Работа с текстом "Слава Полунин"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)
Подборка упражнений для работы с текстом "Слава Полунин"
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Slava Polunin
You've just read an interview with Slava Polunin who is generally recognized as one of the greatest living clowns. He is one of those rare artists who have climbed to the top of their chosen profession. This is how the newspaper "The Irish Times" has described this world famous mime actor. One of his most successful productions has
been the "Snow Show" which began in 1996 in Britain. A well-known Russian artist and fashion designer Mikhail Shemyakin made some fantastic costumes for Slava's "Snow Show".
The "Snow- Show" can transform adults into wide-eyed children.
Slava was born in a small place in Central Russia. As a boy, he was fond of playing snowballs and making tunnels under the snow. In his "Snow Show" Slava realized the fantasy of his childish games as a mime actor.
Mime traditionally means acting without words. Mime artists believe that they can communicate without language — speak with their bodies, Slava Polunin believes that you can do a show without words but if it needs a word, it's better to put one in.
The "PIay-Makers group", founded by Slava Polunin, is known all over Russia and the world. They have travelled through more than 20 countries. Over 25 years they have made unbelievable progress and have become a national attraction. Their theatrical characters are known to everyone in Russia,
At the moment Slava is about to start work on some new productions working with clowns from Britain and Russia, Polunin's show is constantly changing. Each show is so different from another that "If you watch the show once a year, you will see that each time, it's a new one," says Slava Polunin.
1) Find synonyms to these word combinations:
- not the same;
- to tell a story by using movement of the body;
- an entertainer;
- the highest part;
- unusual;
- to change people\things;
- imaginary;
2) Are these statement true or false?
- Slava Polunin is very successful.
- That show started in Russia.
- Slava Polunin made everything himself.
- He was fond of making sandcastles and tunnels.
- He realized his childish dreams.
- Mime can communicate without words.
- Slava Polunin finished his work.
- Each show isn’t the same.
- The actors of his show are known everywhere.
3) Answer the questions:
- What is Slava Polunin?
- What does he say about his job?
- How has the newspaper “The Irish Times” described this mime actor?
- What is his most successful performance?
- When did it start?
- How did it influence people?
- What was Slava fond of when he was a child?
- What do mimes believe?
- What did he found?
- What is Slava Polunin doing now?
4) Put these sentences in right order to make a story.
- The "Snow Show" began in 1996 in Britain.
- Slava was born in a small place in Central Russia.
- He is one of those rare artists who have climbed to the top of their profession.
- Polunin's show is constantly changing.
- The "Snow- Show" can transform adults into wide-eyed children.
- He was fond of playing snowballs and making tunnels under the snow.
- They have travelled through more than 20 countries.
- Mime traditionally means acting without words.
- Each show is different from another.
- They can speak with their bodies.
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