тест "инфинитив, герундий"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Exercise 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
- His mother always tells him (study) hard.
- Does she know how (play) this game?
- You need (say) sorry to your mother.
- Do you fancy (go) out tonight?
- You must (visit) your grandma at hospital.
- I’ve never been to a language camp but I’d like (go) one day.
Answers: 1. to study 2. to play 3. to say 4. watching 5. visit 6. to go.
Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
- You should avoid (have) an argument with your mother.
- Let me (stay) up a little longer. I don’t want to come back in empty house.
- The attic needs (paint).
- They didn’t let us (leave) the room.
- She’s not old enough (drive) a car.
- Take a deep breath (feel) better.
- I can’t stand (watch) stupid videos.
- My parents made me (stay) at home.
- Will you help me (repair) this toy?
- It’s not worth (try) to spend your time on him.
- You should (be) very careful when you cross the street.
- He was advised (report) about the accident to the police.
- I canIt wait (tell) you the good news.
- She can’t stand (be/told) lies.
- I don’t mind (help) you with the homework.
Answers: 1. having 2. stay 3. painting 4. leave 5. to drive 6. to feel 7. watching 8. stay 9. repair
10. trying 11. be 12. to report 13. to tell 14. being told 15. helping.
Exercise 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
- I’m hungry! How about (order) a pizza?
- I would like (be) a musician when I’m older.
- Her mother made her (tell) where she had been last night.
- It’s to late (apply) for the job. They’ve already found a teacher.
- I love (play) board games with my family.
- He went to the gym without (eat) any dinner.
- It was very unusual for our teacher (shout) like that.
- There’s no point in (do) this.
- I’d love (see) your rabbit!
- Bill keeps (forget) to do his chores.
- You must (go) with her.
- Do you fancy (go) to the cinema now?
Answers: 1. ordering 2. to be 3. tell 4. to apply 5. playing/to play 6. eating 7. to shout 8. doing 9. to see 10. forgetting 11. report 12. going.
Exercise 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
1. She did’t mean (be) rude. It was just a joke.
2. Dieting means (be) very careful about food.
3. I remember (put) my wallet in my bag before I left home.
4. Did you remember (buy) some milk?
5. He went on (type) his report until the morning.
6. After Jane had completed her Italian course she went on (improve) her Spanish.
7. Why don’t you try (drink) not so much coffee?
8. I tried (open) the door but I couldn’t.
9. We regret (tell) you that you have not been selected for the team.
10. Sam regretted (tell) his best friend lies.
11. Children had been playing for quite a while before they stoped (have) dinner.
12. She’s been having trouble sleeping lately so she’s (have) coffee in the afternoon.
13. I hate (bother) you, but may I ask you to help me?
14. I hate (cause) you so much trouble.
15. I will never forget (meet) you for the first time.
16. Tom forgot (buy) milk.
Answers: 1. to be 2. being 3.putting 4. to buy 5. typing 6. to improve 7. drinking 8. to open 9. to tell 10. telling 11. to have 12. having 13. bothering 14. to cause 15. meeting 16. to buy.
Вариант 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
- You should avoid (have) an argument with your mother.
- Let me (stay) up a little longer. I don’t want to come back in empty house.
- The attic needs (paint).
- They didn’t let us (leave) the room.
- She’s not old enough (drive) a car.
- Take a deep breath (feel) better.
- I can’t stand (watch) stupid videos.
- My parents made me (stay) at home.
- Will you help me (repair) this toy?
- It’s not worth (try) to spend your time on him.
- You should (be) very careful when you cross the street.
- He was advised (report) about the accident to the police.
- I canIt wait (tell) you the good news.
- She can’t stand (be/told) lies.
- I don’t mind (help) you with the homework.
Answers: 1. having 2. stay 3. painting 4. leave 5. to drive 6. to feel 7. watching 8. stay 9. repair
10. trying 11. be 12. to report 13. to tell 14. being told 15. helping.
Вариант 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).
- I’m hungry! How about (order) a pizza?
- I would like (be) a musician when I’m older.
- Her mother made her (tell) where she had been last night.
- It’s to late (apply) for the job. They’ve already found a teacher.
- I love (play) board games with my family.
- He went to the gym without (eat) any dinner.
- It was very unusual for our teacher (shout) like that.
- There’s no point in (do) this.
- I’d love (see) your rabbit!
- Bill keeps (forget) to do his chores.
- You must (go) with her.
- Do you fancy (go) to the cinema now?
- His mother always tells him (study) hard.
- Does she know how (play) this game?
- You need (say) sorry to your mother.
Answers: 1. ordering 2. to be 3. tell 4. to apply 5. to play 6. eating 7. to shout 8. doing 9. to see 10. forgetting 11. report 12. going. 13. to study. 14. to play. 15 to say
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