largest and most famous museums of modern art. A huge number of artists and art workers wanted to spend his exhibition. MOMA can rightly be called one of the best modern art museums in the world
Welcome to new york " I often go to Paris, London, Rome. But always I repeat: there is no city better than new York. He is an incredible and breathtaking! " Robert De Niro " New York does not allow indifference: it's either love or hate, the middle is missing. " Vladimir Pozner . One-Storey America
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