Карточки для ролевой игры "В ресторане"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс)
Карточки для ролевой игры "В ресторане"
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Предварительный просмотр:
You are a waiter/waitress at the restaurant “Applebee’s”. The special today is “t-bone steak with a side of french fries and house salad”. The manager asked you to try to sell as many specials today as possible. Try to influence your guests politely to order the special.
Remember the order:
| You are a guest at the restaurant “Applebee’s”. You are not sure what you would like to eat. Ask for a recommendation.
Remember the order:
Be polite! |
You are a guest at the restaurant “Applebee’s” You are very thirsty and need 2 refills of your beverage. Ask the waiter politely for another glass of your drink.
Remember the order:
| Key phrases: 🡪 How many? / Two? / A table for __________? 🡪 Follow me please. / Right this way. 🡪 “Rebecca” will be your server tonight. 🡪 Welcome to “_____”. My name is Jeremy. How are you doing this evening? Let me tell you about our specials today. We have … 🡪 what can I get you to drink? + I’d like a… 🡪 I’ll have the special/ the ___ 🡪 is everything alright? 🡪 the food is excellent/delicious/cold 🡪 Would you like to see our dessert menu? (🡪 I can’t finish my food, could you get me a box please?) 🡪We’d like the check please 🡪 Thank you for dining at ___ today, have a nice day. |
You are a waiter/waitress at the restaurant “Perkins”. You are hoping for a big tip, so you are especially friendly!
Remember the order:
| You are a guest at the restaurant “Perkins”. You are not sure what you would like to eat. Ask for a recommendation.
Remember the order:
Be polite! |
You are a guest at the restaurant “Perkins” You have lots of questions about the food.
Remember the order:
| Key phrases: 🡪 How many? / Two? / A table for __________? 🡪 Follow me please. / Right this way. 🡪 “Rebecca” will be your server tonight. 🡪 Welcome to “_____”. My name is Jeremy. How are you doing this evening? Let me tell you about our specials today. We have … 🡪 what can I get you to drink? + I’d like a… 🡪 I’ll have the special/ the ___ 🡪 is everything alright? 🡪 the food is excellent/delicious/cold 🡪 Would you like to see our dessert menu? (🡪 I can’t finish my food, could you get me a box please?) 🡪We’d like the check please 🡪 Thank you for dining at ___ today, have a nice day. |
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"В ресторане. Ролевые игры"
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