Итоговая работа 7 класс
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Задоя Екатерина Петровна

Итоговая проверочная работа 7 класс УМК О. В. Афанасьева углубленное изучение.


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Final Test

  1. Complete the sentences using the prepositions for, up, at, after, through, away, off, back, down, out.
  1. People like to look … the animals at the Zoo. 2. Will you look … while I’m away? 3. John gave … smoking last year. 4. When she grew up, Kate gave … all her children’s books and toys. 5. I’m afraid I can’t make … the meaning of the text. 6. He said something angrily and made … . We have never seen him again. 7. What’s your telephone number? I’d like to take it … . 8. Please, take ... your coat and hat.

  1. Put the words in the right order to make up sentences.
  1. always/my father/ in the morning/ buys/newspapers.
  2. to see/ happy/you/here/we/both/are.
  3. stays/in summer/never/in town/he
  4. born/they/in St/ Petersburg/were/in 1992/all?
  5. to the seaside/often/doesn’t/for his holiday/go/he.
  6. Mary/feels/sad and unhappy/seldom.
  1. Choose the right form of the verb to complete the sentences.
  1. When Peter came to the party, the guests____ dinner and were dancing.
  1. were finishing                 b) had finished                   c) finished
  1. It’s six o’clock. I wonder what Nina ____ .
  1. is doing                            b) does                                 c) will be doing
  1. At this time yesterday Richard _______ .
  1. was still sleeping           b) is still sleeping                c) has still slept
  1. When I come home, my mother ____ my favourite pies.
  1. will be cooking               b) cooks                               c) will cook
  1. I ____ my homework and now I am watching TV.
  1. does                                 b) did                                    c) have done
  1. Every morning my sister ____ to school at 8 o’clock.
  1. go                                      b) goes                                c) was going
  1. My friends and I ____ tennis next Sunday.
  1. will play                           b) will be playing                 c) had played
  1. When I came home yesterday, I had dinner then I ___ to bed.
  1. was going                        b) had gone                         c) went
  1. Insert  to where necessary.
  1. I have never heard anyone …  sing so well.
  2. Why wasn’t Ann allowed … go to Kate’s party?
  3. We don’t expect them … return before lunchtime.
  4. Did you see Mary … dance at yesterday’s party?
  5. Do your parents let you … sit up late?
  6. She was made … clean the room.
  7. My teacher made me … learn the poem by heart.
  1. Choose the right word.
  1. Her sister is usually a … nice woman, she never shouts.
  1. misty                                  b) calm                                         c) changeable
  1. What does the farm ….?
  1. produce                             b) ruin                                           c) influence
  1. We used … boxes to carry our books.
  1. cardboard                         b) fragile                                       c) heavy
  1. Environmental … is becoming dangerous.
  1. population                         b) weapon                                    c) pollution
  1. His first day at school was a … .
  1. mess                                    b) disaster                                   c) praise
  1. The students stopped to admire the … .
  1. shape                                  b) scenery                                    c) position
  1. This house is mine; I … it.
  1. touching                             b) control                                     c) own
  1. Did he ... in the army for two years?
  1. rescue                                 b) injure                                       c) serve
  1. He … out his arm to try and get the apple.
  1. stretched                            b) rose                                           c) melted
  1. Are you … to know how that old clock works?
  1. graceful                              b) curious                                      c) bushy


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