75- летию Победы посвящается
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)
Городской конкурс проектов по теме:" Расскажи зарубежному другу о подвигах и славе магнитогорцев во время Великой отечественной войны" в рамках мероприятий к 75- летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне" Написание письма с фронта и защита презентации.
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Dear my family,
Greetings from the front!
I hurriedly write you a few lines to let you know that I am well, I hope that you are all well too.
In the front line we have been lying for 6 days. It is very dangerous here. Really the death went after our soldiers on their heels. Every day my comrades die. Only half of us stayed. I think that after a month nobody will stay alive. We do not think about saving our life. We are warriors and are not afraid to die for our country. Perhaps this letter will be the last one. Please do not be angry with me .
I miss you. I am looking forward to meeting you. Anyway, tell me tell me who's alive and who's dead? How are you doing? How is Mum going on?
I kiss you many times. I want to see you very much. I dream of children – Valya, Vitya and little Mirochka.
Best wishes,
Ponomaryov Ivan Ivanovich
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Through the pages of the Family Album.
As you know I like taking photos. It is my hobby and I can't miss an opportunity to make photo of an interesting event. Now I want to show you one of my best photos
I took this photo on the 9-th of May 2019 when I visited my great-grandmother. This is the most important day in our Family. On this day our family congratulate our great-grandmother with Victory day and give her flowers. She is the war veteran of the Great Patriotic War .
In the foreground of the picture you can see my great-grandmother, Zasim Olga Petrovna, she is smiling and holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands . She is telling me the story of her life. She was only 19 when the Great Patriotic War began . She had attended some first aid courses and became an army nurse. She brought wounded soldiers from the battlefields and did them first aid. She will never forget the badly wounded soldiers begging for help. She served in the second Belorussian front till October 1945. My great-grandmother has many medals. She was awarded many medals among them medal “For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 “, the Medal of Zhukov , the medal “For the Victory over Japan” and she has all jubilee medals She fought for our Motherland and I am grateful to her for her heroism and I am proud of my my great-grandmother, Olga .
I keep this photo in my album because great- grandmother Olga looks really nice and happy here and it reminds me of meeting with her. Moreover , I used this photo for my school project “ The Veterans , who defended our Motherland’
You know, I’ve decided to show this picture to you because it carries pleasant memories and I want to share my impressions of the meeting with my great- grand mother Olga.
That’s all I wanted to say
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Куркина Стефания Алексеевна МОУ « СОШ № 21» г. Магнитогорска
Руководитель : Сарманова Любовь Николаевна , учитель английского языка.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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