Открытый урок на тему "Англоговорящие страны"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Урок посвящен англо-говорящим странах в рамках изучения страноведения
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка
Класс: 6
Дата: 19 февраля 2014г.
Учитель: Елагина Е.В.
Тема «English-speaking countries». «Англо-говорящие страны».
Тип урока: совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков, полученных ранее и целевого применения усвоенного.
- Обобщить знания учащихся по теме.
- Закрепить ранее изученный лексический материал по теме.
- Проверить усвоение учащимися страноведческих понятий.
- Развивать умения монологической речи.
- Развивать умение восприятия речи со слуха
- Развивать социокультурные компетенции учащихся через приобщение к иноязычной культуре.
- Развивать языковую догадку.
- Развитие памяти, мышления, внимания, языковую догадку, самостоятельность, уверенность в своих силах.
- Воспитание эстетических взглядов.
- Воспитывать умение внимательно слушать одноклассников.
- Воспитывать любовь к английскому языку через изучение нового и интересного.
Планируемые результаты:
- Проявлять интерес к изучению языка;
- Понимание успешности в усвоении темы;
Познавательные умения:
- Развивать навыки аудирования.
- Развивать навыки и умения работать с информацией.
Регулятивные умения:
- Выполнять задания в соответствии с целью и поставленной задачей;
- Выполнять самопроверку и само-корректировку учебных заданий;
- Соотносить поставленные цели и получать результаты деятельности;
- Формировать умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;
- Формировать умения монологического высказывания;
- Адекватно использовать речь для предоставления результата.
- Воспринимать на слух текст и выделять нужную информацию;
- Развитие навыков работы с информацией, обобщение и фиксации.
Необходимое оборудование и материалы.
Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор (презентация), оформленная доска (карта мира), раздаточный материал (карточки для заполнения).
План урока:
- Организационный момент. Речевая разминка.
- Целеполагание.
- Развитие навыков аудирования на понимание текста
- Развитие навыков монологической речи (докладчики).
- Просмотр компьютерных презентаций
- Физминутка (между презентациями).
- Подсчет очков
- Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
- Домашнее задание.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Презентация темы урока.
At our lessons we have learned a lot about English-speaking countries but we mainly spoke about the United Kingdom. Today we are going to lear about other countries where people speak English as the first or mother tongue.
II. Речевая разминка. Warming Up:
Today we are going to listen to our classmates and answer their questions about the countries they are going to present. At the end of the lesson we will find out who learned more about the countries we are going to speak.
What other English-speaking countries do we know? Look at the map and name them.
Possible answers: The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK
In some countries people speak two languages and English is an official second language. They are:
Possible answers: India, Pakistan,
III. Представление учащихся своих работ об англо-говорящих странах.
Nastya will tell us about Canada and after that she will check how much we remembered about it. Nastya presents her work about Canada and asks her questions:
Here is a short quiz to find out some facts about Canada.
- Canada is
a) the largest country in the world
b) the second largest country in the world
c) the third largest country in the world
- The capital of Canada is
a) Monreal
b) Toronto
c) Ottawa
- Canada has two official languages. They are
a) English and German
b) English and French
c) English and Canadian
- The national currency of Canada is
a) the Canadian franc
b) the Canadian dollar
c) the Canadian pound
- The official colours of Canada are
a) red and blue
b) white and red
c) red and gold
- The world-famous waterfall situated in Canada is
a) Victoria
b) Niagara
c) Sutherland
- Canada's special sport is
a) baseball
b) football
c) ice hockey
- The Canadian head of state is
a) the Queen
b) the President
c) the Prime Minister
- A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called
a) an igloo
b) a cabin
c) a hut
Now you can check yourself and see if you were right:
- b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. a
*Teacher's remark: It might be strange but although Canada is now an independant country and has its own Prime Minister, the official head of the country is still the British Queen
Now Alina will tell us about Australia – the biggest island and the smallest continent.
Here is a short quiz to find out some facts about Australia.
- The native people in Australia are called
a) Indians
b) Australians
c) Aboriginal
- The capital of Australia is
a) Sydney
b) Adalaid
c) Canberra
- The biggest city in Australia is
a) Adelaide
b) Perth
c) Sydney
- The most popular sport in Australia is
a) swimming
b) surfing
c) sailing
- The giant red sandstone rock in Australia is called
a) Uluru
b) Uggs
c) Outback
- 80% of the population live
a) on trees
b) in villages
c) in cities
- Oz is the name of
a) the city
b) the flag
c) the country
- The famous Australian actor is
a) Mel Gibson
b) Tom Cruise
c) Russel Crowe
- Where do Australians celebrate New Year
a) at home
b) in restaurants
c) on the beach
Now you can check yourself and see if you were right:
1.b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. c
Now Oleg will tell us about Ireland. Ireland is one of the countries where people speak English.
Here is a short quiz to find out some facts about Ireland.
1. Ireland is often called «Emerald island» because
a) the rivers are green
b) the sea is green
c) the grass is green all year round.
- Its nearest neighbour is
a) France
b) Holland
c) England
- The national flower of Ireland is
a) a clover
b) a daffodil
c) a rose
- The capital of Ireland is
a) Belfast
b) Dublin
c) Cardiff
- The patron saint of Ireland is
a) St.Patrick
b) St.Andrew
c) St.George
- The island is washed by
a) the Pacific Ocean
b) the Indian Ocean
c) the Atlantic Ocean
- The most popular sport in Ireland is
a) rugby
b) soccer
c) cricket
- The head of the state is
a) the President
b) the Prime Minister
c) the Queen
- How many countries are there on the island called Ireland
a) one
b) two
c) three
Now you can check yourself and see if you were right
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. c 9.b
And now our last presentation from Gosha who is going to tell us about New Zealand.
Here's a short quiz about New Zealand:
1. The capital city is
a) Aukland
b) Sydney
c) Wellington
2. The climate is
a) cold
b) sunny and hot
c) hot and dry
3. New Zealand is situated
a) in Southern Hemisphere
b) in the Equator
c) in Northern Hemisphere
4. Popular sports in New Zealand are
a) windsurfing, hockey
b) football, surfing
c) swimming, diving, surfing
5. The native people of New Zealand are
a) Indians
b) Maori
c) Chinese
6. New Zealand consists of
a) four big islands
b) tree big islands
c) two big islands
7. It is washed by
a) the Atlantic Ocean
b) the Indian ocean
c) the Pacific Ocean
8. Aukland is called «The city of sails» because
a) there are a lot of sailors
b) sails are produced here
c) there are a lot of sailing boats
9. The film made in New Zealand is
a) Harry Porter
b) The Lord of Rings
c) Romeo and Juliet
10. The nearest neighbour is
a) China
b) Australia
c) Malaysia
Now you can check your answers:
- 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.b
IV. Подсчет баллов
V. Самопроверка -рефлексия. Evaluation: Marks & Conclusion
1. What did you like at the lesson?
2. What was difficult for you?
3. Whose answer was the best?
4. What is your opinion about your own answer?
VI. Домашнее задание:
Сочинение “The English-speaking country I'd like to visit”
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