Урок в 11 классе "Обучение говорению в формате ЕГЭ"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
В раработке урока представлена схема подготовки учащихся к устной части ЕГЭ (задания1,4)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-практикум в 11 классе
Тема: "Подготовка к выполнению заданий раздела ГОВОРЕНИЕ ЕГЭ по английскому языку"
Цель: формировать у учащихся навыки чтения, монологической речи, способствовать подготовке учащихся к успешной сдаче устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
Задачи урока:
- образовательные: развивать навыки чтения вслух; развивать умения монологической речи (сравнение и противопоставление двух картинок);
- развивающие: развивать память, внимание, воображение, логическое мышление и языковую догадку; учить сравнивать, анализировать, обобщать;
- воспитательные: воспитывать способность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группах, правильно оценивать свои возможности в любом виде деятельности, свои успехи и неудачи.
Оснащенность урока: компьютер с проектором, презентация, тексты для чтения, диктофон
Тип урока: урок-практикум
Ход урока
I. Начало урока (Preliminaries)
1. Оргмомент (Greeting and Aim)
Slide 1
T - Hello everyone. Nice to see you. Our lesson will be devoted to some of the ways of preparing for the Russian National Exam in English , Part Speaking. You will have a bit of practice in doing the tasks of Part Speaking. They say "Practice makes perfect".
2. Речевая зарядка ( Warming up )
Slide 2
T - Let's start now. First a bit of warming up.
Look at the slide (Slide 2), read the famous quotations and try to predict what we are going to speak about just now. P
T - Yes, we'll speak about learning foreign languages.
- Do you think people should learn foreign languages?
- Why? What advantages do we have if we know at least one foreign language?
Possible answers:
If we know foreign languages, we can
- read feature books in the original and appreciate the author's style and language;
- read special books for improving professional skills;
- get better, more interesting and well paid jobs;
- get new friends in the net;
- communicate with foreigners and understand them better;
- watch films and shows without interpreters or scripts;
- understand songs while listening to them.
- Knowing foreign languages, we have more chances to learn about other countries, cultures and lifestyles .
- Learning foreign languages helps to train memory as we have to memorize a lot of new words.
- Finally, it's a good hobby which makes our life more interesting.
T - Well you have given good reasons for learning foreign languages. Now let's watch a short video film and listen to what other people say about learning English.
Video film"Why is it important to learn English?"(YouTube –cambridgeenlishtv 1 min. 22 sec.)
Slide 3
T - Do you share these people's opinions? So do I. It's really very important to learn English nowadays. It gives us a lot of advantages.
II. Основная часть урока (The Main Part of the Lesson)
T - Now let us focus on some of the ways of learning English. Then we'll analyze everything and decide what we must do to perfect our knowledge .
Slide 4
Today we shall concentrate on Part Speaking of the Russian National Exam. How many tasks does it comprise?
P1 : 4 parts - reading a text, asking questions, describing a picture and comparing and contrasting two pictures.
T - You're right. But today we'll try to do only the first and the forth tasks. Let's start with Task 1 which is reading a text. But first, let's do some preparatory exercises.
Slide 5
(Revise the rules of reading vowels. Give examples for each type. Use the words below.)
Slide 6
(Read the words. Pay attention to the stressed syllables.)
T. Well done. And now I’d like you to read the text and put l or ll in it to show where you should pause. Compare your text with the marked variant .
(Slide 7)
(Each pupil has a card with the text).
T: Now get ready to do Task1. Remember to pronounce the words and to stress the syllables correctly, to use the appropriate intonation, not to make unnecessary pauses. Mind the time frames! You have only 1.5 minutes to read the text aloud.
Slide 8
Чтение записывается на диктофон, затем сравнивается с образцом и анализируется.
T - Thank you. Now we are coming to Task 4. We'll do only two preparatory exercises for doing task 4 of Part Speaking, then, you'll do the task itself as it is given in the RNE format. First of all, Let’s make two groups. The first one will find the similarities between two pictures; the second one will find the differences. Then you’ll read your ideas.
Slide 9
T – You are very clever students. And the following task is to put the phrases to make the logically completed text.
Slide 10
T - Thank you. Now you'll try to compare and contrast 2 pictures. Try to remember all the useful tips for doing this task. Remember to follow the plan and cover all its points in a logical order. Don't forget to make the introduction and the conclusion. Express your ideas clearly and correctly. Remember the time frames.
Slide 11
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
· give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
· say what the pictures have in common
· say in what way the pictures are different
· say which of the ways of taking care of your health presented in the pictures you’d prefer
. explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Сначала учащиеся описывают картинки данные с слайде 8, затем другую пару картинок.
Slide 12
Все ответы записываются на диктофон и после выполнения указывается на основные ошибки. На следующем уроке дается подробный анализ выполнения всех заданий.
III. Заключительная часть урока. The final part of the lesson
T - Thank you for working hard at the lesson. That's all for the moment. We'll analyze our work in details at the next lesson. Stand up. See you tomorrow. Good bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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