Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку "Family is a good start"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)
Разработка представлена в виде детального плана, построенный по методике TKT
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Предварительный просмотр:
Steps | Procedure | Subsidiary | Aids and materials | Interactive patterns | Timing |
1.Warm up | 1. A teacher writes 3 sentences down about her previous weekend on the whiteboard and ask students to guess what sentence is true/false. 2. Sts work in pairs and write their own 3 T-F sentences about the weekend and guess what is T/F. 3. Any student performs interesting facts about his/her partner`s weekend. | 1.To bring class into focus after the weekend and get them talking and thinking. 2. To get students actively involved. 3.To encourage personal involvement. | 1.True-False sentences on the board. 2.T/F sentences on paper | 2.Teacher -whole class 2.Pair work 3.Individual work | 5 min |
2. Lead-in (Aim-setting) | Sts watch some video for making a prediction on what topic the lesson would be based for the day. 2. Sts suggest the main idea of the video, the teacher elicits the right variant and write it on the board: "The role of the family" | To raise awareness of what the lesson aim will be. | A video | Whole class | 3 min |
3.Revision of vocabulary (Pre-listening, pre-speaking) | 1. Teacher shows the thematic pictures and Sts try to remember ws and wcombinations from the topic. 2. Sts write ws and wcombinations on the board.( the word map filling) | 1.To activate vocabulary through demonstrating pictures and making a word map. 2. To check sts` awareness of the vocabulary from the previous lessons. | 1.Pictures on the topic "Family", some magnets Board, chalk | Teacher-the whole class Individual work | 7 min |
4. Controlled practice activities (speaking) While-listening Post - listening | 1. Sts deivide into 3 groups and make up a short story using any 5 key phrases they have mentioned. 2. Each group represents its own stories. The rest of the group listens for detail. 3. While listening to the stories sts from other groups prepare the questions concerning the stories. 4. Sts answer their classmates` questions concerning their stories and have a short discussion about the topic. | 1. To give sts fluency practice, to create a context. 2.To focus students` attention on target language. 3. To practise detailed listening 4. To assess students' progress on part of a course | Key words on the board, paper | Group work | 8 min |
5. Introducing new vocabulary (Reading for gist) Reading for detail | 1. Sts stay in groups. They get the letters from teens having some problems in the family. Sts read the texts for gist and understand what problems the teens have. 2. Answer the questions after the texts and discuss them in groups | 1. To practise deducing of words from context 2. To practise using of the new vocabulary in answering the questions. | Teens` letters | Group work | |
6. Speaking | 1.Each group represents the ways out of teens` problems using their experience. 2. Sts sum up all the information concerning the topic and try to answer the question "What`s the role of the family in teens` life?" | 1. To get students actively involved in problem-solving. To develop critical thinking. 2. | Teens` letters | Group work | |
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