Грамматика. Совершенствование навыков употребления страдательного залога.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) по теме
Совершенствование навыков употребления страдательного залога.
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Grammar Practice. The Passive.
Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
‘ll be well looked after was prevented be taken have been neglected was told was left are badly looked after was taken ill to be to be given being called out wasn't called to be sent for was asked |
Harry: I thought I was (1) …… some fish for supper, Nora?
Nora: Harry, I meant to get you some, but I (2) ……… from going out. You see, Tommy Wood next door (3) ……… last night, and this morning he had to (4) ……. to hospital.
Harry: Poor little chap! What's the trouble?
Nora: Well, I (5) …… by Mrs Wood that it was diphtheria .
Harry: Good heavens! That's bad. Anyhow, he (6) …… at the hospital. I suppose his mother went there with him?
Nora: Yes, so you see I (7) …….. to stay in and keep an eye on the other children. Her husband is away, so she (8) ……… to deal with everything.
Harry: Which doctor did she have?
Nora: Dr Williams.
Harry: He's said (9) ……. very good. What a life doctors have! Fancy (10) ……. in the middle of the night.
Nora: Well, as a matter of fact, he (11) ……. until this morning.
Harry: Why not? A doctor ought (12) ……. at the first sign.
Nora: I know — but then the Woods are rather careless.
Harry: It seems to me that their children (13) ……..
Nora: Yes, perhaps their children (14) ……...
Harry: So it's only to be expected if one them of catches diphtheria.
Nora: Oh, but it wasn't really diphtheria.
Harry: What? I thought you told me -
Nora: Oh no; I didn't finish the story. Mrs Wood thought it might be diphtheria, but the doctor himself wasn't sure; and when they got Tommy to hospital they found it was only a bad sore throat.
Grammar Practice. The Passive. KEY
Read the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Harry: I thought I was (1) to be given some fish for supper, Nora?
Nora: Harry, I meant to get you some, but I (2) was prevented from going out. You see, Tommy Wood next door (3) was taken ill last night, and this morning he had to (4) be taken to hospital.
Harry: Poor little chap! What's the trouble?
Nora: Well, I (5) was told by Mrs Wood that it was diphtheria .
Harry: Good heavens! That's bad. Any how, (6) he'll be well looked after at the hospital. I suppose his mother went there with him?
Nora: Yes, so you see I (7) was asked to stay in and keep an eye on the other children. Her husband is away, so she (8) was left to deal with everything.
Harry: Which doctor did she have?
Nora: Dr Williams.
Harry: He's said (9) to be very good. What a life doctors have! Fancy (10) being called out in the middle of the night.
Nora: Well, as a matter of fact, he (11) wasn't called until this morning.
Harry: Why not? A doctor ought (12) to be sent for at the first sign.
Nora: I know — but then the Woods are rather careless,
Harry: It seems to me that their children (13) are badly looked after.
Nora: Yes, perhaps their children (14) have been neglected.
Harry: So it's only to be expected if one them of catches diphtheria.
Nora: Oh, but it wasn't really diphtheria.
Harry: What? I thought you told me -
Nora: Oh no; I didn't finish the story. Mrs Wood thought it might be diphtheria, but the doctor himself wasn't sure; and when they got Tommy to hospital they found it was only a bad sore throat.
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