Методическая разработка проекта «Традиции празднования Рождества в культуре стран изучаемого языка»
методическая разработка по английскому языку
Использование страноведческого материала на уроках английского языка помогает поддержать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка и сохраняет интерес учащихся к культуре и традициям разных народов, способствует толерантному отношению и уважению к культурному своеобразию других наций и воспитывает уважение к культуре и традициям своей страны.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Проектная работа на английском языке
«Традиции празднования Рождества в культуре стран изучаемого языка»
Пояснительная записка
Цель проекта: создание дидактического материала с целью оказания помощи учащимся разных возрастных групп (7-9 кл) при изучении, темы “Традиции празднования Рождества в культуре стран изучаемого языка”.
Задачи проекта:
- Развивать умения и навыки самостоятельного поиска информации по данной теме в различных источниках, вычленять необходимый материал из большого информационного поля, уметь правильно и эстетично оформлять результаты своей деятельности в виде презентации проекта.
- Формировать навыки работы за компьютером, повышать информационную грамотность.
- Развивать творческие способности и коммуникабельность учащихся.
Основные проблемы, которые решает проект:
Проект способствует толерантному отношению и уважению к этническому и культурному своеобразию других наций, развитию чувства патриотизма к своей Родине, уважение к своей культуре и традициям.
Тип проекта: учебно-информационный
Организационные формы реализации проекта:
- Подготовка. Определение темы, цели и задач проекта. Формирование рабочих групп (количество участников презентации – не более 5 человек).
- Определение источников информации.
- Сбор материалов о празднике Рождества:
- - когда и где празднуется, история возникновения;
- - символы Рождества в разных странах;
- - традиции проведения, музыка, костюмы, еда, основные участники или персонажи;
- - интересные факты и события из истории проведения праздника.
- . Обсуждение собранных материалов, установление сходства и различия в культурных традициях проведения праздника в различных странах, отбор наиболее интересного материала для подготовки коллективной презентации.
- Написание текста презентации на основе отобранных материалов. Определение структуры презентации проекта – включение элементов творчества учащихся: инсценировка, песня, стихотворение и т.д.
- Представление отобранных материалов в виде презентации в нескольких форматах:
- - мультимедийная – информативная составляющая проекта;
- - творческая презентация материала учащимися на иностранном языке в различных форматах: сценка, стихотворение, песня, демонстрация костюмов, национальных блюд и др. по выбору.
- Защита проекта. Время презентации проекта не более 10 мин.
В ходе работы над презентацией учащиеся приобрели навыки:
- четкость и понятность изложения;
- сочетание разнообразных форм подачи материала и художественных достоинств представления;
- презентации на иностранном языке: произношение, беглость и правильность устной речи;
- контакт саудиторией, общее впечатление;
- соблюдение регламентирующих требований по времени и количеству участников;
- слаженность работы всех участников презентации в команде.
В ходе работы над проектом учащиеся собрали большой информационный материал, отобрали наиболее интересный и соответствующий критериям проектного задания, выполнили мультимедийную презентацию в Power Point, отработали презентационные навыки для защиты проекта.
Также был проведен сравнительный анализ традиций празднования Рождества в разных странах –Приложение 1,
составлена хронологическая таблица истории возникновения праздника и развития традиций его празднования – Приложение 2,
и составлен глоссарий- Приложение 3.
Эти материалы частично были включены в мультимедийную презентацию.
Результаты работы над проектом:
- Практический: поиск информации о празднике Рождества
- Методический: материал по теме “ Традиции празднования Рождества в культуре стран изучаемого языка” можно использовать на уроках английского языка в 7-9 классах.
- Образовательный: развитие познавательных навыков учащихся, умения ориентироваться в информационном пространстве и критически осмысливать полученную информацию, преодоление языкового барьера при общении со сверстниками.
- Развивающий: работа по данному материалу на уроках приведет к развитию интереса и формированию устойчивых знаний школьников по изучаемому вопросу.
Продуктом данного проекта является методическая разработка, которая может быть использована на уроках английского языка и во внеклассной работе по теме “Культурные традиции”.
Presentation of Project “Christmas”.
Participants: | Necessary things: |
| bells |
Santa Claus | Advent wreath |
Elves | Christmas pudding |
Angels | Christmas card |
Pupil 1 | the box “the North Pole” |
Pupil 2 | Mistletoe |
SLIDE 1: (music “reklama – Coca Cola 1 min 1 sec)
The box “The North Pole” is fixed on the stage. The big clock shows: “Christmas Eve._10_ o’clock.”
Santa Claus is sleeping. He is snoring.
Elves (running to Santa and wakening him up):
- It’s time to get up! It’s time to think about presents!
Oh, dear Santa, today is Christmas Eve!
Santa (зевая и потягиваясь):
- Yes, you are right!
(Встает, взваливает на плечо мешок с подарками, но вдруг останавливается и прислушивается к музыке. Лицо Санта Клауса становится огорченным и он опускает мешок на пол.)
- Again this irritating advertising! Why can’t people help thinking about their profit even on Christmas Eve?
I don’t feel like delivering presents at all.
Elf :- Please, you don’t think so! Look! (points to the audience) We have wonderful audience today, let’s ask them.
(Turns to the audience, comes to the edge of the stage and asks)
Please, help us! For sure you know what Christmas is.
- (The spectators’ replies)
Then Elf 2: - Well done! (the correct answer)
- Sorry? Never mind. (If there is no answer or incorrect answer is given) And I know the students who can tell us a lot about Christmas. They are from school 445.
SLIDE 2. (Contents)
Pupil 1:
- We are glad to help you. So Christmas is a Christian holiday, celebrated as the day when Jesus Christ was born.
Pupils 1 and 2(together pointing to slide 2):
We are going to represent
the history of Christmas,
its characters, food and traditions,
interesting facts and entertainments
So this is our project’s contents.
Pupils 1 and 2: - And now listen.
SLIDE 3 (music Boney M “Mary’s Boy Child”)
Angels 1and 2 sing.
Angel 1:
- More than two thousand years ago a Savior was born to Mary and Joseph near the town of Bethlehem. The Nativity is based on the Biblical event: Luke tells the story of how an angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Savior had been born. Matthew tells of the Three Wise Men of the East (the Magi) who followed a bright star which led them to the new-born child, whom they brought the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrth.
Angel 2:
- That day has become a great holiday. It is celebrated at winter solstice that is the darkest time of the year. Nobody knows the exact date when Jesus Christ was born. Perhaps December 25 was chosen by the Roman Church not accidentally. Maybe they wanted to replace the important pagan Roman festival – Natalis Invicti Solis ( that means - Birth of the Unconquered Sun).
However the Eastern Christian Church had earlier settled on the date of January 6 to celebrate Christmas.
All together: - Merry Christmas!
Elves:- Wait, wait, wait, wait….Just a moment… We haven’t caught some words in your story.
Pupil 1: - Neither did we at first when we had started our project research.
That is why first of all we have completed Christmas Topical Vocabulary. You can see with the help our scheme.
SlIDE 4 (the scheme of symbols and traditions of Christmas) – показ ссылки “Christmas” и демонстрация словаря в просмотровом режиме, а в это время звучат слова:
Pupil 1 –You see, there is a great variety of Christmas symbols and traditions.
Every culture seems to have contributed something lovely as the Magi.
Pupil 2 –Tradition of decorating the Christmas Tree was originated from Germany. For giving gifts and having such characters as Father Christmas or Pere Noel or Sinterklaas or Santa Claus we should thank St Nicholas – so popular in a lot of countries. Popularity of Christmas cards started in Great Britain.
Pupil 1 – Many people all over the world fast and pray before Christmas. They have Advent – that means “coming”.
Возврат к слайду 4 и переход к слайду 5.
Slide 5 (Christmas activities)
Elf 1 - A custom of making an Advent crown is adopted from Germany.
Elf 2 – (recites poems about Advent)
(Santa Claus leaves the stage.)
Slide 6 (food and drinks)
Elf 1 - Advent is finished in Germany by Christmas dinner, that consists of carp with vegetables or traditional goose with apples and Stollen – a kind of cake.
(Блюдо несут в жюри. В это же время звучат слова):
Elf 2 – As for the British – turkey, goose, Christmas pudding, nuts and oranges – every year they are in traditional Christmas dishes.
Pupil 2: - So the weeks before Christmas are full of excitement. People rush about shopping for presents, getting ready for parties, sending Christmas cards and decorating their houses. Christmas traditions are widely represented in music and literature of different countries.
Slide 7 (Entertainments) music “Jingle Bells”
Звеня колокольчиками во время припева, все поют припев и первый куплет.
Показ ссылки “ Entertainments”, в это время звучат слова:
Pupil 1: -Christmas traditions varying from country to country have not only differences but also much in common. We have represented this in the table. ( небольшая пауза). Perhaps, decorating the Christmas Tree is one of the most beautiful and widespread traditions.
Slide 8 (Christmas Tree)
Pupil 2 -The Christmas tree is decorated. Is it time for presents?
Slide 9 (presents)
Pupil 2: – We have been helping with the cake
And licking out the pan,
And wrapping up our packages
As neatly as we can.
And we have hung our stockings up
Beside the open gate,
And now there is nothing more to do
Pupil 1 – Indeed, where is our Santa Claus? Where has he gone?
Let’s call him.
(Everybody loudly):
- Santa Claus! (no reply)
- Pere Noel! (no reply)
- Sinter Klaas! (no reply)
- St Nicholas!
Pupil 2 – (Хлопает хлопушкой): I know, where Santa is.
Slide 10:
So Santa began to throw presents through the houses’ chimneys.
Slide 11
Elf 2: - On the contrary to giving gifts, English tradition of
“Kissing under the Mistletoe” – “Kissing Bough” is not so well-known.
The poem from “Mother Goose Rhymes” (два четверостишия) - ( a “kissing” game)
Slide 12 (conclusion)
Pupil 2: -Finally we can say that Christmas is believed to be a holiday that unites all people and brings them joy.
(All together):
It’s Christmas, Merry Christmas!
Yes, it’s Merry, Merry Christmas!
It’s time for jolly greeting!
Snow and holly, overeating.
Oh, I love you merry Christmas,
You are the best of holidays!
Приложение 1
Christmas Entertainments: Similarities and Differences of Christmas traditions in different countries.
Traditions | Similar | widespread in Great Britain | common in Germany | American influence |
Religious meaning | Date– December 25; Displaying The Nativity Scene; fasting and church- going before Christmas Day; music | Choirs singing at churches; Christmas mass at Westminster Abbey | Advent; Advent calendar; Advent wreath | Popularization and commercialization of Christmas symbols (Santa Claus in shopping malls) |
Gifts Giving | There is a gift bringer for children. | Father Christmas (transformed Into Santa Claus); Boxing Day; Christmas stockings; | Kris Kringle doesn’t give out presents – Christkind does; St. Nicholas on December 6 put presents in empty shoes | Santa Claus (elves helping to prepare presents); |
Decorations (for houses and streets) | Evergreens, Christmas tree, lights and ornaments | used to decorate houses with mistletoe and holly | Fir-trees; evergreen wreaths | Poinsettia; upside down Fir-tree in public places; red amaryllis. |
Traditional food | Families gather together | Christmas pudding | Stollen | biscuits |
Globalization | broadcasting; common decorations, music, symbols; activities | _ | _ | _ |
Holidays | Winter holiday season | _ | _ | _ |
Commerciali- zation | Christmas sales | Christmas sales | Kriskringle-mart | Christmas sales |
Conclusion: Globalization of Christmas traditions nowadays shows that the holiday unites people and bring them joy.
Приложение 2
Traditions of Christmas.
Chronology and geography.
Date | Where the tradition was originated | Traditions | Origins |
Pre-christian times | The Roman Empire | Prehistory of Christmas: Saturnalias were hold during winter solstice on December (17-23) – in the honour of Saturn, the god of agriculture. | Prehistoric ritual ceremonies |
A.D.354 December 25 |
Western part of the Roman Empire | Celebrating of the Birth of Jesus Christ: A Roman almanac mentions December 25 as the date of the birth of Jesus – real light from the heaven. | The cult of the sun – worship of the Persian Sun-god Mithra. |
Even before 354 A.D. | Eastern part of the Roman Empire | Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on January 6. | Egyptian calendar
| The Roman Empire | Christmas Gifts linked to the Magi’s visit to the infant Jesus and their gifts to him. | Gift-giving at the time of winter solstice. At the Roman Saturnalia the rich were even obliged to share with the poor. |
2 nd A.D. | The Roman Empire
| Decorating houses; Red and green colours of mistletoe and holly and evergreens. | Popularity of decorating houses during winter solstice among the Britons and the Romans |
By 13th century | England | Caroling began to mean music (a joyous song). Carols have changed through the years | Carols meant ritual dances performed to flute music. They were popular among ancient Greeks and Romans. |
Until the Reforma- tion 13th century | From Italy carols spread throughout Europe | Carols Singing carols from door to door. Carol singers are given some presents for their singing. The Nativity scene is usually displayed in front of most churches representing Jesus’ place of birth. Here we can see Joseph, Mary, stable animals, shepherds, angels, the wise men, and of course baby Jesus asleep in his humble manger. | St Francis of Assisi introduced Christmas carols to formal church services. According to the legend St. Francis set up the first crèche (the nativity scene in Greccio. There he led the singing. The Christmas story comes from the Bible (Luke and Mathew 1-2).The New Testament |
Anglo-Saxon tribes. | The Yule-log: (as a part of traditional English Christmas) Burning a huge log in honour of return of the sun. | It was customary in pagan England to burn a huge log as a symbol of warmth and lasting life in the winter solstice period. | |
During all Period of Christianity |
| Lightning of candles: long-lasting Christmas candle became popular in the Middle Ages. Christmas candles are popular nowadays. | The Jewish Feast of Lights at Hannukah and Roman Saturnalias. Christian mythology says that the wax of a candle represents Christ’s body, the wick his soul, and the flame his divine nature. |
16th century – Germany | In 19th century was introduced in England. In the 1820th the first Christmas trees were set in America by German immigrants. . | The Christmas Tree: Christbaume (“Christ trees) were decorated with fruit, candies, cookies and candles.Then in the USA people began to use electric candles. Presents are put under The Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Now sells of artificial trees are booming.
| Pagan tribes from Northern Europe (sacred evergreens and the custom of decorating them with toys, nuts and candles) |
4th century A.D. | Asia Minor | The visit of Father Christmas who is known by such names as Saint Martin, the Weihnachtsmann, Pere Noel, Saint Nicholas or Father Frost and Santa Claus. | Bishop Nicholas – a very generous man, the patron saint of children. Human origin, no biblical connection. St Nicholas usually wears a red coat and a cap . His face is very kind. His beard is white. |
Northern Europe | Hanging Christmas stockings on a mantel for small presents. | The legend about St. Nicholas | |
1832 | Reindeer became a part of Christmas tradition | Publication of Clement Clark Moore’s poem “A visit from Saint Nicholas” | |
1939 | America
| Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer | The poem by Robert May |
| Letters to Santa: Father Christmas has two addresses, Edinburgh and the North Pole | ||
1843 | England | Printed Christmas cards | The first director of Victoria and Albert museum asked an artist John C. Horsley to design a card with a printed message. |
Germany | Advent (which means “coming”) begins on 1 December. In the church this is the time when people fast and pray. | Remembering the long journey that Mary and Joseph had to make to Bethlehem. | |
| Advent wreath is a wreath of evergreens hung from the ceiling, decorated with candles. One of these candles is lit on each of Sundays up to Christmas, until on the fourth Sunday they are all alight. | ||
Germany | Advent calendar has pictures behind 24 windows cut in them. The last is always the Nativity scene which is opened on Christmas Eve. | ||
16th-17th centuries 18th century | England | Christmas Dinner: turkey, goose, Christmas pudding, mince pies, the roast beef and oranges. Christmas pudding (or plum pudding) must be stirred in the making by every member of the family. They make a wish and use a wooden spoon – according to an old custom –to honour a wooden manger in Bethlehem. The mixture is still stirred from east to west to commemorate the visit of the Wise Men. It is usually decorated with holly. Traditionally a coin is placed into it. It will bring good luck to a person who will find it. | King James I of England started to order turkey on the royal dinner table (instead of the boar’s head) Plum porridge which consisted of beef or mutton broth, thickened with brown bread, to which were added prunes, currants, raisins and ginger. |
19th century | France | Christmas crackers Someone in Britain had the idea of putting some gunpowder into crackers. When the crackers were pulled they would go pop. | Crackers were just a way of wrapping sweets. |
17th century | England | Kissing Bough By custom anyone standing under the mistletoe gets to be kissed. | A berry was removed every time a kiss was made – that meant there were no kisses when there were no berries. |
1820s | Central America | Poinsettia is used as a Christmas symbol in the USA. Its shape is compared to the mythically symmetrical Star of Bethlehem. | The plant was first shipped north by Joel Poinsett, the American minister to Mexico. |
Using of Xmas abbreviation. | In Greek alphabet it’s the first letter, translated Chi, of Jesus’ name. The abbreviation is not modern either. The Oxford English Dictionary mentions a somewhat longer version, X’temmas, dating from 1551. | ||
Candy canes | |||
Britain | Boxing Day –the traditional day for exchanging gifts. | Church origins: The Chest was opened on this day. |
Приложение 3
Christmas Topical Vocabulary
Advent – in Christian religion the four-week period before Christmas Day.
Advent Calendar - a picture, usually of a Christmas scene, with a series of 24 hidden pictures behind it. Children open one
part of the main picture to see one of the hidden pictures each day during Advent.
Boxing Day – Br.E: the first day after Christmas Day, that is a public holiday in the UK and Canada. From the old custom of
giving servants a gift of money called “Christmas Box”.
Carol singing - the activity of singing Christmas carols in the street especially to collect money to help people.
Christmas - 25 December, celebrated by Christians as the day when Jesus Christ was born. It is a public day in many countries.
Christmas Box - a small present given at Christmas to someone who delivers things into your house such as postman.
Cake - a heavy fruit cake eaten on Christmas in the UK.
Card - a card that you send to your friends and family at Christmas.
Carol - a song sung at Christmas.
Christmas a tube coloured paper wrapped round a small present for Christmas. It makes a sudden sharp noise when people
Cracker pull it apart.
Christmas dinner – a traditional meal eaten at Christmas, often consisting of turkey and vegetables followed by a heavy fruit
pudding called Christmas pudding.
Christmas Eve - the day or evening before Christmas Day
Christmas - a sweet food made with dried fruits and spices, eaten at Christmas.
Christmas - a large sock that children hang on their bed the night before Christmas that is filled with presents while
Stocking they sleep.
Christmas tree - a tree that you cover with lights and other decorations at Christmas. Christmas presents are often placed
under the tree.
Epiphany - January 6th, celebrated by Christians as the day that the baby Jesus Christ was visited by three Kings or
wise men.
frankincense - a substance that is burned to produce a nice smell in some religious ceremonies.
holly - a bush or tree with lark green leaves with sharp points and small bright red berries (used as decoration at
kin - all the people in your family
Magi (the) - the Three Wise Men who visited Jesus Christ as a baby, according to the Bible.
mistletoe - a bush that produces small white fruits. Its branches are often used as Christmas decoration in England.
myrrh - a sticky brown substance with a sweet smell used for making perfume and in medicine.
the Nativity - the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated by Christians at churches.
Nativity scene - a painting or a model showing the birth of Jesus Christ
pagan (belief) - relating to an ancient religion that had many gods and praised nature
Santa Claus - an imaginary man with a long white beard and a red suit who brings presents for children at Christmas:
Father Christmas.
tidings - an old word meaning “news”
Yule - an old word meaning “Christmas”
Yuletide - an old word meaning the period of time around Christmas
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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«Путешествие в страну английского языка. Культура страны изучаемого языка»
laquo;Путешествие в страну английского языка. Культура страны изучаемого языка»...

«Путешествие в страну английского языка. Культура страны изучаемого языка»
laquo;Путешествие в страну английского языка. Культура страны изучаемого языка»...