Презентация проекта учащегося по теме «Мой любимый фильм».
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Презентация проекта учащегося по теме «Мой любимый фильм».
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Ashton Productions INC. present a mirisch company picture Some Like It Hot
Starring Marilyn Monroe Tony Curtis Jack Lemmon Sugar saxophonist Joe bassist Jerry Josephine Daphne
Information The film tells about the adventures of two musicians who were forced to hide in the guise of a female from their pursuit of the gangsters; the action takes place in the U.S. during the prohibition era. The film was released on March 29, 1959, the Soviet Union on 22 August 1966. Genre eccentric Comedy Director Billy Wilder Producer I. A. L. Diamond, Billy Wilder, Don Harrison The Cameraman Charles Lang Composer Adolph Deutsch Duration 119 min The budget 2 883 848 dollars Fees $ 25 million Country USA The year 1959 The English Language
«Marilyn Monroe and her bosom companions» Two Struggling musicians witness the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and are now on the run from the Mob. Jerry and Joe cross-dress into an all female band. In addition to hiding, each has his own problems; One falls for another band member but can't tell her his gender, and the other has a rich suitor who will not take "No," for an answer.
Criticism and feedback The film received mostly positive reviews from critics and is recognised as one of the best comedies in the history of American cinema. Free mixing genres, a parody of the pre-war gangster movies were appreciated by the experts. Appreciation was expressed for the script, directing and acting. Among the shortcomings critics noted the excessive and outrageous artificiality of the plot. During the work on the painting of Marilyn Monroe suffered a severe psychological crisis, once in the hospital after a suicide attempt. Because of this, the completion of the film was delayed for about 15-18 days and there have been significant cost overruns. However, fees film far exceeded costs: with a budget of 2.8 million dollars he collected only in North America about 7 million dollars. With the painting began many years of successful cooperation with Jack Lemmon Billy Wilder. The film received an Oscar and three Golden globe awards". American the Polish film Institute declared it the best Comedy of all time in the USA. Songs performed in the film, particularly "I Wanna Be Loved by You", became very popular. Phrase of the characters came in spoken English.
Most interesting facts about the filming and distribution of the film Originally the film was planned to shoot in color, but after a few screen tests from this idea was rejected because of too noticeable green tint around heavy cosmetics Curtis and Lemmon in the images of Josephine and Daphne.
One day (right in the costumes of casestack ) the actors headed to the nearby cinema hall, went to the ladies room and, sitting quietly in front of the mirror, started to paint the lips. A passing dancer, not suspecting for a second that something was wrong, even asked where "girls" are removed.
Marilyn Monroe was pregnant during the filming, the result looked much thicker than usual. For the production of photographic materials about the film was used of the body of doublers, then mounted the head of Monroe.
Many of the dialogues Marilyn could only be read by looking at the text — for example, in the scene of the farewell telephone conversation Monroe with Curtis shows how her eyes running over the lines.
Catchphrase — I'm engaged. — Congratulations . And who's the lucky bride? — I! — WHAT ?! — Osgood proposed to me, we'll marry in June. — What are you talking about? You can't marry Osgood. — I think he's too old for me? These gangsters we get shot, the police find two female corpses, we were taken to the women's morgue, and when we'll undress, I'll die of shame! — And bottom-ash! They probably do not emerge from the flu! — If you don't want us to be late, then... Yeah I feel naked! And everybody's looking at me! — Your feet is unlikely anyone will entice. — Hey, Conservatory, where you previously worked? In dance class? — No, at the funeral. — Please, rise up from the dead. In Tempe, girls, in Tempe. "What to do what to do" – to shave your legs!
Everyone has their faults… - I'm not blonde! - It doesn't matter - I smoke! Constantly! -All I care - I will never have children -Nothing , adopt -I can't marry you! ... I'm a man - Everyone has their faults
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