открытое мероприятие: День Благодарения
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
открытое мероприятие, посвященному Дню Благодарения. цель мероприятия: воспитание уважения к культуре изучаемого языка, мотивировать учащихся на принятие участияв мероприятиях на английском языке. развивать навыки иумения говорения и аудирования.
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открытое мероприятие: День Благодарения | 22.55 КБ |
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Открытое мероприятие
Тема: Праздники в Америке: «День Благодарения» Место проведения: МБОУ Лицей №1 им.Г.С.Титова ( актовый зал)
Класс: 6
Учитель английского языка: Родионова Д. Г.
Цели: - развивать умения диалогической и монологической речи по теме;
- ознакомить учащихся с праздниками и традициями страны изучаемого языка;
- воспитывать уважение к иноязычной культуре.
Задачи: мотивировать учащихся на участие во внеклассных мероприятиях.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор.
Сценарий праздника (+ презентация) : Thanksgiving Day.
1.Слайд: Ведущий -Presenter 1: Dear Children! Dear teachers! Welcome to our Thanksgiving party!
2. Слайд: Ведущий 2: The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.
3. Слайд: Ведущий Presenter - 1. When Pilgrims came to America, they had no houses to live in, no food to eat. The only people they met were Indians and they helped the Pilgrims. Native Indians taught them how to plant, to fish and to hunt. 4. Слайд: Ведущий - Presenter 2. The crops did well, and the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate with a Thanksgiving feast.
(поднять экран) Ведущий- Presenter 1. Now we will return to the past of America, in 1620 …..
Indian 1. (Выходит индеец): Ladies and gentlemen! I am an American Indian and these are my people. (звучит музыка- танец «индейцев») включить музыку
Выходят ученики в костюмах пилигримов. (опустить экран) 5. Слайд: Pilgrim 1: We are newcomers and have come from England. We sailed to America on the ship “Mayflower”. We are glad to welcome you. (поют песню: нажать (Видео с песней)
Let’s sing a song “The Mayflower”
The Mayflower, the Mayflower
A little ship on an ocean trip.
The Mayflower, the Mayflower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
The lightning was fright’ning
The winds were strong as they rode along
On the Mayflower, the Mayflower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
Twas dreary and bleary,
They nearly froze in their Pilgrim Clothes
On the Mayflower, the Mayflower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
Then land ho!
We all know,
They came to dock up at Plymouth Rock
On the Mayflower, the Mayflower
A yo ho ho over the sea.
6 слайд: Pilgrim 2. Thanksgiving Day is national American holiday. People celebrate this day on the fourth Thursday of November.
Pilgrim 3. Do you know the story?
Of the first Thanksgiving Day
Founded by our Pilgrim Fathers
In that time so far away?
They had given for religion
Wealth and comfort – yes, and more –
Left their homes and friends and children
For unknown barren shore.
Presenter 1. Meet the Governor William Bradford. (выходят губернатор и пилигрим)
The Governor: We have gathered a rich harvest. Nobody will be hungry this winter. Oh, thanks God!
Pilgrim 4.
Dear Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day
With grateful hearts we bow and pray
For blessing given from our birth
Exceeding way beyond our worth
For friends who’ve proven to be true;
For pets, which count as friendship too.
For home and country, health and love
All sent to us from Heaven above. Lord, please, continue to be near
And guide us through another year. (by Carol Neumann).
7 слайд: Ведущий-Presenter 2: Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. Turkey is the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.
T is for turkey on Thanksgiving Day,
H is for “Hurry, I’m hungry!” we say.
A is for Auntie, she works and she mends,
N is for Native American friends.
K is for kitchen, the oven’s on low,
S is for silverware, set in a row.
G is for Grandma, the one we love most,
I is for inside, where we’re warm as toast.
V is for vegetables, eat them we try,
I is for ice cream on top of the pie.
N is for never do we have enough dressing,
G is for Grandpa, who gives thanks for our blessings.
8. Слайд: ведущий 1: Listen some poems about this holiday. ( ученики рассказывают стихи )
The 1st pupil recites a verse: “ Apple pie” Apple pie, pumpkin pie, turkey on the dish!
We can see, we can eat
everything we
wish, wish, wish, wish. Grandma's here,
Grandpa's here,
cousins bright and gay
Aunts and uncles
share with us this good Thanksgiving
day, day, day, day.
Thank you, God,
thank you, God,
for good things to eat
Thank you also
for this day
then we with friendly hearts do meet, meet, meet.
The 2nd pupil recites a verse: Thanksgiving Dinner
Take a turkey, stuff it fat,
Some of this and some of that.
Get some turnips, peel them well.
Cook a big squash in its shell.
Now potatoes, big and white,
Mash till they are soft and light.
Cranberries, so tart and sweet,
With the turkey we must eat.
Pickles-yes-and then, oh my!
For a dessert a pumpkin pie,
Golden brown and spicy sweet.
What a fine Thanksgiving treat!
The 3rd pupil recites a verse: Happy Thanksgiving,
From Morning till night.
Hope whatever you do,
brings you joy and delight.
Hope family and friends
And those you hold dear
Make magical memories
You’ll cherish all year.
The 4th pupil recites a verse
Thanks for the bounty of the year |
9. Слайд: Ведущий 2. We are thankful to our nearest and dearest for many things. Happy Thanksgiving for everyone! 10. Слайд. Ведущий 1. Let’s have a quiz: (the first question is) 1. When did the Pilgrims sail to America? 2. What was the name of the ship? 3. When do Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving Day? 4. What is the traditional food? Well done, thank you for your attention! Ведущий 1. Be joyful! Be thankful! Give thanks! (пилигримы угощают зрителей печеньем, которые лежат у них в корзинках)
and Let’s sing a song : “Thank you on Thanksgiving Day” Слайд 11 Все участники поют: Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you
Let’s all say thank-you
We will all say thank-you
On this special day
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you
Let’s all say thank-you, together we ‘ll sing thank you
On Thanksgiving Day!
Many, many years ago
When pilgrims first arrived
Crops were small, this made it all
A challenge to survive
In honor of their hard work
They all gathered ‘round and dined
And gave their thanks at harvest time
We celebrate this holiday
With friends and family
And thank the Lord for all our gifts
This joyful jubilee
There’s turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie Enough for everyone
Let’s eat and drink and have some fun.
Presenter: Our concert dedicated to the day of thanksgiving is coming to the end!
Thank you for your attention!
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