Рабочие листы для апробации авторской программы. РВГ 10-11 "Спортлайт"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Рабочие листы


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Рабочие листы для апробации авт.прогр. РВГ 10-1111, Cпотлайт, 4а

1.In the summer of 1965, British mountaineers Joe Simson and Simon Yates set out to climb Siula Grande, 21.000(twenty- one thousand) foot peak in Peruvian Andes. They climbed together, but only one of them returned home. In 34 (thirty- four) they meet each other in our studio. Meet them!

2. Good morning!

3.  Good morning!

4. To begin with, how did you reach the summit? Was it the easiest way?

5. I could hardly remember those days 34 (thirty- four) years ago. My health was poor and I felt to crevasse. But Simon started bravely and I don’t feel hurt.

6. We chose the most difficult way up the mountain and reached the summit without any problem.

7. Joe, what happened on your back road?

8. Accidently I slipped on the easier path and broke my leg in 3 places. I couldn’t move but the icy storm began. Oh! My poor leg!

9. I know that Simon decided to safety you, Joe, using a rope.

10. Really, I lowered Joe down the mountain with the rope hundred meters at time for some hours but then I got no sound or signal from Joe…

11…Joe, why were you unable to climb back up the rope? ….

12. My poor fingers were frostbitten and I couldn’t climb. I thought I have died.

13. Guys, did you try to communicate?

14. It was a problem. We were too far away from each other. I held on the rope but my strength grew weaker. I didn’t have any power.

15. Simon. It was life and death decision, wasn’t it?

16. It’s a shame, I can’t forgive myself but I cut the rope to stay alive. Forgive me. Joe!

17. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore!

18. No comment!


Joe Simpson

Simon Yates

1.In the summer of 1965, British mountaineers Joe Simson and Simon Yates set out to climb Siula Grande, 21.000(twenty- one thousand) foot peak in Peruvian Andes. They climbed together, but only one of them returned home. In 34 (thirty- four) they meet each other in our studio. Meet them!

2. Good morning!

2. Good morning!

4. To begin with, how did you reach the summit? Was it the easiest way?

5. I could hardly remember those days 34 (thirty- four) years ago. My health was poor and I felt to crevasse. But Simon started bravely and I don’t feel hurt.

6. We chose the most difficult way up the mountain and reached the summit without any problem.

7. Joe, what happened on your back road?

8. Accidently I slipped on the easier path and broke my leg in 3 places. I couldn’t move but the icy storm began. Oh! My poor leg!

9. I know that Simon decided to safety you, Joe, using a rope.

10. Really, I lowered Joe down the mountain with the rope hundred meters at time for some hours but then I got no sound or signal from Joe…

11…Joe, why were you unable to climb back up the rope? ….

12. My poor fingers were frostbitten and I couldn’t climb. I thought I have died.

13. Guys, did you try to communicate?

14. It was a problem. We were too far away from each other. I held on the rope but my strength grew weaker. I didn’t have any power.

15. Simon. It was life and death decision, wasn’t it?

16. It’s a shame, I can’t forgive myself but I cut the rope to stay alive. Forgive me. Joe!

17. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore!

18. No comment!



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