Употребление форм страдательного залога
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Контрольная работа


Предварительный просмотр:

                               The  Passive

(контроль употребления форм страдательного залога)

I вариант

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, where possible.

1. Mary hasn’t  written the postcard yet.______________________________.

2. Paul goes bowling with his friends on Fridays._______________________.

3. The mechanic will repair our car on Saturday.________________________.

4. Susan enjoys cooking oriental food.________________________________.

5. Had Jack ordered  the pizza?______________________________________.

6. They saw a man running out of the bank.___________________________.

2. Fill in the blanks with by  or  with.        

1. This sauce was made ______fresh tomatoes.

2. Tommy was  bitten______a mosquito during the night.

3. The old table was covered ______ a tablecloth.

4. The hall was decorate_______ pink and purple balloons.

3. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent  where possible.

1. They publish the news journal every month.____________________________________.

  1. Clare faxed me the report this morning._______________________________________,
  2.  People must protect the environment at all costs._______________________________.
  3. The police will have questioned all the suspects  by tomorrow._____________________.
  4. Someone has turned the heating off.__________________________________________.
  5. Who broke the   window?__________________________________________________?
  6. I insist on David writing the report.___________________________________________.
  7. The Minister of Education is making an announcement  at the moment._______________________________________________________________.


The  Passive

(контроль употребления форм страдательного залога)

II вариант

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, where possible.
  1. I have a shower every morning ____________________________________________.
  2. Mum is making dinner at the moment._______________________________________.
  3. The Smiths will be cruising in the Caribbean next week._________________________.
  4. The children walk to school every day.________________________________________.
  5. He didn’t collect the dry cleaning yesterday.___________________________________.
  6. The shop won’t  deliver our furniture until Monday. ____________________________.

  1. Fill in the blanks with by  or  with.
  1. His suit was made______________his mother.
  2. I was frightened____________a strange noise coming from the attic.
  3. The beautiful poem was written _______________my best friend.
  4. The pie is made __________spinach and cheese.

  1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent  where possible.

  1. Picasso  painted  Guenica._________________________________________________.
  2. Has  Mr. Hunter approved the application yet? ________________________________?
  3. She made me tell her the truth. ______________________________________________,
  4. A famous designer is going to make her wedding dress,___________________________________________________________________.
  5. People saw him steal the woman’s bag,________________________________________.
  6. I don’t like people shouting at me. __________________________________________.
  7. My parents let me stay out late on Saturdays.___________________________________.
  8. The Minister of Education is making an announcement  at the moment._______________________________________________________________.


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