Презентации-проекты учащихся "Вчера и завтра".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Цветкова  Алла  Николаевна

Папка содержит 3 презентации с грамматической составляющей:  "Планета вчера и завтра", "Дом вчера и завтра", "Школа вчера и завтра" . Контрастируется Простое прошедшее и Простое   будущее время английского глагола. Презентации являются зачетными работами учащихся 7 класса по разделу. Использованы интересные картинки и анимация, сопровождающие речевой продукт. Речевой материал может быть использован дальше при обучении написанию сочинения-рассуждения.


Подписи к слайдам:

I would like to compare our planet in the Past
and in the Future.
In the past people used to travel by cars, buses, planes and helicopters.
I guess they will travel by spaceships to visit other planets. They will use electric cars and underground transport.
A century ago people used mobile phones and the Internet for communicating.
Perhaps in the future they will invent special microchips for communicating with aliens.
In the past there were a lot of wars, terrorism, killings and crimes.
I guess there will be no wars and terrorism, killings and thieves.
А century ago people used to die of dangerous diseases and lived for 70-75 years.
Perhaps scientists will invent special vaccine and people will live much longer.
Many years ago there were the poor and the rich on Earth.
I believe there will be no the poor and the rich. People will have enough money and food.
I hope our dreams will come true!

Подписи к слайдам:

Homes yesterday and tomorrow. Polyakova Valeriya Class 7 A I’d like to compare our homes in the future and in the past. In the past people used fireplaces and central heating for warming the houses. In the future a man will probably use solar batteries for warming, because it`s cheaper. Centuries ago people used baths and showers for washing. Perhaps a swimming-pool will be in every house in the future, because its good for health and physical training. Many years ago people used to eat with a knife and fork or spoon. They also used plates and cups. I guess in the future people will eat with automatic spoons. Perhaps people will have food tablets and won’t do the washing up. In the past people did a lot of housework and it took a lot of time. I believe robots will do the cooking and hoovering in 50 years. In old houses the witch ball was used for stopping the evil eye. In the future special micro chips will keep our homes safe and control the temperature. To sum up, I guess, parents will spend more time with their children and everybody will be happy.

Подписи к слайдам:

School in the future and in the past.Let`s compare.
In the past people had a special building to study and all kids sat together in the class-room. The were a lot of subjects.
I guess, there will be a school-room in the house for family kids.
Centuries ago a man was clever enough to be a teacher.
In 100 years robots will teach children, they will aske questions and check up tests.
In the old days the books used to be printed and made of paper.
In the future children will used on-line books and have the library in the computer, there will be no printed books.
In the old days children used to wear a school-uniform.
I believe, there will be no the school-uniform, kids will wear what they want.
In the old days children were punished with switches at school.
I believe, the will be no punishment, children will have longer holidays and be happy.
I like the school in the future, but I think that a man teacher is better then mechanical teaches .
Презентация выполнена Хритошиной Иринойученицей 7 «А» класса

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