материал по английскому языку (6 класс)
Обучение английскому языку в 6-м классе ведется по учебно-методическому комплекту автора Кузовлева В.П.. УМК включает в себя учебник, аудиозаписи и тетрадь для ученика. Программа рассчитана на базисный план общеобразовательной школы – 3 часа в неделю.
Работая над темой “Здоровье”, стараюсь подбирать учебный материал согласно возрастным и индивидуальным особенностям учащихся, их общеуровневой подготовки по предмету.
Целью урока является совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения и чтения по теме.
Исходя из этой цели, мной были поставлены следующие практические задачи:
1. Активизировать лексику по теме «Здоровье» в речи учащихся.
2. Развивать речевые навыки учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи.
3. Тренировать учащихся в чтении.
4. Тренировать учащихся в работе в парах
5. Повторить грамматический материал по теме «Модальные глаголы»
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Предварительный просмотр:
План урока в 6 классе
Тема урока: «Здоровье» “ Health”
Цель урока: Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения и чтения по теме.
1. Активизировать лексику по теме «Здоровье» в речи учащихся.
2. Развивать речевые навыки учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи.
3. Тренировать учащихся в чтении.
4. Тренировать учащихся в работе в парах
5. Повторить грамматический материал по теме «Модальные глаголы»
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий
Оборудование: карточки для учащихся, телевизор, компьютер.
Ход урока
1 Организация класса на урок:
Приветствие учителя и учеников.
- Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Проверка готовности к уроку.
2 Постановка целей и задач урока.
- Today we continue to speak about health. At the lesson we will work at different exercises such as: answer questions, read the text, make dialogues. I think we will be active. I wish you good luck. Let’s begin our work.
3 Речевая зарядка:
- We begin with warming up. Answer my questions.
What date is it today?
What day of week is it today?
What season is it?
What is the weather like today?
4 Фонетическая зарядка:
Хоровая работа: повторение слов за учителем и индивидуальная.
It’s time to practice English sounds and words. Listen and repeat after me all together.
(h) - health, healthy, horrible
(ei) - backache, headache, stomachache
(d) - dentist, doctor, advice.
5 Основная часть урока.
- Проверка домашней работы
Let’s check up your homework.
Презентация картинок с болезнями.
p.92 ex.1
Look at the screen and tell me what you see.
- Развитие монологической и диалогической речи. When we have different problems we consult different doctors. Tell me please what doctors do you know?
- We know … ( картинки на экране)
Please ask my questions.
- When do consult a pediatrician?
- When do consult a surgeon?
- When do consult a veterinarian?
- When do consult a dentist?
- Работа в парах, составляем диалоги.
Work in pairs and make a short dialogue “At the doctor”
Карточки с фразами по теме.
- Физминутка.
I think you need a break. Let’s have a rest.
Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together.
Stand, stand, stand your feet, stand your feet together.
Shake, shake, shake your hands, shake your hands together.
Smile, smile, smile a smile, let’s we smile together.
- Практика чтения и перевода.
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions.
"The last tooth.”
Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth. I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!”
1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream?
2. What did he liked to eat?
3. When his last tooth fall out?
4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth?
5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets?
6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset?
f) Грамматическая практика. (should/shouldn’t)
Open your book on the p.97 ex.3
What should/shouldn’t children do?
6 Итог урока. Рефлексия.
There are several minutes before the bell. Take these cards and write down your answers about our work at the lesson.
Homework: p.105 ex.1
Your marks are good. Thank you for the lesson. See you next time.
The lesson is over. Good-bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Read and translate the short funny story and answer the questions. "The last tooth.” Tom liked sweets and ice-cream very much, but he didn’t like to go to dentist, that’s why he didn’t have all his teeth. Yesterday, his last tooth fell out. Tom’s mother was very upset. But Tom wasn’t sorry about that. He said: "That’s very good! I don’t have teeth, I can eat ace-cream and sweets every day!” 1. Who liked sweets and ice-cream? 2. What did he liked to eat? 3. When his last tooth fall out? 4. Why wasn’t Tom sorry about his last tooth? 5. How often can he eat ice-cream and sweets? 6. Why was Tom’s mother very upset? |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
A surgeon
A dentist
A veterinarian
A pediatrician
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